Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Conan O'Brien and Norm Macdonald

Norm Macdonald stopped by The Tonight Show to deliver a gift basket to Conan O'Brien.

Norm had bought the gift in June when Conan started hosting the show. He just kept forgetting to give it to him.

Although NBC's late night soap opera is getting tiresome and the jokes about it already seem stale, I did think this bit was funny.


Norm read the message he wrote in the gift card back in June 2009.
NORM MACDONALD: Congratulations, Conan, on finally securing your place as permanent host of The Tonight Show. That's something they can never take away from you. It is perhaps the shrewdest programming decision ever made by the NBC brain trust. Sure the pressure is on, but if I know you, Conan O'Brien, 'miserable failure' is not an option. You are the new king of late night!


Before Macdonald made his appearance, O'Brien revealed what he plans to do next week when he has free time.

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