Thursday, January 21, 2010

Conan O'Brien: Bugatti Veyron Mouse

UPDATE: Conan O’Brien Borrowed The Bugatti, Got The Rolling Stones For Cheap
Sure, it was nice watching Conan stick it to his bosses, spending boatloads of NBC’s cash on a Bugatti Veyron and licensing fees for The Rolling Stones song “Satisfaction.” And when NBC pulled the Conan clip, likely to save money on the insane price tag they would incur if the Stones song streamed online, it seemed like Conan really showed them. But now it’s being reported that he borrowed the car.

Jalopnik has the confirmation that the most expensive car in the world, the star of yesterday’s Tonight Show, was indeed borrowed from the Petersen Automotive Museum.

Team Conan must be so disappointed.

You can't trust NBC. You can't trust Conan. Everyone's getting screwed.

I can't handle the disillusionment.


UPDATE: Conan's Payback: How Much Did O'Brien's Bugatti Stunt Cost NBC?
When it comes to the bit's price tag, however, the comedian may have been off by $1 million or so. New York-based entertainment lawyer Steve Gordon says that existing agreements between NBC and music licensing companies would allow the "Tonight Show" to play "Satisfaction" at no additional cost for a live or time-delayed performance.

If the show were to be rerun, he said, NBC might have to pay $25,000 to $50,000 for the song's use to its owner, Abkco, which owns much of the Stones' early work. If a clip of the song were used on the Internet, he said, a similar or greater fee could apply, assuming Abkco allowed permission for its use.

As for the Bugatti -- O'Brien called it the most expensive car in the world, and he's likely right. Car research Web site lists the car's price at $1.99 million.

But just because the car is worth seven figures doesn't mean the show actually paid that much to feature it on air. Luxury car rental service Beverly Hills Rent-a-Car, for instance, charges $25,000 per day for the rental of a Bugatti Veyron.

It is unclear what dealership or rental service "The Tonight Show" used to obtain the car. NBC and O'Brien's publicist did not immediately return calls for comment.

It appears the stunt is causing a bit of a backlash.

More controversy....

Just what Conan needs right now.


Conan O'Brien is making it very clear that he's going to stick it to NBC every way he can.
CONAN O'BRIEN: You know, it is, well, it's looking like this is our, you know, could be our last week. The good news is that until NBC yanks us off the air, we can pretty much do whatever we want and, this is the best part, we can do whatever we want and they have to pay for it. Yeah, they do. That's how it works. I do it and they have to pay for it.

So, for the rest of the week, we're going to introduce new comedy bits that aren't so much funny as they are crazy expensive. Yeah. So, with that in mind, say hello to our new Tonight Show character, the Bugatti Veyron Mouse.

Ah, yes, there it is, ladies and gentlemen. There it is, the most expensive car in the world dressed up like a mouse. And as you can hear, the mouse's theme song is the original master recording of the Rolling Stones' classic, "Satisfaction."

Now let me ask you a question, let me ask you a question: Is this appropriate music for a car that looks like a mouse?


Does it add anything at all to this comedy bit?

No, it doesn't.

Is it crazy expensive to play on the air, not to mention the rights to re-air this clip on the Internet?

Hell, yes!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen. Total price tag for this comedy bit: $1.5 million. Sorry, NBC!

So, O'Brien is getting revenge on NBC by making the network pay ungodly amounts on the last episodes of his Tonight Show.

I know networks spend ridiculous amounts of money and stars get paid millions. Still, seeing the price tag makes me think just how twisted it is.

$1.5 million is a lot of money to be pissing away.

A few moments earlier in the show, O'Brien plugged Ben Stiller's charity, STILLERSTRONG, to help the Haiti earthquake victims.

$1.5 million would go a long way in Haiti.

It was an uncomfortable juxtaposition.

I thought O'Brien was going to say that the car would be auctioned off as a fundraising effort for earthquake relief. Didn't happen.

He's just smiling about screwing NBC for $1.5 million.

To borrow from an old Late Night with Conan O'Brien bit: INAPPROPRIATE!

Video here.


  1. It's a corporate budget. Can't be used for charities. That's how financing at corporations work. He's also under contract to use the money for the show only.

  2. I didn't say that Conan could unilaterally declare that he's personally auctioning it for charity. Obviously, NBC owns the car. He made it very clear that he's proud of sticking NBC with the bill.

    I just think the expense is sleazy, throwing money around like that and joking about it.

    Revenge: Priceless!

    I question the morality of blowing $1.5 million when there is so much need and so much suffering.

  3. You guys do realize that it was a comedy bit, right?

    They didn't actually go out and buy all that stuff.

  4. Conan is a twerpy little kook. He's getting big bucks to move his show to another network. He should just shut his immature trap.

  5. Mary,

    Conan did not spend 1.5 million on the bit. The Veyron was rented for Approx. 2,500.00.

  6. He didn't throw the money into a fire ya know. Someone makes those cars. Someone received the money they paid for it. If he could get away with giving NBC's budget to Haiti relief I'm sure he would.

  7. Has NBC or Conan O'Brien issued a statement about the bit?

    Has it been verified that the car was rented?

    Please supply a link.

    Whatever the cost was, the concept of the "comedy" bit is bad.

    Didn't anyone on the show realize how inappropriate it would be to brag about throwing away an enormous amount of money?

    Very poor judgment and not funny.

  8. Mary.


    or better yet, if you don't like it, get your own show and donate your whole salary and expense account.

  9. I thought it was absolutely hilarious. In fact I am still laughing about it today.

    Obviously he wouldn't get away with blowing the budget, especially if he outright states he is doing just to screw with NBC. It was just for comedy.

    The point of the shows is to take simple controversies, going ons, etc. to the extreme. That is all he did. Just making a point he is getting screwed over.

    he is great.

  10. Good grief.

    I've watched Conan forever. I was a fan long, long before there was a "Team Conan." I know his humor. I know the kind of stuff he does on his show. I know his TV persona.

    I didn't like the tone of the Bugatti bit. I didn't like the message. It rubbed me the wrong way. Just giving my reaction.


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