Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Feingold Supports Reid

If Feingold hoped to get in the limelight briefly by feigning concern over Harry Reid's racially insensitive comments about Obama, he succeeded.

Of course, Feingold was just toying with the media on Monday.

Tuesday, Feingold no longer had any problem supporting the disgraceful Reid.

From Politico:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is keeping the calls for him to step down on the Republican side of the aisle.

A day after Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold became the first Senate Democrat to publicly express reservations about supporting Reid as majority leader, Feingold’s staff has passed on word that he still backs Reid to lead the Democratic Caucus, according to Senate aides.

Feingold told a local television station in Milwaukee on Monday that Reid’s comments about President Barack Obama’s skin color were "unfortunate and racially insensitive,” and that he was evaluating whether to support Reid staying on as majority leader.

On Tuesday, Reid’s team reached out to Feingold’s staff to try to keep the Wisconsin liberal from becoming the first elected Democrat to call for Reid to resign as majority leader.

Aides in Reid’s and Feingold’s offices said Tuesday that Feingold supports Reid staying on as leader.

Was there ever any doubt?

Feingold is no maverick. He's a puppet. He doesn't listen to his constituents.


The Wisconsin GOP rolled over for Herb Kohl in 2006. What's the plan for Feingold? The same?

That royally ticks me off.

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