Monday, January 18, 2010

Golden Globes: Ribbons for Haiti

I don't know what to think about the Golden Globes and Hollywood and pampered celebrities with ribbons plastered on their designer gowns and formal wear.

Surely, some of them are truly concerned about the Haiti earthquake victims and put others before themselves. Some of them understand what matters in this life and are good caring people.

So do they really need to wear those ribbons?

It's not as if the audience needs the stars to preach and remind us about the suffering in Haiti. We know there has been a devastating earthquake. A roomful of filthy rich stars don't need to raise our awareness about that. They don't need to tell us to donate to relief efforts. We know what to do without being told or encouraged by them.

Actually, I think what the stars really might be doing when they wear those ribbons is trying to get viewers to identify them as compassionate rather than spoiled, empty-headed celebrities engaged in frivolous matters. Maybe they feel guilty for being so fortunate and privileged. I don't know.

From the Hollywood Reporter:

Sequined dresses and slick lapels were stamped with red, yellow and blue ribbons Sunday at the Golden Globes.

Signifying "support of the people of Haiti," the tri-color ribbons were available in baskets at the entrance to the Beverly Hilton. Few stars passed up the opportunity, though that support rarely broke into presenters' or winners' speeches once they reached the stage.

Reporters hanging out backstage before the show were betting the over/under on how many times Haiti would be mentioned onstage during the show. Some guesses were in triple digits -- the lower-end guesses, that is.

Overall, however, the count ended up much, much lower.

...Host Ricky Gervais skipped the opportunity, mainly because his opening monologue was only about four sentences long. First presenter Nicole Kidman wasted no time informing audiences in the room and at home that they can make donations through NBC, and that George Clooney's "Hope for Haiti" telethon Friday would be raising money for the cause.

I really don't like the whole ribbon routine.

It seems rather self-serving more than anything else.

They shouldn't have to broadcast that they care.


  1. Agreed - I didn't like the ribbon routine...

    Although I did like Sandra Bullocks response before the show when she was asked why she had donated $1 million to the relief effort... "Because I can" - and I don't remember seeing a ribbon on her dress... and I'm sure she's not the only one...

    Besides, it's pretty easy to wear a ribbon. Or maybe I'm just a cynic

  2. You should probably climb off of your saop box now. Yes, practically the whole country has heard of the tragedy in Haiti. That does not mean that everyone cares or is donating. Difficult as it may be to believe from your super important position in the blogging world, others ARE influenced by what Hollywood stars do and say. They (the "stars") are using their influence as artists and performers to bring awareness and donations to something that is important to them. It's pretty petty of you to say that they are "spoiled, empty-headed celebrities engaged in frivolous matters", when I'm pretty sure you've never met any of them. Why are they empty-headed? Because they start and support numerous foundations and charities, bringing in millions of dollars of support? Or because they use their popularity to shed light on atrocities and disaster? What is frivolous? The awards show they went to? It's their JOB. You can't avoid work functions-neither can they. Just because it's on a much larger scale, doesn't mean it isn't work. Are you in Haiti, helping the victims? Or are you sitting at your computer, spewing hatred for people trying to bring attention to a cause you're doing nothing for? I could go on, but somehow I get the feeling that you don't listen too closely to opinions that don't match yours. I doubt you'll approve this comment, God forbid someone not agree with your ridiculousness, but it's enough to know that maybe you'll think of the reality before you start spewing your badly researched insanity again.

  3. anonymous #2--

    Either you have reading comprehension issues or you're intentionally twisting my words.

  4. anonymous #1--

    I didn't see Sandra Bullock wearing a ribbon.

    I just wonder if every celebrity at the awards wearing a ribbon actually puts their money where their ribbons are.


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