Monday, January 25, 2010

Howard Dean: Obama Not Liberal Enough

Howard Dean believes he knows why Scott Brown won in Massachusetts.

He told the BBC what went wrong for Obama.

HOWARD DEAN: I think the major thing is that the American people are very angry. They're angry at Washington. They're angry at the Wall Street establishment. And they elected and voted for Barack Obama because they wanted change. And what they got was a very convoluted health care bill with lots of compromising and special interest fights and partisan fights. And they didn't think they got a health care bill. That was part of it.

Wall Street people are getting big bonuses. It doesn't look like the government is taking them on. So, what you have is somewhat of a populist revolt here.

Howard Dean -- still crazy after all these years.

There is a revolt, but the Democrats don't understand it. At least they're claiming they don't understand it.

Can they be that clueless or is the spin just a desperate attempt to appear in control?

DEAN: This is not, contrary to what a lot of American pundits are talking about, this is not a revolt of the Right. This is Barack Obama's core base not thinking that we've done what he was asked to do.

There certainly are some radical Leftists upset with Obama for not pushing through an extremist agenda.

But what happened in Massachusetts and what happened in Virginia and New Jersey isn't about Obama not lurching far enough to the Left.

I really think the Dems are digging themselves into a deeper hole by suggesting the way to win back the support of the majority of Americans is by playing to the fringe Left.

Does Dean know that conservatives dramatically outnumber liberals in the American populace?

Independents are swinging to the Right, and away from the policies of the very liberal Obama.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! Dean doesn't thing this a revolt of the right???? He is the gift that just keeps on giving. We need them vulnerable and unaware in November.


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