Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jay Leno: Union Grove High School Dance Rules Joke

JAY LENO: A Wisconsin high school is trying to curb risque moves at school dances. The kids are getting too lascivious out on the dance floor. They've issued dance rules that ban sexual bending, the touching of breasts, buttocks, or genitals. And leg straddling is also banned. And here's the weird part: It's an all-boys school.


  1. Is this for real?

    If so, could you please send me some video? I go to that school. (:

  2. for the record its not an all boys school and the girls are very offended by that comment. our principle is retarded and it is pathetic that something so small is making national news. union grove is a little old town that doesn't get attention and we want to keep it this way. stay out of our business.

  3. All that stuff is hella stupid. For one it's not an all boys school. I don't know where you got that from. The principle is just really stupid and doesn't know what the hell is going to happen. No one is going to show up. And if they do they will not follow the rules. What are they gonna do to them. Arrest them? Yeah right. I don't even go to that school bit I have so many friends that go there and we are hella annoyed with this.

  4. I am from Wisconsin, and a blogger. I can assure you that lots of folks are talking and laughng abou this. It is not all boys school, but this backwards action by the school board screams for a student response from Union Grove High School , along with the incarnation of the modern-day Patrick Swayze.

  5. I went to Union Grove High school and its not an all boys school. Its a really small school of each graduating class of about 200 or less. I don't see why there is anything wrong with dancing like that. What would they rather grinding on each other sexually or ACTUALLY HAVING SEX? Its a give and take relationship. I'm positive that there is worse things to regulate than grinding!

  6. Of course, it's not an all-boys high school. Lame as the joke may be, that's the punchline.

    For the record, I've received a number of comments that I have not published because of profanity, really disgusting stuff directed at the principal and other school authorities.

    As a Wisconsinite, when I come across a JOKE that references my state, I'll often post it. When I posted the JOKE about the dance rules, I didn't expect to get this reaction from commenters claiming to be Union Grove High School kids.

    If their Internet behavior is anything like their behavior at dances, the school has a real problem.

  7. I'm guessing it was Marquette University High School because that is the only ALL BOYS school I can think of and I know they are banning all of those dance moves

  8. This whole thing is annoying to me. I go to union grove, and this whole ordeal is nothing but an embarrasment...were reacting this way because were sick of all you "adults" over reacting over this whole thing, posting blogs, and jay leno cracking a joke? That was a bit over the top. We live in a small town, we like our unexcting life, so do us all a favor BACK OFF AND SHUT UP!! Your not invovled. The only people who should be ever TALKING about this is us student, parents, and the staff at the school. We don't want to hear some girl or guy from California crack jokes, because it's none of your buisness.

  9. Too bad Jay said an ALL BOYS SCHOOL. Union Grove is coed. DUMBASS

  10. IT WAS A JOKE.

    "All-boys school" was the punchline. Leno wasn't delivering a news report. He didn't even mention the name of the school.

    Good grief.

    Get a grip.

    These comments are funnier than Leno's joke. Very amusing.

  11. bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
    :D !!!!

  12. Whoa buddy! If people think Leno will take our Bronco Pride from us by dishing out this "joke" people better check twice. For one, I never knew that what went on at our school was anyone's business besides ours. Are the rules for the dance dumber then hell? YEAH! But hello, think about how dumb we'd look if we tried to dance old fashion to jerk, or any other song. Come on people get real, sooner or later we wont even have dances. I go to Union Grove, last year I missed out on this dance and I was looking forward to going this year, but with the new rules looks like I'm missing out this year too. Just because other school's have gotten out of hand, why take it out on us? Worst part is, no matter what us students think, or say - nothing will change anything. Last time I checked this was OUR dance.

  13. Actually I got to a school in Milwaukee which is all boys and one of the ppl at our school contacted them about our strict dance policies.

    So it may be about MUHS instead of Union grove

  14. Actually its not even about Union Grove, it was definitely about Menomonee Falls High School. Just watch Fox Six news Saturday morning.

  15. I know everyone is pretty convinced that it's Union Grove and that's just the punchline, which very well may be. But Marquette University High School is all guys AND our teachers and other staff members have gotten pretty serious about grinding recently.

    No matter which school though, it's still not that great of a joke.

  16. Personally I think the rules are uncalled for, and stupid. As a graduate of Union Grove High School, I know that these rules have always been around - yet never really enforced. The chaperones/teachers have always frowned on sexual behaviors that may or may not be expressed through the students dancing styles. The way the rules are written seem to be a joke in itself. "Both feet must remain on the floor."---please explain to me how the Cha-Cha & Electric Slides will be done? I understand where the concern is coming from, but seriously - this is a high school dance, and these are kids...let them have a little fun & enjoy their dance. I was able to enjoy my dances at UGHS, so should everyone else. I also have a sibling who currently attends UGHS & he has choosen not to attend the event because of the rules. And at this rate, the idea of Prom isnt even appealing to these kids, think about that. Although,I would like to congradulate Hermann for getting a little town in the middle of the cornfields into the spotlight...NOT! In all honesty, I did laugh when I read that UGHS was an "all boys school" from what Leno said, I got a kick out of it, its definitely coed, but it did add to the humor of the whole situation.This school has bigger things to worry about besides the way the students are dancing at the dance, example 1: pay a little more attention to how many of these kids come to the event completely drunk and/or stoned.I view that as more of an issue for the school, as opposed to way the students dance.

  17. Miguel says..or said same thing......
    It was problably about Marqueete high I go there and theres been a lot of controversy with the new dancing "prohibitions" but anyways it was still pretty funny.

  18. A lot of high schools have dance policies in place, but the JOKE wasn't about MUHS.

    Both Union Grove and Menomonee Falls have been in the local news for their rules.

    The school receiving national attention recently is Union Grove High School. Read a copy of the rules, from The Smoking Gun.

    This page from The Smoking Gun citing the Union Grove HS dance rules was linked by Drudge.

    Leno's words match the document published by The Smoking Gun.

  19. Omg. People stop freaking out. I went to union grove too and the fact tht we even got metioned is kinda cool. We're such a small town. And it was just a joke! Settle the hell down. Have a sense of humor. The only thing tht sucks is tht r schools were there is sex on the dancefloor...and if UG principal is making a rule...its probably cause current students look like inappropriate. Ive been to the dances...u all know tht u dance like ur on a stage w/a pole.
    you guys brought it upon yourselfs.
    oh...and take a joke!

  20. people, this is probably a mix of our two schools. Both MUHS and UG are having the teachers enforcing the rules of the dances. Leno used the wording from Mary's link (Union Grove), and then said it was an all boys school (Marquette High) to make it "funny". Please don't turn this into a publicity argument

  21. Wow. Leno is talking about Marquette High School in Milwaukee. Not Union Grove. The post was obviously labeled wrong. Use your BRAINS people!

  22. Hahaha he was talking about Boyceville silly people


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