Friday, January 22, 2010

John Edwards: Daddy, Diaper Thief

The John Edwards - Rielle Hunter scandal would make a great screenplay. Some aspects of it are almost too bizarre to be believable. Truth is stranger than fiction, I guess.

Case in point: The Diaper Caper

From ABC News:

Former presidential candidate John Edwards abandoned his long denial that he had fathered a child during an affair with a campaign aide and admitted today that he is the father of the almost 2-year-old girl.

"I am Quinn's father," Edwards said in the bombshell statement this morning. "I will do everything in my power to provide her with the love and support she deserves."

The former senator and presidential hopeful had an affair with campaign cinematographer Rielle Hunter, 45, and she later give birth to Frances Quinn.

Edwards' admission comes a week before the man who had claimed he was the baby's father, former aide Andrew Young, was scheduled to appear in an exclusive interview on "20/20".

In an excerpt from his upcoming interview with ABC News's Bob Woodruff, Young alleges that Edwards asked him to arrange a fake a paternity test.

"Get a doctor to fake the DNA results," Young said Edwards told him. "And he asked me ... to steal a diaper from the baby so he could secretly do a DNA test to find out if this [was] indeed his child."

Steal a diaper? Fake a paternity test?

It's like a movie, a bad movie.

Of course, Edwards' admission was prompted by Young's upcoming 20/20 interview. Edwards gets no credit for coming clean. He had no choice but to quit lying.

It's incredible that Edwards was honored as Father of the Year on June 7, 2007. His daughter, Frances Quinn Hunter, was born on February 27, 2008.

In his acceptance speech, Edwards said:
I realized your children..., it is true, your children learn not only from what you say, but from what you do.

And... whenever they do anything that you're proud of in your life, you'll be able to look back on the things that you taught them, both through your words and through your deeds.

It makes you want to gag, doesn't it?

This is about as sleazy as it gets.

What a fraud!

And what was Edwards doing on the day he released the statement admitting the truth about his child born to a woman other than his wife?

...Edwards was in Haiti today working on earthquake relief and said only, "I've said what I have to say for now and I'm here to help people."

What a humanitarian!

What a great guy!

What is he thinking???

Releasing the statement while he's in Haiti is so cowardly. Does Edwards think that the road to his redemption as a public figure runs through Haiti?

It doesn't.

Even a stint in rehab for sex addiction and compulsive lying won't help.

He's finished.

Thank you, National Enquirer, for doing great work.

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