Friday, January 29, 2010

Jon Stewart: Chris Matthews

Jon Stewart really ripped Chris Matthews for his "I forgot he was black" comment about Obama and his State of the Union address.
JON STEWART: If you watched the speech and afterwards just wanted to have your mind blown, you've gotta stick with Chris Matthews.


CHRIS MATTHEWS: [H]e is post-racial, by all appearances. I forgot he was black tonight for an hour.

(End clip)

STEWART: Oh, you know what else you might have forgotten? Uh, you're miked. I swear to God, this guy's one scotch away from being Ron Burgundy.

For more on the media's response to the president's speech, we are joined by senior political analyst Wyatt Cenac. Wyatt, you've obviously been, you've been pouring over all three major news networks. What kind of valuable insight did you pick up watching the coverage last night?

WYATT CENAC: Well, Jon, sad to say, in many respects the State of the Union address is rendered meaningless by rote analysis from our mediasphere's pompous punditry. Wholly expected responses delivered with a combination of both breathlessness and boredom. As though trapped in a Sartre play that they themselves have written, even this disquisition seems perfunctory. A deconstruction for the sake of a cheap laugh, only by breaking the bounds of this restrictive routine can we hope to ascend to that more perfect ideal of democracy which our forebearers so boldly envisioned.

STEWART: Uh, thank you very much. That was...

CENAC: Wow! Whoa, whoa! I'm sorry. I just caught myself in the monitor. I forgot I was black. Wow! Look at me! I'm black! (Looks at his hands, kisses them, begins singing) 'Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, with your pants on the ground, pants on the ground....'

STEWART: Wyatt, Wyatt, I'm sorry. If you could just be post-racial just again for a little moment here. You brought up an interesting point. What concrete steps could the media take to play this more responsible role in this higher union that you foresee?

CENAC: You know, Jon, that's a very good question, although the entire time you were asking it, I was acutely aware that you're a Jew.

STEWART: Right, I understand, Wyatt, but it's just that...

CENAC: I'm sorry, Jon. When you're talking, all I can think is: What Torah portion did this guy read at his Bris Mitzvah?

STEWART: It's not a Bris Mitzvah.

CENAC: Fine... hootzpah, whatever. Hook, I know you are trying, but old schnozie schnozowitz (Points at Stewart's nose) is holding you back there. Oh, yeah. Whoa, watch out!

STEWART: I know. I'm sorry. I really do try and keep it out of danger.

CENAC: I appreciate it.

STEWART: Wyatt, the speech was 70 minutes long. He used the word 'jobs' 29 times, referred to war 7 times.

CENAC: Hold on. That's a lot of numbers. I should close my eyes and pretend you're Asian. Oh, but not sexy Asian, math Asian.

STEWART: Wow. Chris Matthews really got under your skin, didn't he, with that thing?

CENAC: What? No, didn't bother me at all. I watch his show every night, and I never think of the fact that he reminds me of this big, Irish, lesbian gym teacher I had in high school. He's that good.

STEWART: Thank you very much. Wyatt Cenac, everybody.


Chris Matthews deserves it.

Video, from Mediaite.

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