Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jon Stewart: Obama's Teleprompter in Classroom

Jon Stewart managed to convince Keith Olbermann to take it down a notch when it comes to his demented smearing of Scott Brown.

Will Stewart's mocking of Obama setting up his podium and teleprompter in a 6th grade classroom prompt Obama's team to be more careful when it comes to selecting locations for photo ops next time?

The teleprompters and podium with the presidential seal set up in a classroom at Graham Road Elementary School looked terribly out of place, making Obama look terribly out of place and awkward.


JON STEWART: Anyhow, the President is trying to turn it around with a quick salt of the earth tour -- holding a town hall meeting, visiting a football helmet factory, and getting shitfaced in some small town bar.

But methinks it might be an uphill battle judging from this recent appearance in Mrs. Abramovich's 6th grade classroom.


OBAMA: I am pleased to be joined today by my outstanding Education Secretary, Arne Duncan.

(End clip)

STEWART: You set up the presidential podium and a teleprompter in a 6th grade classroom?

(Mocking Obama using his teleprompter, looking left and right) 'Here's what health care-- --means to you. --Let's say you develop coo-- --ties.'

I'm not a political adviser, campaign strategist, etc., but...that's not a great photo op in a middle school classroom, just like if you delivered an Oval Office speech from your nap mat. The teleprompter clashes with Billy R.'s construction paper house, even if it is an exact replica of the construction paper house he lives in since daddy's real house went away.

(Groans from audience)

Oh, yeah. I made up the economic conditions.

Now since you obviously don't have a Rove-type there advising you, let me give you a couple of image minefields to avoid: If you go to the Super Bowl, regular box seats will do. And if you want to listen to some music, buy an iPod like the rest of us.

It's good to see jokes being made at Obama's expense. They're so easy and obvious. They write themselves.

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