Monday, January 4, 2010

Obama: Effigy

I guess when one becomes president of the United States, one has to expect effigies and mistreatment.

A few days ago, Obama's effigy was burned in Afghanistan. That's right. Global citizen Obama, the Great Apologizer, isn't winning any popularity contests among some in Afghanistan.

JALALABAD, Afghanistan (AFP) -- Protesters took to the streets in Afghanistan on Wednesday, burning an effigy of the US president and shouting "death to Obama" to slam civilian deaths during Western military operations.

Hundreds of university students blocked main roads in Jalalabad, capital of eastern Nangahar province, to protest the alleged deaths of 10 civilians, mostly school children, in a Western military operation on Saturday.

...of Nangahar's education faculty said in a statement.

Marching through the main street of Jalalabad, the students chanted "death to Obama" and "death to foreign forces", witnesses said.

The protesters torched a US flag and an effigy of US President Barack Obama in a public square in central Jalalabad, before dispersing.

"Our demonstration is against those foreigners who have come to our country," Safiullah Aminzai, a student organiser, told AFP.

"They have not brought democracy to Afghanistan but they are killing our religious scholars and children," he added.


Obama is receiving some tough treatment at home, here in America, as well.

From WALB:
A doll found hanging off of a building in Plains is causing controversy.

Controversial enough to get the United States Secret Service involved.

Witnesses say it was an image of President Barack Obama with a rope around his neck and the display was found hanging in one of the city's most recognizable sites dedicated to former President Jimmy Carter.

A few people were able to snap pictures of the black doll before it was taken down.

The doll was hanging on a building on Main Street in Plains.

"I saw this stuffed thing hanging up," said Alonzo Davis, Plains Resident.

Davis is one of the people who saw the doll hanging off the brick building, he said a sign on the front had President Obama's name on it.

"People have seen it and have the pictures but no body is talking bout it," said Davis. "I don't think it's right I don't know if it's someone horse playing or what".

This sort of stuff is part of being president. The people have the freedom to express themselves.

Throwing shoes at an effigy of President George W. Bush was an activity associated with Obama's inauguration.

Did the mainstream media get bent out of shape over that?

People are free to make fools of themselves and be buffoonish.

More buffoons:

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