Monday, January 25, 2010

Obama: Good One-Term, Mediocre Two-Term

Obama was interviewed by Diane Sawyer, ABC World News.

Sawyer asked him if one term as president would be enough for him, especially considering all the challenges ahead.

That's a pretty lame question. In effect, Sawyer is asking Obama if he wants to quit, if the job is too much for him and he's counting the days till his term is over.

What's he going to say? That he regrets running and being elected president because it's a tough job?

DIANE SAWYER: Ever in the middle of all that's coming did you think maybe one term is enough?

OBAMA: (Laughs heartily) You know, um, I, I would say that the one thing I'm clear about is that I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president. Uh, and I, and I believe that.

You know, um, there's a tendency in Washington to think that our job description, uh, of elected officials is to get reelected. That's not our job description.

When your poll numbers drop, you're an idiot. When your poll numbers are high, you're a genius. If, if my poll numbers are low, then I'm cool and cerebral and cold and detached. If my poll numbers are high, boy, he's calm and reasoned.

For the sake of the nation and the world, democracy and liberty, I hope he's a one-term president.

It's odd for him to say that he'd rather be a "really good" one-term president. If he was "really good," surely he'd be reelected to a second term.

I wonder how Obama defines "really good." What does that mean to him? Does he think that his notion of "really good" is at odds with the definition used by most people in the country?

Obama does seem to have problems relating to his fellow Americans.

I think a big problem for Obama is that his ego is seriously inflated. In discussing his poll numbers, he is saying there's nothing inherently wrong with him and his performance in office; but there is something wrong with the way people answer polls and the way the numbers are interpreted.

Pretty arrogant.

When Obama's poll numbers were high a year ago, I didn't think he was a genius. I've always considered him to be cold and detached.


1 comment:

  1. I think what he is saying is that to do a good job you can't listen to every idiot out there that answers a poll. People don't look at the big picture most of the time. That is why they elect the morons they elect in the first place.


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