Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Obama Refers to Himself 132 Times in ONE Speech

Obama loves to talk about himself.

During one speech on jobs, he referred to himself 132 times!

White House Transcript

January 22, 2010
Remarks by the President during Town Hall Meeting in Elyria, Ohio
Lorain County Community College, Elyria, Ohio

Video from Americans for Prosperity, via Breitbart.

Obama is making his presidency all about him.

That's not the way to accomplish great things for the American people.


  1. Tonight the "State of the Union" speech will actually be the "State of Obama" speech. Just wait.

  2. No question about it. I'm prepared to be nauseous.

    I'm sure the first sentence out of Obama's mouth I'll pull a Joe Wilson and yell at the TV, "You lie!"


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