Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pat Robertson, Haiti Earthquake, and Robert Gibbs

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked about Pat Robertson's comments that the earthquake in Haiti was the result of a pact the people of Haiti made with the devil.

Gibbs said:

Uh, it never ceases to amaze that in times of amazing human suffering, uh, somebody says something that could be, uh, so utterly stupid. Uh, but, uh, it like clockwork happens, uh, with some regularity, uh....

Most of what Gibbs says is total crap.

In this case, however, I agree with him regarding Pat Robertson.

Robertson's comments are disgraceful.

A pact with the devil brought this on?

That's so twisted. Such idiotic and cruel analysis only serves to marginalize Robertson.


To aid Haiti earthquake victims, make donation to Catholic Relief Services.

Always check out the charity before donating money.

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