Thursday, January 14, 2010

Quinnipiac Poll: Obama 'Same' or 'Worse' Than Bush

A new Quinnipiac poll has to be Obama's worst nightmare.

What could be worse for a lib like Obama than to be considered the same or worse than President George W. Bush?

Not much.

From CNSNews:

Despite a commanding election win some 14 months ago, a new Quinnipiac University poll shows that more Americans now say Obama is performing “about the same” as or “worse” than President George W. Bush, and that he does not share their views on important issues.

The same poll showed that crucial independent voters disapprove of President Obama’s handling of a variety of issues in larger numbers than the general voting population.

The Quinnipiac Polling Institute report, released Wednesday, shows that a majority of respondents said Obama’s performance in the last year is comparable to that of President George W. Bush, who suffered some of the lowest approval ratings in history.

Quinnipiac asked: “Do you think Barack Obama has been a better president than George W. Bush, worse, or about the same as President Bush?”

Forty-three (43) percent of voters said he was a better president, 30 percent said worse, and 23 percent said “about the same.” In all, 53 percent considered Obama “about the same” or “worse” than Bush.

Peter A. Brown, assistant director at the institute, said that was the case but cautioned that it is a matter of interpreting the numbers.

“If you do the same addition, that means 66 percent think he was the same or better than Bush,” Brown told

Given the view that Americans now seem to have of Bush, it is arguably more logical to lump those who say “about the same” in with those who say “worse.”

Obama should be thrilled that 43 percent of voters think he is a better president than Bush.

I suspect he'll look back on this time when 43 percent considered him to be a better president than Bush and think of it as the good old days, when people supported him.

Obama needs to make some major changes in his agenda and his leadership style if he wants to win back the hearts and minds of the American people.

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