Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tim Tebow: Pro-Life Super Bowl Ad

Tim Tebow, Heisman Trophy-winning former quarterback for the University of Florida, is getting attention off the football field.

He and his mother appear in a 30-second ad by pro-life organization Focus on the Family. It's to be aired during the Super Bowl.

The 30-second ad's theme is "Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life" and a Focus on the Family press release said the Tebows agreed to the ad because "the issue of life is one they feel strongly about." As a result, the ad is widely expected to focus on Mrs. Tebow's pregnancy with Tim, when she was encouraged by doctors to abort him.

...CBS said the finished Focus on the Family ad will be reviewed before it is approved to air, but the network does not anticipate any problems that would prevent the ad from airing.

"Our standards-and-practices process continues to adhere to a policy that ensures that all ads on all sides of an issue are appropriate for air," said CBS spokeswoman Shannon Jacobs.

Last year, NBC rejected this pro-life ad for broadcast during the Super Bowl.

NBC also rejected a PETA ad last year.

Will CBS allow the Tebow ad to run?

I doubt it.

As long as the network rejects message ads across the board, without any bias, I really don't have a problem with keeping political and issue commercials off the Super Bowl broadcast.

Actually, the controversy that these ads generate in the run-up to the game provide more publicity for the cause than a 30-second airing during the Super Bowl.

Plus, it's free. No need to shell out $3 million.

What's important is that the inspiring story of Tim Tebow and his mother, Pam, is being told.



  1. I am pro choice [anti-abortion] and would still see this as a crime if it is not allowed to run.

  2. "What's important is that the inspiring story of Tim Tebow and his mother, Pam, is being told".

    What's important is that the story may be a total fabrication. You see the recent news on this?

    Now wouldn't that be embarassing? Though prolife would probably claim the end justifies the means.

  3. If it turns out his mom has made up the story of being urged to abort in the Phillipines, this would be a bad week for prolife activists, eh?

    First James O'keefe and now this.


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