Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tommy Thompson for Senate

UPDATE, March 1, 2010: Tommy Thompson is sending signals.

This poll from Rasmussen is getting a good deal of national attention today.

Interesting that national media picked it up but the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel didn't.

(Note: The Journal Sentinel posted a story on the poll at 3:04 PM.

Feingold spokesman Trevor Miller dismisses the poll as invalid. I suppose the JS didn't want to run the story until Team Feingold could offer its spin.)

From Rasmussen:
One more Democratic senator who has long been regarded as a safe prospect for reelection may be facing a challenging year in 2010.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in Wisconsin finds Republican Tommy Thompson edging incumbent Russ Feingold 47% to 43% in a hypothetical U.S. Senate match-up. Five percent (5%) like some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

Any incumbent who attracts less than 50% support at this point in a campaign is considered potentially vulnerable.

...Thompson leads by 10 points among male voters and breaks nearly even with Feingold among women.

Voters not affiliated with either major party break for Thompson 53% to 36%.

I am begging you, Tommy.


I think having both Tommy Thompson and Scott Walker on the ballot in November would help each of them secure victories in their races.

Ride the wave, Tommy, right into the U.S. Senate.


Still don't believe that Russ Feingold is vulnerable and Democrats in Wisconsin are running uphill?

Here are more results from Rasmussen:

Only three percent (3%) of voters in Wisconsin rate the economy as good or excellent. Fifty-three percent (53%) say it’s poor. Twenty-eight percent (28%) think the economy is getting better, but 41% say it’s worsening.

Fifty-nine percent (59%) say cutting taxes is a better way to create new jobs than increasing government spending. Just 15% say increased spending is the better course to follow. That’s very similar to the national average.

Only 31% believe it’s even somewhat likely that Congress will be able to agree on a smaller, bipartisan health care plan this year. Sixty-two percent (62%) say that’s not likely to happen.

After the Christmas Day terrorist attempt to blow up a U.S. airliner, 68% of Wisconsin voters think it’s at least somewhat likely that there will be another terrorist attack in the United States this year. Forty-four percent (44%) say America is safer today than it was before the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, but 37% disagree.

Thirty-two percent (32%) say the government’s response to the airliner incident was good or excellent, while 37% rate it as poor.

Wisconsinites are not at all happy with Obama and the Dems' performance, nor are they happy with their policies.


  1. YES -

    Run Tommy RUN

  2. The minute Tommy Thompson says he is running will be the same minute I start donating funds to his campaign.

    Other candidates I will be supporting financial as well as voting for Pat Toomey:

    Pat Toomey
    JD Hayworth
    John Hostettler
    Tom Campbell
    Rand Paul

  3. The chance of defeating Feingold is an opportunity that the Republican Party of Wisconsin can't pass up.

    Just as in Massachusetts, I consider these Senate races to be national elections.

    I'd donate to candidates outside of my home state of Wisconsin.

  4. Only a canidate with name recognition beats Feingold. Would have loved to have seen Paul Ryan leave his safe nest and run against Feingold. He will be on someone's ticket anyway in 2012.
    If Tommy was a true patriot he would be running and he knows he could win too, must prefer the hoohum life more. Do it for you country Tommy! COUNTRY FIRST!

  5. Paul Ryan is doing the right thing by not running for the Senate in 2010, though I think he could defeat Feingold.

    Ryan is wise for looking further down the road.


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