Monday, February 1, 2010

Robert Gibbs: KSM WILL Be Executed

Question: Why is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed going to be tried in a U.S. civilian court when he's already been convicted?

Question: How does a civilian trial for KSM show America's greatness if his sentence has already been determined?

According to Robert Gibbs, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is going to be executed for his crimes.


Transcript, from CNN:
ROBERT GIBBS: Well, let me tell you what plan A is for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is going to meet justice and he's going to meet his maker.

JOHN KING: In a federal court or in a military court?

GIBBS: He will be brought to justice and he's likely to be executed for the heinous crimes that he committed in killing and masterminding the killing of 3,000 Americans. That you can be sure of. KING: But will it be in a federal courtroom or is there a possibility the administration will backtrack on that one?

GIBBS: Well, the attorney general believes that the best place to do this is in an American courtroom. And quite frankly, I hate to go back to the game playing on this, that's what a lot of people believed. Richard Reid who tried to blow up an airliner, a story not dissimilar to what we've seen. Again, a plot mastermind by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was tried in Boston, Massachusetts. Zacarias Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker, was tried about 10 miles from here. Testifying at that hearing, Rudy Giuliani, who raised it up as the hallmark of the American justice system.

I hope you will ask Mitch McConnell and others why trying those terrorists in our courts during the Bush administration was fine. We never heard anybody object to that.

KING: I promise I will ask him. Let me try one more time. No way in New York City, and are you sure it will be in a federal courtroom, or is there a possibility because of this controversy, it may go back to the military venue?

GIBBS: I would say this, John. We are talking with the authorities in New York. We understand their logistical concerns and their security concerns that are involved. We have been discussing that with them.

As you know, they were originally supportive of this. We want to see this man tried and brought to justice in the place in which the crime was committed. We will work with them and come to a solution that we think we bring about justice for those that lost loved ones on such a horrific day on 9/11. And I think again, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, will be executed for the crimes that he committed.

Why spend hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars on a trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?

Certainly, Gibbs and the Obama administration are convinced that the outcome is certain.

He's not presumed innocent.

He's guilty. Case closed.

Why not just kill him now?

1 comment:

  1. Its because the majority of the 200 mil will be siphoned off right in to Holder's law firm.

    Then, the unfortunate locality will whine and mewl about the expenses - and BINGO!



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