Monday, February 28, 2005

Ward Churchill, Adopt a Sniper, and Hypocrisy

John McAdams does a terrific job of exposing the suppression of the College Republicans on the Marquette University campus, while The Marquette Tribune supports Ward Churchill's right to express himself. There seem to be no limits to the intolerance of those self-proclaimed "tolerant, freedom loving" liberals. Apparently, free speech on campus is only acceptable when it promotes a liberal agenda.

Tuesday evening, Ward Churchill will speak at UW-Whitewater. The national press is camped out, ready to detail every utterance from this fraud's mouth.

Meanwhile, College Republicans will be holding a candlelight vigil to honor the victims of 9/11. Will the press give them equal attention?

From Whitewater's press release:
"The UWW College Republicans urged the university to prohibit Churchill from speaking on campus grounds because of the bigoted remarks he made regarding the victims of 9/11, their families, and the many troops still fighting to preserve the principles that the United States was founded on."

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