Sunday, March 20, 2005


As the debate in the House winds down, I'm left to wonder what the Democrats, in general, are all about.

Let's see...

1. Dems want the schools to hand out condoms to children.

2. Dems want to allow children to have abortions without parental consent.

3. Dems want to tax, tax, tax--because they think they can spend your money more wisely than you can.

4. Dems want to take away the free exercise of your religion, removing all references to God from wherever the name of God is raised, except in churches.

5. Dems believe you are incompetent to manage your funds for retirement.

6. Dems think the Middle East is incapable of sustaining Democracy.

7. Dems believe in minority rule by controlling the judiciary.

8. Dems believe poor families should not be allowed to choose which schools their children attend.


In short, the Dems' modus operandi is to seek to control the lives of Americans.

They want to micro-manage countless aspects of your life, because they believe that they know best. They want to spend your money and raise your children as THEY see fit. The party is about controlling you, creating a "Nanny State."


EXCEPT tonight.

Suddenly, the Dems have decided it is not their place to have a hand in your personal matters. That would be overstepping their authority.

They believe in privacy ONLY when it serves their agenda, particularly in regard to their "Culture of Death."

The debate in the House reveals them for what they are-- SHAMELESS.

End of rant. Now, I feel better.


Anonymous said...

why I am not a dem anymore

Mary said...

"You and your moron president speak of being pro-life."

Suggestion: Some self-reflection might help.