Thursday, April 7, 2005

Dowd: Queeg Style

The Passion of the Tom


Before, Republicans just scared other people. Now, they're starting to scare themselves.

When Dick Cheney tells you you've gone too far, you know you're way over the edge...

But there's some skittishness in the party leadership about the Passion of the Tom, the fiery battle of the born-again Texan to show that he's being persecuted on ethics by a vast left-wing conspiracy. Some Republicans are wondering whether they need to pull a Trent Lott on Tom DeLay before he turns into Newt Gingrich, who led his party to the promised land but then had to be discarded when he became the petulant "definer" and "arouser" of civilization. Do they want Mr. DeLay careering around in Queeg style as they go into 2006?

...Mr. DeLay is seeking sanctuary in Rome at the pope's funeral, and he will hang on to the bitter end. He got thunderous applause from his House colleagues yesterday morning, showing once more that Mr. DeLay, the House majority leader, has a strong hold on the loyalty of those who have benefited from the largesse of his fat-cat friends and from his shrewdness in keeping them in the majority.

"I think a lot of members think he's taking arrows for all of us," Representative Roy Blunt told the press yesterday, backing up Mr. DeLay's martyr complex.

...When the Rev. Danforth, an Episcopal minister who prayed with Clarence Thomas when he was under attack by Anita Hill, says the party has gone too far, it's way over the edge.

The only one over the edge is Dowd.

1. "Before, Republicans just scared other people"
2. "The Passion of the Tom"
3. "Martyr complex"
4. "Mr. DeLay is seeking sanctuary in Rome at the pope's funeral"

At this point, her scribblings are not fit to print. Even a liberal propaganda mouthpiece like the New York Times, proud former employer of Jayson Blair, must see that Dowd is incapable of writing anything close to rational commentary.

Her rhetoric is so demented and so uninformed she belongs on Air America.

Maybe she could co-host with Jerry Springer. They'd make a great Morning Zoo team for the liberal niche, appealing to that humorless, morally-challenged fringe left audience.

Better yet, I think she should spend her time rolling steel balls in her hand, Queeg style.

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