Thursday, April 7, 2005

FOOD FIGHT MOVEMENT: Another Liberal Abuses Pie

This time the target was David Horowitz.

By Kevin O'Neal
April 7, 2005

A conservative activist who criticizes what he calls the leftist domination of college campuses was struck with a pie Wednesday night at Butler University.

David Horowitz, president of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture, had just started a lecture at Butler when he was hit.

Horowitz's supporters followed the assailants out of the hall, and confronted them with what a witness called "pushing and shoving." However, the attackers got away.

"There's a wave of violence on college campuses, committed by what I'd call fascists opposing conservatives," Horowitz said. "It's one step from that to injury."

After the incident, Horowitz completed his lecture.

It was the second time in a week that a conservative lecturer was hit by a pie at an Indiana university. On March 30, William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, was attacked during a speech at Earlham College in Richmond.

Butler spokesman Marc Allan called Wednesday's incident "deplorable."

Don't these mounting instances of violence against conservative speakers on campuses across the country run counter to the philosophy of the "enlightened, tolerant, peace-loving" liberals?

Each attack only reveals the intellectual impotence of a member of the left.

Note that conservatives have not retaliated by joining the Food Fight Movement.

I think a statement from Dr. Dean condemning the violence is in order. He needs to rein in the violent fringe element of his party. OOPS!!! I forgot. Dr. Dean is the ruling king of the left fringe. I don't expect the chairman of the DNC to decry the violence.

I also believe universities need to provide heavy security for conservative speakers.

Is there "Pie Detector" technology available?


Mary said...

Define "neo-con."

Why attach that label to me?

Another question: During WWII, did the Nazis arrange for free elections?

Anonymous said...

all you bushit people are the same. You all are force fed by the corporate media and Faux News like the sheep that you are.

and yes, the nazis were elected, with a little help from a propoganda machine. Gee, why does that sounds familiar???

And by the way, Bush has killed almost a million people already in the middle east, thanks to the morons like you. Why don't you show your support for this monster and join the army? Either that, or rot in the ground (or hell as you theocracy fundamentalists call it) with the rest of the world's dictators and fascists.

Mary said...

I apologize for not being clearer.

When I spoke of the Nazis holding elections, I did not mean the Germans that brought the regime to power.

I was alluding to the fact the Nazis didn't seek to liberate Europe. They came to conquer. They didn't go into Poland and allow for free elections, for example.


You said: "all you bushit people are the same."

How open-minded of you! How tolerant! You don't know anything about me; yet you proceed to detail my profile.

Perhaps your anger is having an impact on your ability to reason.

I'm surprised a peace-loving person like you would suggest I "rot in the ground."

That's not very nice.