Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Laura '08!

Larry King's interview with Vice President Dick Cheney and Mrs. Lynne Cheney aired tonight on CNN.

An interesting exchange--

KING: Would you like to be first lady?

L. CHENEY: Oh, my goodness, I think we couldn't...

KING: I mean, if he said, you know, let's do it.

L. CHENEY: ... we couldn't have a better first lady than Mrs. Bush is now. Isn't she amazing?

KING: Well, but she can't be again.

L. CHENEY: Well, who knows, you know.

KING: I'm trying to see if there's a possibility...

L. CHENEY: When I think of, you know, people are thinking...

KING: He says no, but you've got all the clout.

L. CHENEY: ... of Mrs. Clinton running for president. I think Mrs. Bush ought to run for president. If we want to have a Bush dynasty, let's get Laura Bush. Has she been wonderful in these...

KING: What do you make of that?

L. CHENEY: ... last five years.

KING: Mrs. Bush versus Mrs. Clinton.

D. CHENEY: It's a great idea.

KING: Biggest turnout in American history, right?

D. CHENEY: And I think I know who would win too.

I think Lynne Cheney is great. She's a very intelligent, strong woman who can say a lot with a few well-placed words.

In a roundabout way, she managed to rip Hillary without actually saying anything negative about her. Simply juxtaposing the two women was all she had to do.

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