Thursday, September 8, 2005

National Day of Prayer and Remembrance

President Bush has designated September 16 as a day of prayer and remembrance for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

That's a week from tomorrow.

Why is Bush acting so slowly?

What's his problem? Is he oblivious? Is he in denial?

Can't the world's sole superpower schedule a day of prayer and remembrance sooner?

Could it be because Bush hates black people?

Expect some sort of criticism to come from the radical far Left extremists. Even Bush's declaration for a national observance of the tragedy won't be exempt from their ranting.

Regardless of how ridiculous they sound, it seems the rabid Bush-haters just can't help themselves.


Mark said...

What??? Why, that's a direct violation of Separation of Church and state!

The ACLU would no doubt be the first to remind us that we have freedom FROM religion in this country, unless it's the religion of Marxism.

ergo, we can't pray!

Mary said...

I know, Mark. It's an outrage!

Luckily, I have the ACLU on speed dial.