Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Update: The Dems' Security Plan

Here it is.

To use quote this week's cover of TIME--


DNC Chairman Howard Dean has this to say to accompany the release of this long awaited "Bold Security Agenda":

The failed policies of President Bush and the Republican-led Congress have undermined the safety and security of our country and left Americans less safe. From their permanent commitment to a failed strategy in Iraq to a pre-9/11 mindset that has kept them from closing vital gaps in our homeland security, Republicans in Washington have proven to be dangerously incompetent when it comes to protecting the American people.

I sincerely believe that Dean has completely lost it.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I think as we get farther away from 9/11, we're losing sight of the fact that we have real enemies, ones that make no distinction between Dems and Republicans.

It's sad that we're fighting each other rather than uniting to protect our values and our way of life.