Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Alec Baldwin Flips Out -- Again!

Supposedly, Alec Baldwin, out-spoken critic of Republicans, gets very offended when anyone refers to his personal life and family, especially his divorce from Kim Basinger.

Recall the
recent incident when Baldwin stormed out of the studio when he was sitting in with Brian Whitman during his March 26 radio show.

Baldwin tangled with Sean Hannity and Mark Levin when they called in to challenge him.

Among the "pleasantries" exchanged:

BALDWIN: Listen, Sean - you incredibly ignorant boob from Long Island ...

HANNITY: Oh, ouch, Alec.

BALDWIN: No, no, no, you've spoken, let me talk, Sean. Cause you've been spewing your ...

HANNITY: You're a third-rate Hollywood egomaniac.

BALDWIN: You're a no-talent, ignorant fool from Long Island. You should go back to building houses in Hempstead.

LEVIN: Why was your [former] wife [Kim Basinger] so pissed off at you, anyway?

WHITMAN: Now, c'mon guys.

BALDWIN: OK. We're done. [Gets up and leaves the studio]

WHITMAN: Come back. Come back. Alec? They're gone. Alec? Alec has walked out of the studio. Alec, please come back.

Baldwin addressed the incident on his blog at the Huffington Post.

Baldwin wrote:

After some back and forth between myself and Hannity, most of it predictable, Levin made a comment connected to my divorce proceedings. I turned to Whitman, who knew that I was due to depart the show no later than 8:30 PM New York time anyway, and told him I had to go. I thought that Levin, whoever he may be and whatever code he does or does not operate by, had crossed a line and I was under no obligation to continue in that vein.

Today, the New York Post has an EXCLUSIVE!

AN ACCLAIMED New York theater actress has quit the Off-Broadway play "Entertaining Mr. Sloane," charging that the volatile behavior of the show's star - Alec Baldwin - has "created an unhealthy and oppressive situation" on stage and off.

Jan Maxwell, who won rave reviews for her performance in Joe Orton's black comedy, wrote in an e-mail to a friend that Baldwin's frequent temper tantrums - including putting his fist through a wall because the air conditioning wasn't high enough - also caused her to fear for her "physical safety, mental health and artistic integrity."

...Baldwin, responding to Maxwell's charges, said the actress "has been unhappy" in the play from the beginning for reasons that "only Jan's doctor knows."

He said she never bothered to learn her lines correctly, complained about her role and was "indifferent at best" to the needs of the rest of the cast.

..."For her to pin all that on me is unfair," Baldwin said. "You'd think she was on the payroll of my ex-wife's divorce lawyer, pushing every button you could find," he added, referring to his ugly divorce from actress Kim Basinger.


I thought Baldwin considered Mark Levin's relatively innocuous comment "Why was your wife so pissed off at you, anyway?" to be SO over the line and inappropriate that he was forced to renege on his obligation to be a guest on Brian Whitman's show, and he was compelled to leave the studio immediately.

Now, Baldwin raises his divorce proceedings himself when criticizing actress Jan Maxwell.

That's a bit inconsistent to say the least. Apparently, when it suits his needs, Baldwin has no qualms about referencing his messy divorce.

Of course, for Baldwin to claim that it's off base to bring a public figure's family into the discussion is extremely hypocritical.

His 1998 appearance on Late Night with Conan O'Brien, when he said that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde should be stoned to death and his family killed, is testament to that.

Baldwin ranted:

"If we were living in another country, what we, all of us together, would go down to Washington and stone Henry Hyde to death, stone him to death, stone him to death! Then we would go to their house and we'd kill the family, kill the children."

Oh, I don't know. Do you think that Baldwin's suggestion that Henry Hyde's family and children be stoned to death was a tad over the line? Just a little?

Check the Huffington Post soon. I wouldn't be surprised if once again Baldwin uses that friendly forum to air his grievances and defend his erratic behavior.

I really think that Baldwin is a prime candidate for an anger management program, before he hurts himself or someone else.


The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

Where does all this anger come from? Liberal derangement syndrome? Alec Baldwin and Charlie Sheen and George Clooney just need an old fashioned ass-kicking.

Mary said...

Liberal Baldwin certainly is not a non-violent, "Kumbaya" type.

Mary said...

You know, I actually think Baldwin can be really funny.

On SNL and in various interview situations, I've found him very entertaining.

It's too bad he tends to take such frequent leaps off the deep end.