Thursday, July 20, 2006

DPW Misleads Wisconsin Voters

In a press release from the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, state Dems claim:

To no one’s surprise, extreme Mark Green sided with his ideological soul mate George Bush, and voted to uphold the President’s veto – a vote against federal funding for stem cell research.

But then Green released an extraordinary press release, in which he called himself a strong supporter of stem cell research!

In fact, almost all of the Green release is complete fiction.

In fact, the DPW is completely misrepresenting the stem cell research debate and Mark Green's stand.

Mark Green DID NOT vote against federal funding for stem cell research.

The vote was about increased federal funding for EMBRYONIC stem cell research.

The release repeatedly fails to distinguish between embryonic stem cell research and stem cell research overall.

From the DPW's release:

FACT: Mark Green has voted against federal funding for stem cell research twice, has voted for or cosponsored legislation to ban or criminalize stem cell research eight times, and supports efforts by the Wisconsin State Legislature to ban and even criminalize stem cell research.

That couldn't be more misleading.

The DPW's failure to make the distinction between research that requires the destruction of human embryos and stem cell research that does not demand that human life, embryos, be sacrificed is intentional.

The strategy is to depict Mark Green as trying to criminalize research into potentially life-saving treatments. Of course, Green is not against research into curing and treating disease.

Such an assertion, that Green is against stem cell research, is absolutely false.

It's a flat out lie.

Mark Green supports stem cell research. However, he does not support the destruction of human embryos in research or the creation of human embryos solely to be destroyed in research.

Green takes an ethical approach to medical research, one that respects life.

The DPW doesn't want Wisconsin voters to understand that.

The Dems rely on inaccuracies to bash Green. They withhold the truth.



WI Catholic said...

Unfortunately, it isn't just the Dems. MOST do not understand the difference!

Most also do not know that there is not one use for embryonic stem cells use, but that there are 72 proven uses for adult/cord blood stem cells... Love that website...

Mary said...

You're right.

I think it's particularly troubling when some in the medical research community try to mislead the public in the same way.

I want them to just be honest and be clear and tell the truth.

The fact that they don't is very telling.