Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Feingold Embraces Lamont

Russ Feingold is welcoming hard Left Dem candidate Ned Lamont into the fringe fold.

Feingold doesn't have any Wisconsin listening sessions on his schedule today. Maybe he'll rush to congratulate Lamont in person. Imagine that photo-op. If Feingold kissed him, ala Bush-Lieberman, it would be nirvana for the Lefty blogosphere.

Press Release

Milwaukee, WI – U.S. Senator Russ Feingold released the following statement this morning in support of Democratic Senate Nominee Ned Lamont from Connecticut:

"I congratulate Ned Lamont on his primary victory and enthusiastically endorse his candidacy. In this primary election, Democrats in Connecticut showed the Washington establishment what Democrats and Progressives all over the country are demanding - elected officials that stand up for the core American values we all share. From fighting for universal health care to demanding an Iraq policy that makes sense and puts our focus back on the terrorist networks that wish to do us harm, the Connecticut primary was about the core issues Americans talk about around their kitchen table every evening.

I have a lot of admiration for Joe Lieberman. He’s a fine man and he helped me a great deal on campaign finance reform. But Ned Lamont’s positions on the critical issues facing our country today are much closer to mine. We need more leaders like Ned Lamont in Washington and I look forward to working with him on a wide range of issues in the U.S. Senate."

Feingold is putting his money where his mouth is.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold is donating five thousand dollars to Ned Lamont, the anti-war candidate who defeated three-term Senator Joe Lieberman in Connecticut's Democratic primary.

Makes sense since Feingold was the first senator to call for a troop withdrawal timetable from Iraq.

We know were Feingold stands. That's no surprise. I would be shocked if he supported Lieberman.

Of course, Lieberman is a maverick, like Feingold; but I guess not all mavericks are created equal.

I want to know about Herb Kohl.

Where is his press release? Will he be handing over some cash to Lamont?

According to his offices, Kohl has "no statement on that." I suppose he can't be reached for comment.

Will any Wisconsin reporter inquire about Kohl's opinion on the Lamont victory?

Will he be pressured to take a stand?

I want to know. What does he think about the way Lieberman was treated? Most likely, Kohl is thankful that some rich, fringe anti-war Lefty didn't take him on in a primary race.

Kohl just keeps his mouth shut and glides into re-election -- no questions asked.

No questions asked means no answers given.

That really bugs me.

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