Thursday, August 31, 2006

Suicide Killers

On National Review Online, Cliff May has posted portions of an interview with Pierre Rehov.

Rehov is a French documentary filmmaker. His latest work, Suicide Killers, presents his interviews with the families of suicide bombers and recruits for that duty.

He offers insight into the twisted mindset of Islamic fascists.

Some excerpts--

Q - What was it like to interview would-be suicide bombers, their families and survivors of suicide bombings?

A - It was a fascinating and a terrifying experience. You are dealing with seemingly normal people with very nice manners who have their own logic, which to a certain extent can make sense since they are so convinced that what they say is true. … I hear a mother saying "Thank God, my son is dead." Her son had became a shaheed, a martyr, which for her was a greater source of pride than if he had became an engineer, a doctor or a winner of the Nobel Prize.

This system of values works completely backwards since their interpretation of Islam worships death much more than life. You are facing people whose only dream, only achievement goal is to fulfill what they believe to be their destiny, namely to be a Shaheed or the family of a shaheed.

They don't see the innocent being killed, they only see the impure that they have to destroy.

Even after 9/11, the Madrid bombings, the London bombings, and the various foiled terror plots, I still think that many don't understand the nature of the enemy we are facing.

They are in love with death.

Killing the infidels is their calling.

How do you negotiate with that?

What can the UN do to convince them to live in peace?

Q - Are suicide bombers principally motivated by religious conviction?

A - Yes, it is their only conviction. They don't act to gain a territory or to find freedom or even dignity. They only follow Allah, the supreme judge, and what He tells them to do. …

The main difference between moderate Muslims and extremists is that moderate Muslims don't think they will see the absolute victory of Islam during their lifetime, therefore they respect other beliefs. The extremists believe that the fulfillment of the Prophecy of Islam and ruling the entire world as described in the Koran, is for today. Each victory of Bin Laden convinces 20 million moderate Muslims to become extremists.

This is why they're called Islamic fascists.

Many don't like that term, but that's what they are. They are driven by their radical interpretation of Islam.

And they are fascists.

The American Heritage Dictionary's definition of Fascism:

1. Often Fascism

a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.

2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

Clearly, the term fits. We are at war with Islamic fascists.

Q - How can we put an end to the madness of suicide bombings and terrorism in general?

A - Stop being politically correct and stop believing that this culture is a victim of ours. Radical Islamism today is nothing but a new form of Nazism. ..

Notice that Rehov's views are in direct opposition to what the liberals believe.

The libs bend over backwards to be politically correct. (No profiling! That of course means no common sense.)

They think that the suicide bombers are the byproduct of U.S. policy. We created the monsters. We have only ourselves to blame.

In short, the libs believe WE are the enemy.

They see appeasement as the solution to terrorism. They call the targets of the terrorists (citizens of Israel, the U.S., Britain) war criminals for acting in self-defense.

Rehov, on the other hand, believes that there is no appeasing these religious fundamentalists, fanatics, murderers, worshippers of death.

I see his point.


Read more of the interview here.

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