Monday, September 4, 2006

Steve Irwin

I don't understand some people.

As the world mourns the death of
Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin, some jerk or jerks decided to mess with Irwin's Wikipedia biography.

INTERNET encyclopedia Wikipedia was forced to remove an offensive message posted on its entry for Steve Irwin within minutes of the Crocodile Hunter's death yesterday.

As news of Irwin's death broke around the world, someone had written: "Steve Irwin's dead! LOLOLOLOLOL!" on the biography of the Australian icon.

LOL is an abbreviation for laughing out loud.

The entry was quickly spotted and removed from the page.

...Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia open to web users to create and edit their own entries on a range of topics.

After removing the message from the Irwin entry yesterday afternoon, Wikipedia closed it off to anonymous users.

"Due to recent vandalism, editing of this article by anonymous or newly registered users is temporarily disabled," an advisory at the top of the entry said.

A revised entry detailing Irwin's death was posted and the editing function was reopened hours later.

What sort of person would do that? Really. What sort of scum of the earth would take the time to do something so hurtful?

Someone hears the news of Steve Irwin's death and then goes to Wikipedia to post that?

It's truly sick. Some of the things that people do on the Internet, the ugliness and the threats, really sicken me.

If you weren't a Steve Irwin fan and you find humor in his death, that's your business. But to leave that message for all to see, especially kids, is just twisted.

I feel sorry for the person or persons behind the defacing of Irwin's Wikipedia bio.

The individual or individuals who did that must lead miserable lives.


Kate said...

I sometimes think G-d creats the morons, so we won't think too badly of ourselves. :/ I honestly don't get those type of people.

Mary said...

I just can't imagine doing something like that.

I guess there's a lot I can't imagine doing. Being a suicide bomber comes to mind.

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...


It's the same kind of moron who would do something like this

Mary said...

Unbelievable, WS.