Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Jim Doyle?

Wisconsin voters reelected Governor Jim Doyle.

What does that mean?

The majority of Wisconsinites participating in Tuesday's election apparently want higher taxes.

They want to kill unborn children, even in the third trimester.

They believe that human life is raw material for medical experimentation that demands the destruction of that life.

They want to prevent parents from choosing the schools that their children attend.

They want Wisconsin government to be a "pay to play" paradise.

They want special interests and casino money to determine Wisconsin's future.

They want illegal immigrants to get in-state tuition for the UW system.

They think taxpayers should subsidize home loans for illegal immigrants.

They want businesses to be discouraged from locating or expanding in Wisconsin.

They don't mind election fraud.

The majority of Wisconsin voters participating in the election are willing to overlook Doyle's litany of ethical lapses.

We could have done so much better with Mark Green.

It was a lost opportunity.


Jayce said...
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Mary said...

Jayce is banned from commenting here.

PERSISTENT harassment and purely personal attacks on me or contributors to this blog will not be tolerated.

Let's raise the level of debate.

Jayce said...
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Jayce said...
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