Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Here we go.

The Republicans have behaved in a fiscally irresponsible fashion. No question about it.

However, they did enact the President's tax cuts. They deserve credit for that. The Dems, of course, have pledged to repeal those cuts.

What does it mean to have Dems in power?


Read more.


TheBitterAmerican said...

"Fast Eddie" Rendell, newly-reelected Governor of PA, just proposed jacking the gasoline tax 12.5 cents/gallon!

RJay said...

That's exactly what it means "HIGHER TAXES".

Along with a higher unemployment rate.
"The national unemployment rate has dropped to 4.4 percent".
Let's check it in 6 months if the Dem's repeal the tax cuts and see what the unemployment rate is then.

Maybe this is a wake up call for Republicans who stayed home a did not vote and the 25% of Republicans who voted Democrat.

Mary said...

I do think that the Dems peaked too soon as far as the 2008 presidential election goes.

They have two years to display their true high tax selves and to remind American voters why they need to support Republicans.