Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Chris Matthews Over the Edge

Journalist or Partisan Hack?
This morning on Imus, Chris Matthews revealed the depth of his left-wing lunacy.


"Hardball" host Chris Matthews lurched even further off the deep end on Wednesday’s "Imus in the Morning." After praising the “great job” Rudy Giuliani did in cleaning up New York City — which Matthews again suggested was done with just “a pinch” of fascism — the MSNBC star went on a rant declaring how he’s “sick of southern guys with ranches running this country.”

Losing control, Matthews dropped the F-bomb on national television: “I want a guy to run for President who doesn’t have a fucking — I’m sorry, a ranch.” As host Don Imus began to snicker, Matthews plowed ahead with his Democratic talking points: “Wouldn’t that be good, Don, a guy who wasn’t on the ranch during Katrina, he was on the street corner answering questions?”

Radio listeners were spared Matthews’ cursing, but no such luck for those watching the MSNBC simulcast. After saying goodbye to Matthews about three minutes later, Imus and his crew mocked their MSNBC colleague. MSNBC's on-screen file photo of Matthews was altered to include a black censor bar over his mouth. Executive Producer Bernard McGuirk suggested Matthews was the sort who would “put on a diaper and drive 900 miles to abduct Dick Cheney or somebody,” and someone else offered that “he’s crazy.”

Imus was the diplomat: “But isn’t that what we like about him? I love his energy, his passion.”

Here’s the transcript of Matthews’ comments, which happened at about 7:45 ET.

“We love good mayors because we love our cities and Giuliani is the city guy, and I’m so sick of southern guys with ranches running this country. I want a guy to run for president who doesn’t have a fucking — I’m sorry, a ranch. Wouldn’t that be good, Don, a guy who wasn’t on the ranch during Katrina, he was on the street corner answering questions?”

I agree.

Matthews is the type that would put on a diaper and drive 900 miles to abduct somebody.

Do you think that Sean Hannity or some other conservative cable personality could get away with dropping the F-bomb on the air?

No way.


Bob Keller said...

I'm sorry I missed Chris Matthews on Imus yesterday. But take a look at the journal entry I made last July 25, 2006, after another Imus appearance. Matthews has been over the "tipping point" for a long time.....

"Imus was simply stunned by Matthews. Poor Chris went on a rant that seethed with nonsensical hatred of George Bush and the "neo-cons." His view of the war in Iraq has colored his every view."

"Chris' rant went on for a full ten minutes without so much as taking a breath. Matthews wove a tapestry of facts, fiction, insults and propaganda. It's not that his view of Bush and American's foreign policy isn't shared by others, or that it is wrong, it's that he can no longer see any action by Bush in an objective light. There's a neo-con monster under every bed in Chris Matthews world."

I hate to see a television host I once respected go so far beyond reason.

the Wizard......

Mary said...

When you have someone like Matthews spewing his vitriol, I don't see how liberals can claim that the mainstream media maintain any objectivity.

I'm tired of the charade.

FOX and conservative talk radio aren't any more biased than NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, etc.

Matthews is a shill for the liberals. Case closed.