Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Rosie O'Donnell and Elisabeth Hasselbeck

Rosie O'Donnell is making the most of her final days on The View's soapbox.

Her ugliness is getting even uglier.

NEW YORK --Watching Rosie O'Donnell and Elisabeth Hasselbeck squabble on ABC's "The View" is nothing new, but Wednesday's dustup seemed particularly nasty with the co-hosts trading accusations and personal digs.

A political discussion over the war in Iraq became heated when an angry O'Donnell decried Hasselbeck for not standing up for her when media outlets suggested that she'd called U.S. troops "terrorists" during a previous debate.

"What you did was not defend me. ... I asked you if you believed what the Republican pundits were saying — you said nothing, and that's cowardly," O'Donnell said.

Responded a stern Hasselbeck: "Do not call me a coward, because No. 1, I sit here every single day, open my heart and tell people what I believe."

O'Donnell and Hasselbeck were shown on a split screen as the argument progressed without commercial interruption.

"Do you believe that I think our troops are terrorists? And you would not even look me in the face, Elisabeth, and say, `No, Rosie,'" O'Donnell said.

Responded Hasselbeck: "Because you are an adult, and I am certainly not going to be the person for you to explain your thoughts. They're your thoughts! Defend your own insinuations!"

O'Donnell, who is leaving the ABC daytime talk show next month, said she wasn't going to fight anymore. "So for three weeks, you can say all the Republican crap you want."

Elisabeth Hasselbeck must be counting the days until she can go to work and not have to face O'Donnell and put up with her rants.

O'Donnell referenced the "squabble" on her

a split screen
new heights
or lows
depending on who u ask

is this kelli
no rosie
well hello it is betsy
i saw the view today
and wanted to call u
and just say hi and i hope u r ok

betsy and i chatted
i thanked her
fed the geese
put on amy winehouse

always loud
the soul shakes
the heart awake

like it or not

tomorrow kelli turns 40
i will not be at work

peace out

Poor, poor Rosie.

"i hope u r ok"

Good grief.

Talk about crap!


Anonymous said...

You don't seem to get it. Typical of people who think Hasselbeck is in any way correct.

Without Rosie, the View will not make it to a 12th year.

Liz R

Mary said...

You don't seem to get it.

O'Donnell didn't last on The View for a year. She was the one unable to make it.

No doubt, ABC is feeling the heat from sponsors.

If The View doesn't make it for another season, it will be because ABC allowed O'Donnell to destroy the show.

Anonymous said...

Rosis has ranted and scream her political thoughts for the whole season. She may have some interesting ideas on the war, but what upsets me most is that she never listen to other people's ideas and thoughts. She is not the answer for a moderator, or cohosts. It is always my way or the highway. I was personally proud of Elisabeth standing up to her. Rosis always seem to want love and acceptance to everything she says and when it doesn't happen, She goes balistic. Classic case of a manic depressive behavior. I am not surprise she won't be there tomorrow. Classic like always running away. I am one that is glad she is not returning. I enjoy the view way before Rosie. The season has been colorful, but I think it could be better without her. Kudos to Elisabeth, bye Rosie

Anonymous said...

I am SO GLAD that Elisabeth is not crying over Rosie's snotty comments. I knew that as soon as Rosie was going to be on THE VIEW that it would be a disaster. Rosie is insecure, snotty,jealous, and her hateful attitude just manages to divide that show. That's not something that I want to watch in the morning.And no, I could care less that she's a "fat lesbian". She needs to get over herself. The rest of us have to.

Independent said...

For the record; wanting love and acceptance are not symptoms of a Manic Depressive Disorder; however they are classic of friendships.
What Rosie was asking of Elizabeth was to defend her publicly as a friend on a sensitive issue; that being she does not feel the Troops themselves' are terrorist.
I have witness all of the ladies on the View interrupt each other during a passionate debate one time or another.

Anonymous said...

Rosie doesn't seem to realize that many of the Iragis that have been killed, have been killed by their own people. It's called Civil War, Rosie! You really should look at all the facts when you start making comments. We all know you hate any Republicans and their views. But then it seems that you "HATE" just about anything that doesn't fall within your belief group. No one doesn't like you because of your sexual preference; they don't like you because of how you act and speak.

Anonymous said...

What we're seeing is what is going on nationally. Left vs. Right or Red vs. Blue. Nobody is willing to stand back and analyze how both sides have very reasonable stances (for the most part).
On a personal observation with Rosie and trying to see the whole picture, she has a repetitive pattern. Does anyone remember the hot water with Tom Selleck and gun control? I am a big proponent of speaking one's mind, but this goes beyond. Rosie doesn't see how insulting she is to others and then takes others positions very personally. It's somewhat of a self fulfilling prophecy in which she sees people as letting her down. i.e. with Barbara Walters in the Donald Trump event and now, with Elizabeth. I really don't believe she sees how she kept bashing all of Elizabeth's beliefs over and over and expect her to turn over and 'defend' her. No emotionally healthy person should take this behavior from any family or friend on a regular basis and then excuse that person's behavior. That's not a sign of loyalty or love, that would be a sign of dysfunction.

Anonymous said...

View vs Jerry Springer...

Anonymous said...

i am so tired of elisabeth. she goes on and on in that very annoying voice of hers, never backing down and listening to anyone else's views. rosie, whether you like her opinions or not, whether they are mainstream or not, can have an intelligent conversation. she shook up the view when she started, and when she leaves, so will i. i really can't stand any more of non-important conversations, like the ones that used to be on the view, and i guess that format will be back, once rosie leaves. rosie gets such a slamming all the time and still is able to take it. i think she is a very strong person, but i wish all the things she is going through will end and she can some day debate with someone who knows how to debate.

Anonymous said...

Thank God Elisabeth is on the View because she is their last hope. Rosie is obnoxious, fat lesbian in her words and I agree with her. That is the only thing I agree with her on. What a miserable life she must lead. When asked earlier in the year "Does she want to see the Americans win the war in Iraq" not once but twice she declined to answer. I say to Rosie "Go to another country and do a show were sick of you here"

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous. Hasselbeck is cute, young and absolutely clueless and that is what upsets Rosie. Hasselbeck thinks she is smart, aware and politically correct. She questioned Joy's comment that Bush stold the election! He had the voting machines in fla [where his bro was in ofice, of course] tampered with. I watched that moment on tv, Gore had won fla and Bush said oh no we have knowing what had occured. The view will not make its 12th year without Rosie. The reason people agree with Hasselback is why Bush is president, elected by ignorance and a push over group of christians who have been totally snowed over. Like Joy How come he is still in office? The entire world hates him!!! Without Rosie the view will be boring with Elisabeths cute, clueless statements.

Unknown said...

thank you Rosie

this clip is for you

Anonymous said...

Alicia Silverstone isn't the only one to snub EH. I have seen other celebrities come out and bypass her and say hello to the other women. It's because she is a no-talent, big mouthed jerk, who doesn't belong in show business. Go eat a bug Elisabeth and shut the hell up. I hope you leave the show permanently --- soon.

CSH said...

Rosie has just gone off the deep end while on the View.

It's not her personal life, appearance or even her opinions that I find offensive. It's the way she pushes her point of view when she debates. She can't accept the fact that many folks don't always agree with her!

She likes to make provocative statements or insinuations and couch them as questions to the panel. Then if someone disagrees with her she goes into a shouting match while trying to evoke an audience response. Once she gets the response she wants she taunts her fellow debator. When she does this she comes across as mean spirited and nasty.

She also likes to bully with that, "All I want is a yes or no" thing. How can anyone answer her when she is disguising ultimatum in the form of debate. The whole point of debate is to air both sides in the hope of finding common ground. It seems if you can't come to her way of thinking you wind up her enemy. This you're either with me or against me style of discourse is no better than the very administration and politicians she claims to despise!

I do not doubt for a minute that she truly believes her crazy conspiracy theories on the wtc 7 and has the best of intentions in her message to wake up america. I personally agree with her on several things, particularly regarding the media. But for someone who is screaming so loudly about how the corporate media is censoring free speech and stifling thought you would think she would be more tolerant of folks who disagree with her.

So I just hope she takes a break and finds some peace of mind. I also hope she comes to understand that there are many folks out there who would like her a whole lot more if she could simply and kindly agree to disagree.

Sudiegirl said...

I'm a democrat, but i have to agree with hasselbeck at least on the notion that it's not necessarily her job to defend rosie. it's rosie's job, first and foremost.

both parties have a right to believe what they believe, but rosie shouldn't expect elisabeth to be a sycophant.

that's what barbara and joy are for.

Anonymous said...

Regarding cshyland's comment...I agree. I used to respect Rosie when she had her own show. She was kind, generous and respectfully listened to guests on her show. Now, she has become what she despises: A bully, arrogant, and the hate that I feel coming out of her is alarming. I pray for all of those who preach "love" but exude hate.....yet I do not believe that this is who she truly means to b.

Anonymous said...

Rosie is just a loud mouthed cow and it is time for her to fade away and go home. Who cares that she is a lesbian? Thas has nothing to do with her being a fat, obnoxious screamer of "i'm right and you're wrong. It makes me wonder if she starts all this crap with people because she knows her time in the spotlight is just about over and once she's gone, who care's.

Anonymous said...

I don't dislike Rosie because she is fat or a lesbian, I dislike her because she is rude, hateful and self righteous! She made a comment to Elizabeth yesterday about always quoting facts BUT Rosie herself is the "fact queen". How many times does she quote the facts on deaths in this war? She can make points without being so mean. Elizabeth gets her point of view across without bashing Rosie. Thankfully Rosie is leaving - now we can get back to debates without her loud mouth
"sounding off".

Anonymous said...

Sorry Rosie but being a lesbian or fat is not what makes people dislike you, it is your overbearing attitude that does it. I think it is great that Elizabeth stood up to her because Rosie just runs over everyone she can. As for the snub, someone wrote that others have snubbed Elizabeth b/c she has no talent. Excuse, talent is no reason to be snubbed and the same thing goes for someone's political views. I think being snubbed is the worst form of behavior there is and Alicia sorry but your value went down many points over thinking that snub wasn't seen and felt.
Rosie you need help, your hate comes through the T.V. screen.

Anonymous said...

I am sick and tired of Rosie thinking she is the only one that is right, she needs to remember the name of the show, the VIEW...

Anonymous said...

For Pete's sake Rosie will you just shut up!

Anonymous said...

For goodness sakes - can't Rosie leave now??? It would be so much better and who does Alicia Silverstone think she is snubbing Elisabeth - she is certainly not better than her.

Anonymous said...

I for one am glad that Rosie is leaving. She is a very tactless and rude person on T.V. Everyone has the capacity for kindness, but some are so warped by their preception of the world's personal view of them and the choices they have made in their life, that they walk around with a chip on their shoulder.
ROSIE a true healthy friendship is one based on acceptance. Your friends can share some opinions but if they share all of your opinions, then chances are you have a bunch of friends that value your star status and what's in it for them more than the actual friendship. So sad that your insecurities need to be aired like this. I hope you haven't doomed your friendship with Elizabeth.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Elizabeth! What a woman of class! Not only is Rosie a big fat pig, but in order to get her point across, she is constantly screaming and yelling! Could that be due to the fact that she feels insecure and feels that she has to "run over" everyone else in order to prove her point? I'm already so sick of hearing about her and her "partner" and her "in-laws" and I'm so proud of Elizabeth for standing up for her Christian beliefs! The View made a serious mistake by bringing that big sloppy woman onto the show and I, for one, am so glad that she is leaving!! To scream and yell at a pregnant woman was just about the last straw! No wonder Rosie didn't show up on the show today! The next few weeks can't go by fast enough!

Anonymous said...

I stopped watching the View once Rosie started. I hate hearing people yell and constantly interrupt each other to make a point. Honestly I began to get sick of the View before Rosie because I felt Elisabeth was not vocal enough in defending conservative views against Joy (at the time). But I am proud of Elisabeth for standing up to Rosie. Rosie needs to learn to listen to others point of view, which is sometimes a hard thing to do. We should know we have had to listen to hers!

Anonymous said...

Oh please Rosie is nothing more then a big mouth that has to have a say in everything. she should go get a real life

Anonymous said...

Alicia Silver'spoon" was immature for not acknowledging Elizabeth, you were invited on a show some class.
Even though I have to admit that I agree with most of Rosies views...I am sick and tired of the way she comes across, just like rush limbaugh on the conservative side, they cram it down how throats and everyone who disagrees with them is wrong. It is totally irresponsbile!!!

Anonymous said...

This is insane that they act like this. There is so much more to what is going on over there than what they see and talk about. I have my opinions, saddness, and anger about it, but guess what no one cares, and my hands are tied. I think that Rosie is using the show to exploit her opinions, challenge our government. I am glad she is leaving the show, even though I am not a viewer I think its about time someone pulled the carpet out from under her. If someone ever needed to be told to shut up its her. She screwed her self by ending her own show, and fell way out of the lime light, and now she was given a second chance and absolutely screwed that up by trying to be something she is not, smart. Tell me one smart thing she has done, or said. She is absolutely uneducated on what is really going on and why, but thats what happens when you get reports from the news. She hears what she wants and bases her outlook on that. Yes it is sad how many people have died, but guess what if we weren't there they would still have uncountable, unecessary deaths, and still have a communist leader who scares his people rather than protecting them. Lets move our cameras to another part of the world where we are not, I garuntee you will find civil war that is senceless and killing millions, but that is not shown because they want to blame this on our presence, and that would discredit these accounts. Rosie I think it is time for you to shut up, go hang upside down, and get fatter. Your time is up, your voice is silent now, even your faithful gay followers are embarrassed by your actions. I really hope that social services uses alot of your ranting and raving, and warped opinions into account when they think about the wellfare of your kids and the beliefs you are teaching them, how to betray your country and become a traitor....

zigzagz said...

Elisabeth is a (cross eyed probably from all the inbreeding at the very least from bad genetics)rude disrespectful little hate monger and I don't expect anything less than complete ignorance from her.
She has admitted to being a coward time and time again worrying about "the boogeyman" oh excuse me I mean terrorists, this prooves she has no faith in anyhting but fear and what that fear can do to protect her and damage others ELISABETH AND THOSE LIKE HER ARE TERRORISTS!

Anonymous said...

It was a joy to watch The View today without Rosie; and can you believe everyone was able to give their opinion without being beaten down? They claim that Rosie took the day-off for her partner's B-Day; however, I think Rosie is feeling defeated and is fuming and pouting. Elizabeth did a great job yesterday by not submitting to Rosie's bulliness. The network should pay Rosie to stay home through the duration of her contract.... She is DONE !!!!

Steve said...

Rosie has failed at her own show, her magazine, and now she is being run off the View. That pattern of failure has two causes, her lack of intelligence and her lack of manners. Her method of "discussing" an item is to yell and shout others down, and not permit open discussion. She makes baselss accusations, her opinions are the worst and most ridiculous liberal drivel, and she has no talent whatsoever. She is another one of these people you wonder why they are famous.

Anonymous said...

Let's get to the bottom of Rosie's anger and fustration. She can't grow a penis and be the man she has always wanted to be.

Anonymous said...

CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!! Rosie has big time issues. Elizabeth presented her point of view without entering into a screaming match with Rosie, which impressed me. Rosie needs therapy.

Anonymous said...

When Hasselbeck's ditzy blonde fluff gets ruffled, she sounds like Alvin the Chipmunk on speed.

Masquerading as an arbiter of fashion and a credible political analyst, Hasselbeck is hand-crafted bourgeois at its finest. The intellectual dynamo recently stated that the Hannity and Colmes ventriloquist-dummy show is an example of serious debate. Hasselbeck is best defined by a skateboarding segment where she put her helmet on backwards.

If "The View" were truly interested in presenting an intelligent Conservative POV, they'd put a mic on Mary Matalin. Barbara Walters and her ego can't handle the threat of intelligence (or a little mayhem) even when it's good for ratings. She's hell-bent on keeping the show barefoot and pregnant. She has friendships to sustain, so she makes frequent on-cue appearances attempting some kind of janitorial damage control, offering up apology and supplication -- ad nauseam. She has even cleaned up after herself in the same sitting when she has feared her own remarks might offend a celebrity-friend -- which pretty much includes everyone on the A list.

Her show is suffering for it. The only saving grace for the inane revolving door parade of who-in-the-hell-is-the-nobody-guest-hostess? has been the presence of the controversial O'Donnell.

Where will you go now, Miss Walters, now that the Mountain has defeated you?

WIGGY said...

Rosie is a tyrant. You can tell that not only is she ugly on the outside but on the inside as well. I think Rosie wants Elisabeths MUFFIN but Hassleback has already scored the winning touch down and Rosie cant have it so Rosie has to lash out for the jealosy of the fact she cant have Elisabeth MUFFIN. On Rosie last day Elisabeth ought to buy Rosie a going away gift like 2 TRIPLE CHEESEBURGERS AN EXTRALARGE PIZZA AND A ROLL OF TOILET PAPER FOR HER MOUTH .

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of Elizabeth, but, she defended herself very well against Rosie. Rosie - you need to relax - you have so much anger in you - try a HAPPY pill - it just might work! Or,maybe Meredith needs to be a guest co-host and straighten these girls out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

do not engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed lesbian

Anonymous said...

No intelligent person could ever believe the 650,000 deaths that Rosie claims in Iraq. It's a complete nonsense number.This is as many deaths as we had in the Civil War.There would be piles of bodies every night on the liberal news. Where are they? They don't exist except in lies told by liberals.By the way we did find WMD's, tons of them. They didn't count though I guess.

Anonymous said...

If you watch the clip over you can see its the Hasselbeck is the rude one that loses her cool... wont let anyone talk.. interrupts everyone, not letting them speak.. She even keeps running her mouth when the host next to her is reading the list about Bush.Like a little girl that does not get her way... what a mororn just like that Kelly Ripa.. its attack of the dumb blonds

Anonymous said...

Elisabeth Hasselbeck is an ignorant twit. A poor excuse for a free thinking woman. Shame on her. Shame on you for listening to her bs. At least Rosie points out what people refuse to see.

check it ou.

Anonymous said...

It's pathetic how the show turned out. Rosie is so full of herself, she doesn't show any class. She asks a question, yet doesn't let the person answer it in her own words. It was a very disturbing show. I am glad she will be off soon. She really needs help, she seems to be angry at everything that does not go her way. People putting down Hasselbeck for trying to speak up is totally ignorant. If you notice everytime she opened her mouth, Rosie didn't let her finish. Another thing, when you are invited on a show, show at least a little class my acknowledging everyone. Alicia Silverstone should have never snub Hasselbeck. She was a guest. Grow up and show some class.

Anonymous said...

i am so sick of elizabeth she is a big mouth jerk and i do like rosie i wont watch the view any more as long as she is on it she is pityfull and dumb like trump said go home elizabeth and take care of u kids gee. if it wasnt rosie u would of had no rattings at all. and barbara is a liar she didnt depend rosie or u dumb elizabeth.
i hope the view fails u only get people to come to the studio for all the free gifts keep them

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone really care what either of these talentless women think? What has either of them done to even deserve anyone's attention? O'Donnell eats bush and Hasselbeck supports bush.

Anonymous said...

Elisabeth Hasselbeck said I support Bush. Rosie O'Donnell said I love bush myself, can I have yours? Everything escalated from there...