Friday, June 8, 2007

Free McGee

I saw this one coming.

May 29, I asked:

Has anyone spotted a "Free McGee" t-shirt yet?

Well, they're here.

The best dressed Milwaukee thugs and their supporters and apologists will be wearing these.

All the avaiable "Free McGee" products are white.

I think it would be nice to make up a shirt in jail jumpsuit orange.


Anonymous said...


I would consider it a privilege if you would add my political blog "The Tygrrrr Express" to your list of linked sites if you feel the quality is high.

Happy June.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if they'll use the profits to pay the slimeball's bail?

Mary said...

I'll check out your blog, Eric, and will be glad to link.

I wonder if McGee designed the shirts.

Maybe he wants to make some money that way since his extortion income has been cut off.

Anonymous said...

Since most Madisonians despise everything Milwaukee, I thought it was particularly funny to see Joel McNally's opinion piece in The Cap Times last weekend. Most Madisonians don't know (or care) who Michael McGee is, but I am sure many of them were pounding their fists in unity against "the system" after reading McNally's "version" of the events surrounding McGee's "injustice" (which conveniently leaves out any reference to McGee's radio hate speech, his threatening the mother of his illegitimate child during a restraining order hearing in court, his advocacy of using his "rapid response team" citizen groups to throw bricks at cars speeding through the central city, his "stop snitchin'" campaign, his reference to President Bush as a "terrorist" in his open letter to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, his repeated mockery of homosexuality, the failed recall and the voter influencing charges that have come out of it, et al)

But, using the veil of secrecy that the "longest 60 miles ever" affords him, it's easy for McNally to conveniently omit so many facts about this particular leader in trying to make his case about an unjust system, heavily weighted against black leadership, to the sympathetic Madison readers.

Mary said...

Thanks for pointing out McNally's column, Bruce.

McNally is definitely guilty of multiple sins of omission.