Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sicko Michael Moore and Jay Leno

It was tough to watch The Tonight Show Tuesday night with guest Michael Moore, and not just because Michael Moore looks like he's put on a ton of weight.

It was Moore's incessant cheerleading for socialized medicine that was nauseating. It was his cheerleading for socialism in general.

While hawking Sicko, his latest Leftist propaganda piece masquerading as a documentary, Moore relayed stories about how superior Cuba's system is to ours. He told of Cuba being even better than Canada's incredible health care. You know, the system that sends desperate, seriously ill Canadians across the border to get medical care in the U.S.

One of the most ridiculous claims that Moore made was that government control of health care would mean less bureaucracy. That's so out of touch it's laughable.

Moore thinks that something as important as health care should not be left in the hands of the private sector. He believes the government would be more effective in managing care. Again, laughable.

Leno did challenge Moore slightly once. He brought up the fact that if Cuba is so great than it's odd that the people risk their lives to escape the island, coming to the U.S. on rafts and boats.

Moore basically ignored the question.

For the most part, Leno was lapping up Moore's pablum. Leno complimented Moore's aggressive style a number of times, telling him how much he likes what Moore does.

Leno nodded and just accepted what Moore was reciting as gospel truth -- If you're sick or injured, Cuba is the best place to be.

Yes, Moore definitely seems to be in love with all things Cuban.

The rotund Moore would fit right in with all those newly overweight Cubans, too.

HAVANA -- Cubans are no strangers to the battle of the bulge. Waistlines have expanded since the economic crisis of the early 1990s eased on the communist-run island - so much so that 30 percent of adults are now overweight, a newly released government study reveals.

Some people outside Cuba hold on to a stereotype of malnourished Cubans waiting in lines for a few potatoes, but there's ample evidence to the contrary in Havana, where bulging waistlines are stuffed into snug skirts or peek through too-tight guayabera shirts.

"People eat lots of things like pizza and bread that fill you up, but put on a lot of weight," said Lucia, a plump housewife who didn't want her last name used, saying she was embarrassed about her weight and uncomfortable talking publicly about something as political as food.

Can you imagine being uncomfortable talking publicly about something as POLITICAL as food?

Yeah, Cuba is a real paradise.

"If you want to go on a diet it's hard because vegetables and fruits cost a lot," she said.

...Cuba has a food ration system that supplements diets with a subsidized basket of rice, beans, potatoes, bread, eggs, a little meat, fish and chicken and other goods. The government estimates it provides a third of the 3,300 calories each Cuban consumes daily.

Cubans also get subsidized meals at work and school, and buy food at farmers markets and overpriced supermarkets or through black market purchases and trades.

Residents say getting food remains challenging, but it's easier now than in the early 1990s when the Soviet Union collapsed and generous subsidies ended.

Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

I can't picture Moore handling the food ration system.

He strikes me as a "must feed on demand" kind of guy.

Funny that Moore never mentioned Cuba's food rationing when he was suggesting that Americans should get on rafts and head for the island Utopia, land of universal health care.


Anonymous said...

Moore brings up the right topics. But he is so clouded by the far-left ideology that he simply fails to present it in a fair and balanced way. In Fahrenheit 9/11 he showed how Iraq was one big happy place before US invasion!! Nobody in the right mind would have believed it.

Three years later, even Republicans are running away from Iraq issue! To that extent, he was right. Remember the heated debate between him and Bill O'Reilly? Unfortunately, Bill turned out to be wrong!

Same thing with our Healthcare!! I’m sure his movie will start a new round of debate. That’s the best we can expect from Sicko.

Anonymous said...

Moore is, and always has been, a ten ton version of Joseph Goebbels, he wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on his burgeoning butt. However, most people know he is a slime bag.

Mary said...

Only the truly blind believe that Moore presents the truth and not distorted, agenda-driven, staged mockumentaries.

That's what bugs me when someone like Leno treats Moore like a sage.

ThatDeborahGirl said...

He told of Cuba being even better than Canada's incredible health care. You know, the system that sends desperate, seriously ill Canadians across the border to get medical care in the U.S

You know, for all that people in America refuse to believe that the Canadian healthcare system works should read more.

Like this blog entry by a Canadian blogger who was documenting her pregnancy on her blog. Her pregnancy was entirely normal but her baby was born with seizures.

In the U.S. this experience may have bankrupted them. In Canada, they were able to get all of the care they needed and go back to their lives without being reduced to dire poverty.

No woman on this planet and especially not in the "richest country on Earth" should have to go through pregnancy and childbirth without prenatal care or worrying about money.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people here seem to be disconnected from the facts. Go learn a little about the subject before throwing out your opinions on Michael Moore and Sicko. For example this FAQ by the Physicians for National Health Programs:

Mary said...

I invite anyone touting the virtues of Cuba's health care system or Canada's to take up residence there so they can reap the benefits.

Good luck!

Pedro Ferrão Patrício said...

This is a tough issue.
One should praise socialism if it worked.
But capitalism too.

Mary said...

Socialism doesn't work.

Christina Mennella said...

I hope all of you with your fascist comments are the richest 1 percent Michael Moore is talking about. This isn't Democracy in American anymore. Disney has how many sweatshops where children work 12 hours a day making thier little toys?
Or how about media consolidation where five huge corporations are controlling our news. And how do we get the truth? Bill O'Reilly wow! Nuclear Weapons we never found! And we are not even angry, guess we can all go to Wal-Mart and make it all better, or in your cases Hell.Canada's media system is fair and balanced. social concerns are addressed and there is a care for all people.
I hope the Internet doesnt turn out like Broadcast Television which equals censorship, and a capitalist selling machine that is out of control.
Hmm! we never see any news on corporate TV about the poor in ghettos dying in the U.S. we just see America helping other countries--PLEASE! WE CANT CONTINUE TO RIP OFF THE REST OF THE WORLD AND EXPECT EVERYONE TO LOVE US!WAKE UP!
Socialism? OR just plain democracy where citizens participate poor, middle class! We should care about our own people!

Christina Mennella said...

Hmm! I wonder if you will approve my comment. Lets see if censorship is your way! Capitalism without restrainsts is dangerous. To bad the Fairness Doctrine is gone. Oh! that allows people to decide for themselves. Wow! Hearing both sides just isnt required anymore. Hope you all make it to Heaven on the coat-tails of capitalism.

Anonymous said...

"HAVANA -- Cubans are no strangers to the battle of the bulge. Waistlines have expanded since the economic crisis of the early 1990s eased on the communist-run island - so much so that 30 percent of adults are now overweight, a newly released government study reveals."

And we are 32 percent(and thats only the adults) so whats your point? we have the highest statistics of disease.So please be quiet really.If all you can do is talk about his weight...well that just confirms you have no argument.

sorry I'm sticking with michael moore.smh