Bill Maher made another visit to the Tonight Show on Monday.
Whenever Maher is on the show, it's guaranteed to be offensive.
He's relentless when it comes to his merciless Bush-bashing and trashing of conservative principles. He's so horribly mean-spirited.
A couple of times Maher said that he wasn't affiliated with either party.
I believe that he's not a registered Dem or Republican, but there's no way that he can claim to be fair and balanced when it comes to the two major parties. It's clear where his allegiance lies. The guy is rabidly anti-Republican.
Maher drooled that John Edwards and Barack Obama would be the dream ticket for the Dems.
He said that the Republicans have nothing.
Maher touched on the Live Earth concerts. He segued into how the Republicans have demonized terms like "global warming" and "planet," and made some lame jokes about President and his ranch.
When Leno steered Maher back to presidential politics, Maher said, "It' interesting that the only two people who couldn't' run together would be Hillary and Obama because America would go that's too much non-male whiteness at one time. We're progressive but not that much."
Maher posed a question to the audience:
"How’s Bush doing, folks?"
Some in the audience booed and some cheered. It was a shouting contest. The people booing won.
Maher acknowledged, "A lot of my fellow traitors out here now. Five years ago I did that and they said I was the traitor."
Maher said that Bush's own party isn't with him on the war anymore. He went on to say that he read in the paper that "military families are not really too sure about this war anymore."
He continued, "Lithuania pulled out of the coalition of the willing."
Leno said, "Oh, we are screwed now."
Maher commented, "That's a blow because they had killed 12 insurgents and 3 vampires."
It really bugs me when people belittle the contributions that other countries have made in the war.
Maureen Dowd is notorious for doing that. Drives me nuts!
Maher proceeded to slam Bush and mock him.
"He's so through the looking glass on this war because now all he’s talking about is al Qaeda in Iraq. OK, there was no al Qaeda in Iraq..."
At that point, Leno agreed, "Right."
Maher went on, "...before we invaded it and created a failed state."
"He's like a guy who throws manure on you and then offers you protection from the flies."
Maher then talked about the 62-year-old woman who had a baby.
He said, "That's not a miracle from God. That's a miracle from Pfizer."
"And she already had 11 children."
"She's either Catholic or a hamster."
Maher loves to bash Catholics. He finds great joy in it.
Leno concluded the interview by congratulating Maher on being chosen Advocate magazine's person of the year. It's a gay publication.
He said that he's very proud of that and explained why he received the honor.
"I think if I have any credibility with the gay community it's because over the years I've defended one simple principle which is that there should not be two sets of civil rights for people in this country, one for people who put penises in vaginas, and one for people who don't."
Leno laughed and said, "Very eloquently put."
Maher wasn't finished yet. He added, "And the people who don't are told by the Right wing that they need a cure."
"Remember Rev. Ted Haggard? The Rev. Ted Haggard went to gay rehab and said he was cured after two weeks."
(Actually, it was three.)
"He said he wasn't gay at all; it was the devil. The devil made him do it, but he got rid of the devil.
"He said, 'Get thee behind me, Satan.' And do it gently. That's not my snake but keep handling.' "
I found that to be particularly offensive. Maher actually quoted the Bible (Mark 8:33) to make a sick joke.
When Jesus explains to his disciples that the Savior will have to be tortured and killed, Peter rebukes him. Jesus responds to Peter, "Get thee behind me, Satan."
If he had quoted the Koran like that, there probably would have been weeks of riots by angry Muslims.
Maher managed to hit the trifecta during his appearance on Monday by offending Republicans, Christians, and Lithuanians.
While I do, or did, think Maher can be funny, I think his real ugliness far overrides any moments of humor he provides.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Offensive Bill Maher and Jay Leno
Posted by
7/17/2007 12:02:00 AM
Labels: Bill Maher, Celebrities, Entertainment, Jay Leno
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Being offensive is Maher's shtick. If you watch Real Time, or read his book, he actually makes fun of Muslims much more than any other religious group. He does tend to lean left, but he pokes fun at the Democrats as well. Look for a clip of him discussing Ann Coulter on YouTube. He explains to Larry King why Ann was technically right when she called Edwards a "faggot."
Yeah, I know. It's how Maher makes a living.
For years, he's been bashing Catholics; though he's definitely an equal opportunity guy when it comes to mocking religions.
And you're right. He does make fun of the Dems. They aren't off limits by any means.
I guess his jokes about them seem so mild because he absolutely despises Bush.
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