Monday, September 10, 2007

Code Pink Wackos at Congressional Hearing

The Code Pink women are loons.

They disrupted the testimony of
General David Petraeus and U.S. ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker.

Dressed in their pink garb and screeching at the hearing, they do nothing for their cause.

"General, the American people don't believe you anymore!!!"

Ike Skelton got ticked off and vowed that they would be prosecuted.

Petraeus was one of two witnesses — Ambassador Ryan Crocker was the other — at a nationally televised hearing punctuated by numerous protests by anti-war demonstrators in the audience.

Over and over, Rep. Ike Skelton, the Missouri Democrat presiding, ordered police to remove the demonstrators. "This is intolerable," he said at one point.

That's not all Skelton had to say. He called the protesters "a**holes."

From Hot Air:

Dan Burton warns Skelton at around the halfway point that Code Pink’s going to act up and Skelton gets snotty with him. The hot mike moment comes at around 3:30 if you’re counting down.

Not surprisingly, Cindy Sheehan was arrested "in or near the hearing room."

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