Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ryan Mullarney on TV

Twelve-year-old Ryan Mullarney's face was all over the news on Tuesday.

He's the victim of an alleged assault by one of his football coaches, Michael Crawley.

The 85 pound Mullarney described his ordeal. He said that Crawley slammed him to the ground and called him a "mother f***er" and was "dropping the f-bomb."

Crawley's outburst is shocking. It's frightening that a coach, a role model for these middle school kids, would physically attack and verbally threaten one of his players.

620 WTMJ has the police report.

Names are redacted but there's no doubt that Ryan Mullarney is the victim of the allleged assault. He wasn't hiding his identity. He talked about the incident to reporters. His mother, Lynn Brellenthin, participated in multiple interviews, too.

If my son had been attacked by his coach, I wouldn't want him to speak to reporters and certainly not on camera. I wouldn't agree to go on camera either. I would want to maintain my privacy and protect my child as much as possible.

It's really amazing that Crawley could snap so completely and with such ferociousness.

Besides the physical abuse, the language Crawley used was incredibly abusive. How does a coach and father become so angry at a child that he yells that he's going to kill him?

The police report states:

Crawley stated that [redacted] has hit his son in a "cheap shot way" before. He believes [redacted] is a dirty player and thought it was an intentional hit.

That may be.

So what? It's irrelevant.

There are dirty players. Middle school kids can be brutal to others, physically and verbally.

It's possible that Mullarney did intentionally hit Crawley's son.

But that is no excuse for Crawley to attack Mullarney.

The police report says:

Ms. [redacted] was displeased that Crawley was not in custody and she expressed fear of him. She said that up until this incident she and Crawley were friends. She requested information regarding a restraining order....

If they were friends, it appears that Brellenthin didn't have problems with Crawley in the past. She apparently trusted him with her son.

Now she wants a restraining order.

If she needs that to be more at ease, I can understand how that might help. However, it does seem a little weird that she would agree to do all the interviews if she's so fearful of Crawley.

I want to be clear. Crawley was 100% in the wrong to attack one of his players. No matter what Mullarney did, Crawley responded terribly inappropriately. Coaches do not assault the players. Period.

I wonder why Crawley so totally lost it. Why did he snap like that?

Something set him off.

I do think it should be remembered that Mullarney may not be the angel the media are making him out to be.

Again, that's no excuse for Crawley's behavior.

I don't see why Mullarney and his mother would participate in the media blitz. What's the point? There's something sort of unseemly about that.

The police are investigating. It's not as if the mother and son are using the media to uncover the story or build support for their cause. Mullarney is already the sympathetic figure.

There's a fifteen minutes of fame aspect to this.


Anonymous said...

Oh you have hit the nail on the head. This child is no angel, in fact he is a punk little kid that has a reputation as being a dirty player. Funny that no one reported that the play prior to the "illegal hit" after Coach Crawley's son ran around him and made him look dumb he told him that he was going to make him cry on the next play. Nothing excuses putting your hands on a child, of course, but what are we teaching this boy by letting him run away in the media and get away with being a punk while getting glorified for it to boot. His family should have gone on Jerry Springer, they might have at least got money to buy that new double wide!
And big time Kudo's to the Cudahy Police Department for their crack investigating, way to go boys...doughnuts all around!

Unknown said...

That's funny; we've been lionizing Cassius Clay/Cassius X/ Mohammud Ali for well over 40 years now.
He was a dirty fighter but no one cared, not even the guys he fought.
In the NFL, guys are literally trying to decapitate opposing qb's.
No one says a word.

Now we're gonna have guys who are coaching their sons beat up the other kids who are tougher than their own sons.

"Ain't that America"? Take a bow, Coach Crawley, and next time take a hammer to Ryan's head. That'll learn him!

Right, anon?

Don't you just love these anons? There are a lot of folq with that name--"Hi Ashley, I'm anon."

Ashley: "Uh, I know 10 other people with that name--odd."

Mary said...

In the NFL, guys are literally trying to decapitate opposing qb's.
No one says a word.


And no, we aren't going to have coaches like Crawley. He was charged with battery.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever stop to think that people might be witnesses and aren't able to release their name, and Ronald believe me when I am able I'll put my name on what I have to say! We DO NOT glorify dirty players on 6th and 7th grade teams. Even in professional sports no one condones that kind of violence, from coaches or otherwise! That's why we have rules being the cave man that you seem to be probably wouldn't understand that. I believe in Boxing there is that little insignificant "no hitting below the belt, let's have a clean fight gentlemen thing" and in football there are all sorts of penalties for those kinds of infractions. My point was never to support what Coach Crawley did, but to point out that there are two sides to every story and that it's pathetic that a mother would use her child as a proxy to get her "15 minutes of fame". You'll notice that the coach did not subject his son to the media frenzy, gee could it be because he is a minor and he was protecting him. That's class sir, the other side of this drama is showing none!

And for the record, according to the media...charges are still pending.

Mary said...

Following up the previous comment, Crawley now has been charged.

I'm not being an apologist for Crawley. I don't know him. I wasn't there when the incident occurred. But I do have questions about the way Mullarney and his mother are playing this.

Wendy Witkowski said...

This comment comes a few years too late, but you people are dead WRONG about Ryan Mullarney!! My daughter played football with him for many years and she is a good friemd with him and his sister! I personally know Ryan also. I can tell you that Ryan is a decent kid and not a "dirty player"! The media reported that Ryan weighed 85 lbs. and not to disparage Ryan, but 85 lbs. might have been a slight exaggeration. Ryan was one of the "smaller" kids on the football team. Even my daughter was larger than him! They played up against kids who were twice their size and twice thier weight! If any of you had ever gone to a Cudahy Bulldog Football game, then you would know that the kids on the Cudahy team played honorably and by the rules! Other teams and team members played "dirty"! And I'm witness to that!
Even if Ryan would have played dirty, the damage he could have possibly done would have NEVER matched up to that of a full-grown 185 lb. + football coach!! Get a frickin clue and your heads out of your @sses! We're talking about a 12 year old boy here!! A 12 year old boy who is a good student, a decent kid, polite and respectful of adults, etc! He's not some sort of frickin punk, problem kid or gang member!!
To call Ryan a "dirty" player and somehow try to justisfy what happened to him is just pure ignorance! All of the so-called adults and parents who made it a point to comment on Ryan, when you don't even know him or the circumstances, you should be ashamed of yourselves! YOU PEOPLE are the reason as to why there are so many problems with kids now-days! So quick to judge and point a finger when you don't even know what you're talking about... and you teach your own kids to be the same way! You people make me SICK!! You're nothing but a bunch of hypocrits and wanna-be parents! Keep your damn mouths shut and your unfactual/ignorant comments to yourselves!
Seriously, I just CANNOT believe that you so-called adults even thought for a second that you had ANY right at all to comment on this situation, when NONE of you have a single fact, clue or leg to stand on!!
As for the writer of this article... Mary... how convenient is it that you didn't give your last name?! Besides that, I hope you kept your day job because your reporting skills, observations, opinions and commentaries rival those of my 4 year old! If you weren't there and you had questions, the logical thing to do would have been to ASK and find out the truth... BEFORE you decided to make stupid comments!!
Oh... by the way, did I fail to mention the fact that Ryan is currently losing the battle against Leukemia? Yup, that's right. This "horrible" kid has been fighting for his life since he was attacked by his football coach... and he's not winning that battle either.
I believe in Ryan so much that I would give up everything I've ever had in my life for him. All I have left to say is that if there is a God and if you people are Christians, I'd be really scared if I were you!
Proudly Signed,
Wendy R. Witkowski