Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tom Barrett's CHRISTMAS Care Package Drive

This is a worthy project.

Mayor Tom Barrett is promoting a "Care Package Drive for Soldiers Serving in Iraq."

Barrett writes:

Dear Friends:

With the lighting of the city's Christmas tree recently, I was reminded that it is that time of year again – the holiday season. While it is easy to give thanks for what we have, it is important to keep in mind those abroad who cannot be with their families.

The City of Milwaukee will be holding a Christmas Care Package drive for 180 Wisconsin Army National Guard soldiers serving in Troop E, 105th Cavalry currently stationed in Iraq. These soldiers will not be able to celebrate the holiday season with their loved ones. With your help, we can brighten their holiday.

If you are interested in helping, please drop off selected items from the list below, or cash donations to help with shipping costs, to the designated drop-off point, - The Mayor's Office, City Hall Room 201 – by Monday, December 3. The items collected will be shipped to the soldiers so they receive them in time for the holidays.

I look forward to supporting our soldiers with your help this holiday season.

A list of items to donate follows.

Barrett's message is very apolitical. He takes no stand on the war. I think that's completely appropriate. This has nothing to do with policy regarding the war. It's about supporting Wisconsin soldiers serving our country.

I think it's worth noting that Barrett not only mentions Milwaukee's CHRISTMAS TREE (Gasp!) in his appeal, but the project is called a "CHRISTMAS Care Package drive," as opposed to a HOLIDAY Care Package drive, or WINTER SOLSTICE Care Package drive.

Granted, Barrett does refer to the "holiday" season more than he says "CHRISTMAS" in his newsletter. He is being inclusive. Still, it's undeniable that the project is a CHRISTMAS Care Package drive.

So, is Barrett daring to use his position in elected office to respect an establishment of religion by using the Christian celebration of CHRISTMAS to request items for the troops?

OF COURSE NOT. Not even close.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Job city of Milwaukee and thank you for posting this article on your webpage.

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