Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Walid Shoebat Spreads the Word

It always seems to work out this way.

Some group tries to shut someone up, cancel an appearance, something like that.

What follows is a backlash.

The target of the attempt at censorship actually ends up getting more press.

Case in point: If UWM's Muslim Student Association had not tried to silence Walid Shoebat, none of this would be happening.


The Story concerning the UWM event has mushroomed into a major local media event. The Journal Sentinel was a Front Page story today,

CBS 58 will interview Walid on the 10 pm CST bulletin this evening Nov 28.

We have 4 major radio shows booked: Nov 29, Charles Sykes WTMJ at 8.30 am central, Crosstalk at 2 pm central, Nov 30, Vickie Mckenna WISN at 10 am central and Eric Von on Friday at 3 pm WMCS

We expect local affiliate TV will be covering the event on Tuesday along with live interviews with Walid.

If you want the truth to be heard loud, clear with no political correctness, just hire our people to speak at your local university.

If you wish to attend the UWM event please email us at, give the names of all attendees and a working tel number.

On February 25th 2008 we will have a 3 ex terrorist public event to be held in Melbourne, Florida. Ticket reservations for our Florida followers can be requested at the same email address. There are only about 2000 tickets available for this venue. Tickets will be $16.00 each or $100 for VIP sponsor tickets which include a desert reception to meet personally the participants of the event. We expect this event to be sold out within a few weeks of the tickets being available.

Thanks for your support

Keith Davies

I guess that attempt to shut up Shoebat pretty much backfired.

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