Friday, December 21, 2007

Global Orgasm for Peace

Are you ready for the 2nd Annual Global Orgasm for Peace?


Yes, after its overwhelming succes in 2006 the Global O is back!

This year we are synchronizing at the actual time of the Solstice. This means that Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Palestine and Israel get some choice morning hours. a gift with the intention of peace from

While you're encouraged to do your part for peace, the site warns:
Remember, over-population (6.8 billion people and counting) is a major cause of 'peak everything', so please don't make more babies in the Global-O.

Here's the who, where, when, and why of the Global Orgasm for Peace:
WHO? All Men and Women, you and everyone you know.

WHERE? Everywhere in the world, but especially in countries with weapons of mass destruction and places where violence is used in place of mediation.

WHEN? Solstice Day - December 22, at 06:08 Universal Time (GMT)

WHY? To effect positive change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible instantaneous surge of human biological, mental and spiritual energy.

Yeah, look for world peace to break out in less than 24 hours. Have doubts?

Read about The Science:

The Global Consciousness Project, located in Princeton, New Jersey, runs a network of Random Event Generators around the world which record changes in their randomness during global events. The results show that human consciousness can be measured to have a global effect on matter and energy during widely-watched events such as the collapse of the World Trade Center towers, large antiwar protests, natural catastrophes, acts of war and mass meditations. Concentrated consciousness has measurable effects.

Our minds influence Matter and Quantum Energy fields, so by concentrating our thoughts during and after The Big O on peace and partnership, the combination of high orgasmic energy combined with mindful intention for peace could reduce global levels of violence, hatred and fear.

The world is full of men with axes to grind and weapons to fire in displays of their superiority over others. It is time to spare the planet from Alpha Male concepts of 'progress', 'growth' and Manifest Destiny, which are endangering all of us. True partnership between the Masculine and Feminine that is within all women and
men may enable our species to survive in relative harmony. The Global Orgasm
for Peace is one attempt to begin that process.

Interested in participating in the "largest possible instantaneous surge of human biological, mental and spiritual energy"?

Saturday December 22, 12:08 AM is the time for Wisconsinites. Synchronize your clocks.

"All Men and Women, you and everyone you know" can take part is this noble effort.

Check for your time zone here.

What the heck? Give peace a chance.


Jimi5150 said...

I'd be willing to lend a "hand" for anyone needing help.


Mary said...

Your commitment to world peace is admirable. :)