Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Candy Tisdadt and Devraj "Dave" S. Kori

It's a new world.

Not all that long ago, an individual's angry phone call would not have been heard by thousands or millions of people.

Thanks to the Internet, we get to hear and watch people, unknowns and celebrities, flip out.

Is that a good thing?

I guess it might make people behave more responsibly, knowing that they could be held accountable for their behavior.

Warning: Anything you say and do might be scrutinized by millions.

In any event, just because of two phone calls, people all over the country are talking about Candy Tisdadt and Dave Kori.

It began with a little bit of snow and snowballed from there.

It started with Thursday's snowfall, estimated at about three inches near Lake Braddock Secondary School in Burke. On his lunch break, Lake Braddock senior Devraj "Dave" S. Kori, 17, used a listed home phone number to call Dean Tistadt, chief operating officer for the county system, to ask why he had not closed the schools. Kori left his name and phone number and got a message later in the day from Tistadt's wife.

Kori took Tistadt's message, left on his cellphone, and posted an audio link on a Facebook page he had created after he got home from school called "Let them know what you think about schools not being cancelled." The Web page listed Dean Tistadt's work and home numbers.

The Tistadts received dozens more calls that day and night, Dean Tistadt said. Most were hang-ups, but at one point, they were coming every five minutes -- one at 4 a.m., he said. At the same time, his wife's response was spreading through cyberspace.

Within a day, hundreds of people had listened to her message, which was also posted on YouTube. A friend of Kori's sent it to a local television news station, and it was aired on the nightly news program. As of yesterday, more than 9,000 people had clicked on the YouTube link. Hundreds of comments had been posted on the Facebook and YouTube pages, largely about what constitutes proper and polite requests for public information from students.

A Facebook page? That's inviting a firestorm.

From WGHP:
Fairfax County, Va., Public School officials are responding to phone calls and e-mails to a school administrator's home, some threatening, after a decision to keep schools open despite snow in the forecast last week.

A school system spokesman tells us that the names of the student offenders will be turned over to police. It appears the home of one administrator, Dean Tisdadt, took the brunt of the angry calls, and his wife became so upset she called back one student with a fiery response of her own.

...A school system spokesman say that the administrator's wife's reaction was understandable.

Here's what Candy had to say to Dave:
MRS. DEAN TISDADT: And don't you ever call here again. My husband has been at the office since 6:30 this morning. So don't you even suggest that he purposely didn't answer his phone.

He was out almost every single night of the week at meetings for snotty-nosed little brats. And he may not have called you, but it's not because he's home. It's because it snowed. Get over it kid and go to school.

The school system spokesman's statement that Candy's reaction was understandable has some validity.

However, understandable is not necessarily acceptable.

My take:

Candy used shockingly poor judgment. She completely lost control. Dean can't be too happy with all this attention.

Kori and the others who called to harass the Tisdadts proved Candy 100% correct in labeling them as snotty-nosed little brats.


Anonymous said...

Interesting I have tried to find the recording, which was actually aired on the View today. I can't find it anywhere and not surprised that Fairfax County schools has already covered this up. I used to work for Fairfax County schools and knew Dean Tisdadt. After working there a year, I learned a lot of stuff I didn't want to know. The ladies on the View asked why she was so emotional, I know for a fact he's a major philanderer. Maybe she just couldn't take it anymore.

Mary said...

Here is the audio.

There's no cover-up.

Before this story, I'd never heard of Dean Tisdadt. I have no reason to believe that what you say is true.

In fact, since you, "anonymous," were so wrong about the audio, I tend to doubt your credibility.

You couldn't find the audio? I linked to it in my original post.

Do you have homework you should be doing?

Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

What a petty, small-minded woman. "HOW DARE YOU" please. She should get over herself.

I'm SHOCKED her name is Candi. Shocked.

Pupstermum said...

Oh PLEASE Will!!! This woman had every RIGHT to chastise some lazy, self-serving 17-year-old. Who does HE think he is calling the home of an administrator?? We "used" to call those people in authority, our "elders", but such respect has LONG been forgotten by the punks of today. Who RAISED today's teenagers to be such ill-mannered, self-serving little brats, anyway? I'm sure her depiction of her husband's work day is accurate, being on a similar schedule myself... and it's a THANKLESS job! No thanks to you.

Anonymous said...

I live in Fairfax county and go to one of the schools in the area. I must say that the school judgement about snow days is pretty bad. I understand the whole education thing, but sometimes they have to judge the situation because the ride back home is pretty dangerous.

Anonymous said...

I wholly support Ms. Tisdadt's response to an unequivocal invasion of privacy (the first one). I don't think the issue stands on respect to "elders" or "authority" - but rather, simply respect. This kid obviously has NO sense of boundries, tact, courtesy, or even and fair discourse.
"Get and education!"
SF, Cal

TpDg38 said...

First of all, do we ahave any idea at all what the teenager said on the first call to Mr. Tisdadt's home phone? That student had all the right in the world to call him when the phone number is listed PUBLICALLY for all students. She overreacted to a simple thing and got what she deserved for it.

Anonymous said...

...and before I'm flamed, of course I meant "Get *an education"...
(and the posting was even a further invasion of privacy. Sounds like good discourse for a social studies/social responsibilities class.)

Anonymous said...

Hello!??! Anybody has the right to leave any message on the machine of any publically listed phone number?
Say, I've got an idea... give me your phone number...

Mary said...

Mrs. Tisdadt lost it. You don't leave a message like that on a kid's phone.


Kori took the whole thing way over the line by creating the Facebook page. He turned a local matter into a frenzy.

This kid supposedly has a decent GPA. He had to know the consequences of what he was doing. His friend alerted the media, a really stupid move. I wonder if Kori's parents are proud of what he did. Will Kori be putting this achievement on college applications?

It's important to note that Dean Tisdadt didn't leave the message. His wife did. She's not the chief operating officer for the Fairfax County Public Schools.

It's unfortunate that Mr. Tisdadt made his home phone number accessible and he ended up being victimized because of it.

Anonymous said...

an earlier comment stated something along the lines of "who are raising kids today?"

can we all just think about that a minute.. probably the same people who have a problem with what this kid did... children are essentially the product of their up bringing.

seriously. we have no right to argue either way since we do not know the initial message.

Anonymous said...

This is annoying as I know Dave personally as a friend and athlete. I play soccer with him. He's a teenager, we all make mistakes, what gives you guys the right to label all of us and him brats, self-serving or lazy? Were you all not once teenagers yourselves? Or did you have a snap maturation period. I don't think Dave expected this to get this out of hand, who wouldn't? If you got that angry message, would you honestly keep it to yourself if you were a teenager, no the first thing you would do is to tell someone. It's typical highschool behavior, tell one person, that person tells another person and it spreads like wildfire. But come on, lesson learned, he has to have this for the rest of his life. Point is, I'm tired of us teenagers all being labeled as spoiled, lazy, reckless brats, but seriously I bet, wait I know everyone has done something as teenager they have regretted and then if you haven't then you're either lying or lead an extremely boring life. heh.

Anonymous said...

Dave is a kid and Candi completely overreacted, like all those middle-aged women do at the local Whole Foods, when they rail at the polite customer service person at the counter over some tiny issue. It's not a big deal and there is no social rule that you can't phone up your elders.

She's a weird lady who took her righteous indignation out on a teenager.

Dave is way smarter than any other kid in school anyway. The county is lucky to have students of his caliber around.

Anonymous said...

as the old saying goes:
without the letters: F C P S

which stands for Fairfax County Public Schools

Anonymous said...


You're absolutely right. Every single one of us has done stupid things growing up. That's part of what growing up is all about, growing up. What Dave Kori did was dumb, teenager dumb, and fairly typical in this age where you can post any video, audio or photos onto a worldwide internet in a matter of seconds, and have it become a worldwide phenomenon in a matter of hours. He couldn't have known it would have gone viral and worldwide, but it was still a dumb thing to do. Mrs. Tisdadt also did a dumb thing, a "middle-aged, pissed-off-at-the-world, what did you young people think you were doing" kind of dumb thing. Everybody involved was dumb. Thing is, Mrs. Tisdadt should have known better than to call a student in her husband's district and leave a ranting voicemail message on his phone. Alternatively, Dave Kori should have known better than to post it to the internet. The big problem-causers here are networks like CNN, who have so little to report on (despite a clearly corrupt government, a costly and highly suspect war, a president intent on starting another war in Iran, and a domestic economy on the verge of collapse) that the tale of a couple of dumb people leaving phone messages has to be the talk of the day. CNN, The View, and the rest of you...GET OVER IT AND REPORT THE NEWS!!!

Anonymous said...


I don't understand you.

Why do you call Dave Kori "lazy and self-serving?" He merely called to ask for information. Seems a pretty mature and adult thing to do.

And, what gives Candy Tistadt (or anyone for that matter) the right to chastise him or anyone?

What I get from your post is that people are supposed to automatically assume that someone who is older is somehow off limits? Kids don't have the right to talk to authority figures?

You seem to imply that elders deserve respect simply because they're older. I disagree.

Question authority.

I would rather have people ask questions of authority figures, challenge them. A true authority figure would be able to respond in a way which is respectful of the question and the person who asked it, not condescending or patronizing.

My two cents.

Mary said...

I'm not labeling ALL teens as brats, just the ones who bombarded the Tisdadts with harassing phone calls.

As I said before, Mrs. Tisdadt lost it. What she did was inappropriate, not to mention stupid. I'm sure she's terribly embarrassed that millions of people have heard her rant.

As for Kori, he created this monster by taking it worldwide on the Internet. It took time to set up the Facebook page on Tisdadt. It wasn't a knee-jerk reaction.

Kori could have played the message for his parents. They could have contacted school officials and complained that Dean Tisdadt wife's left an angry message, which would have been silly.

The thing is she wasn't relaying a message from Tisdadt. He's not responsible for his wife's reply.

Bottom line: Mrs. Tisdadt comes off as out of control.

Kori comes off as thoughtless and cruel.

Next time he thinks he deserves a snow day, I hope his mommy and daddy simply keep him home from school.

Anonymous said...


So, how anonymous are you...exactly? You claim that you know that Dean Tisdadt is a major philanderer, yet offer no proof, hiding behind the veil of internet anonymity.

Except... state up front and out loud that you are a former employee of the Fairfax County Schools, had close contact with Dean Tisdadt, and were employed there for about a year. Were I you, I'd be very careful about making remarks like these if you can't back them up. IP addresses are logged, and CNN has a long reach. You might just find yourself being called for an interview. Might be time to do some backpedaling.

Anonymous said...

The young kid may have went overboard calling the school administrator's home phone complaining about the weather, but Tisdadt's wife is a total bitch! Losing control is no way to handle a situation like this. What a pitiful example for an adult to make by responding with an angry message left on an answering machine.

Mrs. Tisdadt...listen to yourself and hear what an out-of-control fool sounds like.

Anonymous said...

One only needs to LISTEN to the words of the woman,not how she said them, to glean the information needed to understand.
"it's not because he's home because it snowed"
Hmmm, maybe he accused the man of not being in his office, but at home, because it snowed? I'm pretty sure his was not as polite and upstanding as he would like us to believe.

Anonymous said...

Some of the meetings that Dean Tisdadt attend at night are concerning the boundaries, safety and well being of my children who attend FCPS both in a regular education and special education settings in three different schools.

Candy Tisdadt was referring to my kids (and the rest of the kids in Fairfax county where Dean is employed) when she disrespectfully called them "Snotty nosed little brats" simply because he attends meetings concerning them as part of his job. I thought she was behaving badly, a bully and rude in her name calling of the innocent children who didn't telephone her home!

Look at the bigger picture. It isn't that she had a problem with one student's phone call and reprimanded him. In her tirade, she branched out to berate all students her husband works with in our county which is unacceptable and should not be considered justifiable by FCPS.

The official FCPS position says the not-so-sweet Candy Tisdadt's rant was understandable which infers that they saw nothing wrong with her referring to all the students in the county as "snotty nose little brats". Perhaps that is the way all administrators and their families refer to students behind their parents' backs so they didn't even notice. Regardless, it is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Wives should never return phone messages left for their husbands concerning their employment without permission.

When you choose the action you choose the consequence. She chose to call the kid and rant. I am glad she is very embarrassed as a consequence.

I hope she learned something.

Anonymous said...

Upset that students called her house is understandable.

Candy calling back the student and acting like a moron is one thing. She is an adult. If anything a phone call by her husband could have been made to the parents.

Dean Tistady notes that is wife has been affected "horribly" serves her right she brought it on herself.

If that woman called my phone i would have serious issues with the school board.

Im not saying that what Kori did was acceptable...but that woman needs to wake up. She has made an ass out of herself.

There are more appropriate ways to handle situations like this...more so when it involves students.

her message went way beyond telling the student that he should not call...she CROSSED THE LINE ON THIS ONE.

Kills me how people are defending her.

Anonymous said...

I Feel sorry for her kids, if she has any.

Anonymous said...

This has been blown so far out of proportion, it's unbelievable.

That being said, I'd say that Mrs. Tisdadt's reaction did leave something to be desired. That being said, she's the victim here.

Dave Kori accused Dean Tisdadt of being home even though he didn't call a snow day, or if he wasn't home, intentionally not answering his phone. Neither were the case. Dave's reaction shows obvious narcissism.

Dave is trying to sound like he was just inquiring about information, and was totally polite. He never intended harassment. That's obviously not the case. He was told in no uncertain terms to not call the house. You can agree or not about the way that message was delivered, but I think the don't ever call here again should probably have gotten the message across. He then took that home number and posted it to Facebook. What was he imaging was going to happen with that number? He was expecting people to call it. Plain and simple. He instigated harassment, and he lied about it being accidental.

Dave has stated that the misunderstanding in all of this comes due to generation gap. People from his generation are used to being contacted at all hours. I seriously doubt Dave honestly believes this. The people that you're used to being contacted by are your friends, and even then, getting called at all hours of the night is not acceptable. I'd be curious to see how Dave would react to having his personal phone number posted all over the internet for anybody to call at any time. I doubt that he'd appreciate it. Considering the obvious arrogance and self centered world view he's shown, I'm betting he would call harassment pretty quickly.

Anonymous said...

This has been blown so far out of proportion, it's unbelievable.

That being said, I'd say that Mrs. Tisdadt's reaction did leave something to be desired. That being said, she's the victim here.

Dave Kori accused Dean Tisdadt of being home even though he didn't call a snow day, or if he wasn't home, intentionally not answering his phone. Neither were the case. Dave's reaction shows obvious narcissism.

Dave is trying to sound like he was just inquiring about information, and was totally polite. He never intended harassment. That's obviously not the case. He was told in no uncertain terms to not call the house. You can agree or not about the way that message was delivered, but I think the don't ever call here again should probably have gotten the message across. He then took that home number and posted it to Facebook. What was he imaging was going to happen with that number? He was expecting people to call it. Plain and simple. He instigated harassment, and he lied about it being accidental.

Dave has stated that the misunderstanding in all of this comes due to generation gap. People from his generation are used to being contacted at all hours. I seriously doubt Dave honestly believes this. The people that you're used to being contacted by are your friends, and even then, getting called at all hours of the night is not acceptable. I'd be curious to see how Dave would react to having his personal phone number posted all over the internet for anybody to call at any time. I doubt that he'd appreciate it. Considering the obvious arrogance and self centered world view he's shown, I'm betting he would call harassment pretty quickly.

Anonymous said...

He wants a snow day over three inches of snow?

I realize that things are different south of the Mason-Dixon line, but up here where I live a high school student who did that would risk being called... a cute little kitty cat (or some synonymous term).

Mary said...


Do you really think that Mrs. Tisdadt's angry message was directed at your children?

She lashed out, inappropriately, in response to the harassment.

Do you really think that FCPS officials consider ALL the students "snotty-nosed little brats"?

That's silly.

I wouldn't take what Mrs. Tisdadt said as a personal attack on your family, unless your children called the Tisdadt home.

Steve the Mildly Unwell Bastard said...

Ms. Tisdadt ought to remember that her husband is a public servant, working for the families who pay taxes. And that includes the kid who called him.

Like it or not, that means that his salary, benefits, etc are all a matter of public record. Yes, that also means that he cannot hide behind an unlisted phone number and shield himself from the people he works for. If s/he does not like that arrangement, there are plenty of private sector jobs around.

"Understandable"? No, I don't think so. By calling on behalf of her husband, Mrs. Tisdadt is in some way speaking on behalf of the school system, and I hardly think the school system believes its students are "snotty-nosed little brats". Even IF her point were valid about being called at home, there is a right way and a wrong way to handle it. She chose the wrong way.

"Who does this kid think he is?" you say. Funny, isn't it, how it's not okay for him to leave a message for Tisdadt, but it's okay for her to flame his vm in response? Why? Is it because she's an adult and he's "just a kid". Don't excuse her behavior while trashing his.

Oh, and by the way, why is it that we all scream for 14- and 15-year-olds to be tried as adults when they commit crimes, but when it comes to things like this, we want them to act like kids? Either they are emotionally mature enough to be treated as adults, or they aren't. You can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

If he had rudely called her at home, and she had rudely responded to his voicemail, he told his parents, and they talked to the School Board or to Mr. Tisdadt, this would be over by now. That's not what happened.

Instead, this kid took that message, posted it to the Internet in a public forum, along with both work and home phone numbers and at least Mr. Tisdadt's email address, and invited the Internet to harass them. This isn't an accidental thing. This was intentional and vindictive. It could be argued that this was illegal as well, as Virginia has laws against harassment by computer.

Anonymous said...

"... This woman had every RIGHT to chastise some lazy, self-serving 17-year-old. Who does HE think he is calling the home of an administrator?? We "used" to call those people in authority, our "elders", but such respect has LONG been forgotten by the punks of today ..."

Calm down, grandpa. You're shaking your cane so hard your false teeth are about to fall out.

Anonymous said...

Hey: People have been whining some variation of "TODAY'S KIDS ARE STUPID AND LAZY AND SHIFTLESS AND IMMATURE AND NOT AS GOOD AS WE WERE!" since Plato's time (literally, the man himself wrote about it). So, from this FCPS student, stop. Your parents were probably saying the SAME things about you, and if you believe otherwise you're simply ignorant of history and human nature.

That said, this kid shouldn't have called the Dean's home, it's just common courtesy. And Facebook? I mean, yeah, he was pissed, but tell the principal, not the (potential) world.

This Tisdadt lady behaved like an utter child, though, and the hypocrisy is simply hysterical. "Grow up," huh? How about YOU try that before you take out your rage on some random teenager. And gee, hey, we snotty-nosed brats are the ones who give your husband an education. But then's not like FCPS has ever treated us like anything more than bragging-rights statistics anyway (no one cared that I won a poetry award until my AP scores came back with fives...we're all miserable but as long as we have four AP classes and good SATs and perfect SOLs no one gives a damn).

So, everyone's wrong in this situation. Kid crossed lines and wife acted like a petulant toddler.

Anonymous said...

To Mary,

I didn't say YOU covered it up. I said there wasn't a lot about this on the web...and the youtube recording is GONE. Not everything is about YOU.

A lot of people posted on this page anonymously and I have every right to. Let's just say I don't want any problems from FFX Co Schools anymore.

I don't have HW to do. I just have real life experience with the people we are talking about, which YOU don't.

There's no cover-up.

Before this story, I'd never heard of Dean Tisdadt. I have no reason to believe that what you say is true.

In fact, since you, "anonymous," were so wrong about the audio, I tend to doubt your credibility.

You couldn't find the audio? I linked to it in my original post.

Do you have homework you should be doing?

Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

To the Anonymous Avenger,

How Anonymous are you? And what are you avenging?

What kind of proof do you want? Pictures?

I don't appreciate your threats. Don't threaten unless you really know who you are dealing with. Let go of your conspiracy theories and get a real life.


The Anonymous Avenger said...


So, how anonymous are you...exactly? You claim that you know that Dean Tisdadt is a major philanderer, yet offer no proof, hiding behind the veil of internet anonymity.

Except... state up front and out loud that you are a former employee of the Fairfax County Schools, had close contact with Dean Tisdadt, and were employed there for about a year. Were I you, I'd be very careful about making remarks like these if you can't back them up. IP addresses are logged, and CNN has a long reach. You might just find yourself being called for an interview. Might be time to do some backpedaling.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Philander-y Comment Lady,

In response to your questions:

1) I'm just as anonymous as you.

2) I'm avenging stupid remarks like the ones you just made.

3) Don't make snotty comments like these unless you know who YOU'RE dealing with.

I forwarded your little "philanderer" comment to CNN and the Fairfax County schools. I thought they'd get a laugh out of it. I hope you do, too. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Juliet said...

"Hey: People have been whining some variation of "TODAY'S KIDS ARE STUPID AND LAZY AND SHIFTLESS AND IMMATURE AND NOT AS GOOD AS WE WERE!" since Plato's time (literally, the man himself wrote about it). So, from this FCPS student, stop. Your parents were probably saying the SAME things about you, and if you believe otherwise you're simply ignorant of history and human nature.

I assume you're talking about The Republic, but your interpretation is wrong. Plato was talking about excessive freedom causing a spread of anarchy. It wasn't focused in anyway on youth, and included everyone from Kings to cows. If you're going to try to make people think you're smart, try getting the right answer first.

"That said, this kid shouldn't have called the Dean's home, it's just common courtesy. And Facebook? I mean, yeah, he was pissed, but tell the principal, not the (potential) world."

The Facebook entry could be considered illegal as it was intended to harass the Tisdadts. This part was, in my eyes, where everything went wrong. It would have just been two bad reactions that would have been solved quietly without this. "Dave" is the reason that this is national news.

"This Tisdadt lady behaved like an utter child, though, and the hypocrisy is simply hysterical. "Grow up," huh? How about YOU try that before you take out your rage on some random teenager."

Some random teenager that called her at home and made unfounded claims about her husband. Kind of makes it less random when you take into consideration that he called her first. In fact, it's not random at all.

"And gee, hey, we snotty-nosed brats are the ones who give your husband an education."

You've got that backwards. He's the one that gives you an education. He had an education before you were there, and he'll have one long after you're gone. Despite what Mommy and Daddy keep telling you, you're not that special.

"But then's not like FCPS has ever treated us like anything more than bragging-rights statistics anyway (no one cared that I won a poetry award until my AP scores came back with fives...we're all miserable but as long as we have four AP classes and good SATs and perfect SOLs no one gives a damn).

This is where the same sense of entitlement shown by "Dave" shows up in your message. The school isn't there to make you happy, it's there to make you educated. If you're getting good SATs, and perfect SOLs, and lots of AP credit, they've done their job. The school isn't there to answer your every whim.

Mary said...

To "anonymous," 6:58 PM, January 24, 2008--

What makes you think that I thought you were suggesting that I was personally trying to cover up the audio?

I said, "There's no cover-up," meaning it was all over the Internet, all over the news nationally and beyond.

Your comment, "Not everything is about YOU," is bizarre. It makes no sense. Of course, this isn't about me. It's about the Tisdadts, Kori, and the others who harassed the Tisdadts.

I have no problem with the fact that you posted "anonymously."

This is my blog. I determine whether or not to allow people to post "anonymous" comments. Furthermore, in terms of your "right" to post on my blog, keep in mind that I set the rules here.

Anyone posting on the Internet is certainly tech savvy enough to know about IPs. It amazes me that people think they can slander someone on the Internet without leaving cyber-footprints.

Anonymous is not really anonymous.

Actions have consequences.

Mary said...


Hey: People have been whining some variation of "TODAY'S KIDS ARE STUPID AND LAZY AND SHIFTLESS AND IMMATURE AND NOT AS GOOD AS WE WERE!" since Plato's time (literally, the man himself wrote about it). So, from this FCPS student, stop. Your parents were probably saying the SAME things about you, and if you believe otherwise you're simply ignorant of history and human nature.

That is so misguided.

I, for one, am not "whining."

I am not saying that you or your peers are stupid.

In fact, I believe that you're all very intelligent. Kori certainly is intelligent enough to understand what it meant to set up the Facebook page. He understood the consequences. He's not stupid. He should be held accountable for his behavior.

Likewise, the students who harassed the Tisdadts and called their home in the early morning hours knew what they were doing. They, too, should be held accountable.

As for Mrs. Tisdadt, she has already been held accountable for her lack of self-control. She's been publicly humiliated.

Anonymous said...

These adults think there right and kids wrong all the time.

Well news flash teachers you're wrong. It was not understable.

She didnt need to call back or even read or hear the message.

It wasnt her business period.

Shcool spokeman said it is harrasment. NO it concern sorry.


Anonymous said...

towrds mark

Acutally no she didnt have the right. As the message wasnt for her.

It was not her business in the first place. He has the right to know why school is open or if it was closed.

and her attuide wasnt underatable period.

She and adult and he is. first off
She needs to pick some manners up. Second off

This isnt harassment that was a bull crap lie from teh school spokemen.

thats like saying tellamarkers are harrasing you. Your in local phone back.

Local people can contact you guess what. dont have a public phone nubmer.

(critter) forgot my account name hahaha

Anonymous said...

The audio of Candy Tistadt’s voice mail to Dave Kori is available on here.

Sweet Sue said...

The first comment claimed to know for a fact that Dean Tistadt is a philanderer. For those of us who have met the man, there is NO way. I won't go into details, but if you saw him you would get it.

Anonymous said...


Are you implying in some manner that Mr. Tisdadt is a less than stunning physical specimen? He seems like a very nice man, from what little I have seen of him, though I imagine it is true that ANYone could be disloyal to one's spouse (and it seems that his spouse has quite the temper on her, so ya knooOOOooow...)

Anyhoo, to Mary, I'm sorry your blog is becoming something of a virtual playground free-for-all. I guess in this internet day and age where all knowledge and information can be bandied about like a lead-filled baseball bat, a few glasses tend to get broken. Pity, that.

Frankly, most of the folks on this forum seem to be quite well-mannered and polite. There's a few with less than stellar manners, but what can you expect from today's elementary school students? They learn everything from TV.

Have a pleasant afternoon.


Anonymous said...


"Acutally no she didnt have the right. As the message wasnt for her."

...and yet it was left on her home telephone number. Seems like even though the message was not meant for her, it was still left in a place she would find it. Any call made to a home telephone number is fair game for anyone in the household, or have you never gotten a phone call meant for your mommy?

"It was not her business in the first place. He has the right to know why school is open or if it was closed."

...and she has the right to know why some bratty high schooler is calling her house. It wasn't his place.

"and her attuide wasnt underatable period."

...I'm...I'm sorry, what? What does "underatable" mean? What is an attuide?

"She and adult and he is. first off
She needs to pick some manners up. Second off

This isnt harassment that was a bull crap lie from teh school spokemen."

First off, you need to pick some SPELLING skills up, dude. Your grammar and syntax would embarass a first grader.

"thats like saying tellamarkers are harrasing you. Your in local phone back."

Well, I'm sure if any TELEMARKETERS are HARASSING you in the future, you could remove your name from your local phone BOOK.

"Local people can contact you guess what. dont have a public phone nubmer."

Dude, I really hope you didn't graduate. Because this spelling of yours is just...embarassing.

"(critter) forgot my account name hahaha"

That's not all you apparently forgot.


Anonymous said...

Okay, when I saw this on Yahoo News I was shocked! We don't know what the boy said to the wife but no matter what it was he is still a seventeen year old kid and she is still an adult. It is never acceptable for an adult to speak to a child that way and whatever message he left was for her husband, not her responsibility to respond to. I am a college student and there are days when they don't call classes off when they should and guess what last week a young woman died in a horrible car crash due to that. No one in their right mind likes risking their life to get an education. The kid shouldn't have called the home, but she also should have contacted his guardian not him directly about the matter to avoid crap like this.

Mary said...

I've said from the beginning that Mrs. Tisdadt used poor judgment. She lost control.

I certainly wouldn't blame an accident on school officials failing to cancel classes.

If roads are too dangerous, you can choose to stay home.

There is one person responsible for this entire thing and that's Kori.

When he took the matter to the Internet and posted the audio, he was courting disaster.

I'm not excusing Mrs. Tisdadt, but she didn't set up a page on the Internet with his phone number and other information.

What Kori did was inexcusable.

Anonymous said...

Let it go people. What this kid did was boneheaded but he is just a kid and I'm sure he has learnt his lesson as did the lady.

I've seen several mentions of this kids address, phone number and the names of his parents and siblings. Why stop at that? What next? Post photographs of his whole family? Throw them in prison? Ostracize them from society?

The people who disproportionally complain about this kid are the ones who have lost their moral compass and have sacrificed their judgement and perspective for draconian hatred. Let it go people. Let it go.

Anonymous said...

I was taught that two wrongs do not make a right. Is it wrong to call a publicly listed number during business hours and leave a message (I can not speak to wether it was brief and to the point but neither can any one else posting here) with your contact information? It was not the last time I checked the rules of polite civic discourse. If you list it publicly you have given implied consent for the public to use it. If you do not want to receive calls form anyone but those you have given your number to you have an unlisted number. Your job as a public official does not give you special status when it comes to a listed phone number.

Does a party who was not part of the conversation or it’s intended recipient return the call and rant all over the caller, irrespective of the age of the caller? Does such a rant in anyway further the goal of civic discourse? Does it sent an example of good manners or teach anyone anything beside proving you are a mannerless jerk? Not to my way of thinking. This was the first wrong.

Now posting the rant to Facebook might be considered the second wrong. I have my doubts that it was expected to blow up as big as it did. Dave did ask his friends to call and advised them not to harass, but to keep it polite. He had no more control over their reaction then he did over the way Candy responded to him. If he had been an adult and thought it through he may well have not posted the call back. But he is a kid and like most kids he will make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. Just not by following Mrs Tistadt’s example I hope. After all if she had not responded or had done so in a reasonable manner there would have been nothing to post.

Oh and as for those blaming the kid for this whole fiasco I blame Mr. Dean Tistadt. If he had answered any of the calls or emails that Dave had left/sent him asking for clarification of the policy in the last 2 months, instead if ignoring one of his constituents concerns, this could have all been avoided. Of course I am told the poor man is so busy earning the 200 grand he is paid that he has no time to answer questions that fall under his purview. While his wife may resent the hours he does work, I guess Candy doesn’t mind the life style those little snot nose brats are providing her since she chooses to work for the school system too. God help us if any of the students are learning their ideas of good manners and sense from her or her husband.

Libby said...

And in the end, the 17-year-old shows much more class and maturity than either of the adult Tisdadts. I am grateful that my tax dollars aren't paying this guy's salary.

Mary said...

I'd be interested to know the average age of the apologists for Kori.

Anonymous said...

To Joyleaf41:

The first wrong occurred when Dave called the Tisdadt's home. You may argue that it's a public number and he called during business hours. True. But why would he call the Tisdadt's home during business hours when he was at the place of business and he was calling about a business matter? Dean Tisdadt is obviously not going to be there, since it's during business hours, and he's almost guaranteed to be at work. Also, the matter concerned a work matter, and not an urgent one. The difference between phone numbers is simple. The work number is for work. The home number is for personal matters. If you have a concern about a work related manner, try to at least pretend to be polite and call the work number. If you don't get a response, schedule an appointment to discuss it. Don't stalk.

The second wrong was Candy's response. I agree that she didn't respond in the best way, but then, Dave's message wasn't as civil as he'd like everyone to believe. I don't have proof of that beyond observation of the obvious. Candy's message states that her husband has been at work since 6:30, and that he's not intentionally avoiding Dave's calls. Not really the kind of information you'd normally provide if not mentioned previously. Dave, in all likelihood accused Dean Tisdadt of avoiding him or skipping out of the work day even though he made the students go. Neither were true. That being said, I have to agree with Candy's message if not her tone. Three inches of snow?? Are you kidding me?? It's a good thing this kid doesn't live in Canada or Alaska.

The post to Facebook is the third wrong, and easily the worst. The page included the Tisdadt's home phone number, which he'd been asked (given, rudely) not to call again. He was posting to a public forum and asking everybody to call. Let's get this straight. Asking a large number of people to call a personal phone number even after he'd been told not to call again. That's harassment. He may not have intended it to be as big as it was, but he still intended the harassment. Otherwise, he would not have included a home phone number that he'd been told not to call. That is not only impolite, but could be considered illegal.

Laying the blame at the feet of the Tisdadts is just plain stupid. I can't think of a more appropriate word. First, Dean Tisdadt is not required justify himself over every decision he makes. If Dave Kori didn't think that it was the right choice, he had the right to call in sick, or talk to his parents about the issue. Dean Tisdadt does have other things to do. There is a reason that he's paid what he's paid, and it's not because he spends all day long talking to students questioning his policies. If Dave Kori is so technologically adept as to setup a Facebook page with a recorded voice mail, he can probably use Outlook to schedule a meeting on the Calendar.

Anonymous said...

I know that three inches of snow sounds pitiful, but here in Northern VA it can be a huge problem. We have very few snow plows, so it takes a long time to get major roads cleared, and even longer for them to get deep into neighborhoods. Not to mention the fact that sometimes the snow has frozen too much to the asphalt, making the plowing that much harder. Drivers are also inexperienced in driving in weather conditions, and immediately begin to drive horribly for the most part. Therefore, three inches here is much more formidable than a place accustomed to snow.

Anonymous said...

To Mugg:

There's a vast difference between sounding pitiful, and being pitiful. This is just being pitiful.

True, I did grow up in an area where snow is common. I've got news for you about that. Plows don't go deep into neighborhoods, even where snow is a regular thing. Plows clean the major roads (and yes, there's quite often a snowy layer), and that's it. I don't even think they'd bother sending plows out for 3 measly inches. It's a waste of gas.

Oh, and just in case you're wondering, I can only recall having one single snow day when I was a kid. It didn't even snow. We had a snow day because it was more than 70 degrees below zero (colder with wind chill), and cars just wouldn't start. That's the only one that I can remember.

Tell me again how formidable your 3 inches of snow was.

Anonymous said...

I am interested? Did Kori contact you? Why am I asking? Well after doing a similar blog about this same story, he contacted me via email saying what kinda of person am I to sit and blog about his situation and I have no life. Well, I had a rebuttle or two, as well I reposted the same story on three different blogs ;-) just for him.

Mary said...

No, Kori didn't contact me.

Camivette said...

I feel a need to defend Mugg. This area is not accustomed to snow and people do not know how to drive in it. So if you are used to much much more than 3 inches, it is really ridiculous to respond with "Wah wah wah, get over it" remarks simply because YOU are accustomed to it. You can't expect kids who do not know how to drive in snow to just get over it and not be worried about their drive home any more than you can expect people in Los Angeles to not freak out over twisters or for people in Florida to not freak out over earthquakes. I am not saying the schools should have closed, but don't patronize people for not being comfortable doing something they aren't used to, simply because you are.