Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Michael C. Sprinkel

UPDATE, July 22, 2008: Brookfield East teacher loses job

What is it that makes seemingly intelligent people do incredibly stupid things?

Did Michael C. Sprinkel ever watch the creepy Dateline NBC series "To Catch a Predator"?

Has he ever seen one of the Internet sex sting reports of TMJ4's John Mercure?

You would think by now every sicko out there would be aware of stings.

Brookfield -- A Brookfield East High School social studies teacher and coach arrested last week in an Internet sex investigation was suspended without pay Monday, Elmbrook School District officials said.

Elmbrook officials attempted to meet and speak with Michael C. Sprinkel, 41, about the case, but Sprinkel's attorney advised him not to, said Christine Hedstrom, Elmbrook's assistant superintendent for human resources.

"We wanted him to respond to the charges," Hedstrom said, noting that Sprinkel was immediately suspended because he would not.

Sprinkel was arrested Thursday night and is awaiting extradition to Louisiana on three counts of computer-aided solicitation for sexual purposes, three counts of indecent behavior with juveniles and one count of pornography involving juveniles, according to an arrest warrant filed in Waukesha County Circuit Court.

Sprinkel, of Sussex, thought he was chatting on the Internet with a 15-year-old girl when he exposed himself using a Web cam, according to court records. He was communicating, however, with a Louisiana police officer, according to court records.

Louisiana authorities obtained a copy of Sprinkel's driver's license photo and used that in identifying him as the man who is accused of exposing himself on the Internet, the records say.

The Waukesha County Sheriff's Department on Friday filed a search warrant seeking to obtain computers, Web cameras and computer software and hardware from Sprinkel's home.

Meanwhile, Elmbrook district officials reviewed Sprinkel's school computer's hard drive and files for anything inappropriate, Hedstrom said.

"The reports thus far are there is no unusual traffic on his computer," she said.

School officials have asked any students who may have knowledge of inappropriate behavior by the teacher to come forward.

"We are not aware of any complaints against this teacher from students or people he's coached," Hedstrom said.

It appears that Sprinkel had enough sense not to use his school computers for his illegal activities. So far, it seems that he didn't prey on students.

But I still don't understand how adults like Sprinkel can be so stupid, not to mention perverted.

These online solicitations are such reckless things to do and part of a really weird lifestyle.

This teacher and coach, supposedly a role model for kids, should have known better.

When you're online, you really don't know who you're talking to. You're not anonymous. You don't have cover to break laws. You certainly shouldn't put your conscience on hold when you go online.

Actually, it's a good thing that Sprinkel was so stupid that he got caught allegedly engaging in the illegal behavior.

That Louisiana police officer posing as a 15-year-old girl spared who knows how many young girls from Sprinkel's alleged Internet advances and perversion.


Anonymous said...

u guys are so mean, yea sure hes perverted but dont break him down like that. hes a really nice guy. i know his daughted and shes very kind and generous. people make mistakes and unfortuneatly he had to make this one.

Anonymous said...

I have known Mike for over 20 years, and this just isn't him.
There has to be more to the story- why don't you find out what it is?!?

Anonymous said...

I too have known Mike for over 25 years, and I believe there is something foul in Denmark. Could there have been a horrible mistake? Very little facts available.

Anonymous said...

This is such a sad situation. I feel for his wife and children because they are the ones suffering in this situation. A well-educated man in his position should have known better. His behavior is sick and quite frankly I feel he should never be allowed to have contact with children again.

Mary said...

Anonymous 4:43 PM, January 26, 2008, said:

There has to be more to the story- why don't you find out what it is?!?

If you know Sprinkel so well, why don't you find out from him what the truth is?

You can let me know and I'll be glad to comment on what really happened.

I'll be waiting to hear from you.

Note: I used the words "alleged" and "allegedly" when referring to Sprinkel's online Internet advances and perversion.

If Sprinkel did, in fact, engage in the activities, I feel sorry for his family.

He's hurt them as well.

If he's convicted of the charges, I doubt that he'll be teaching or coaching kids ever again.

Anonymous said...

i was a student of his back in 2002 he was a great teacher and i still cant believe he would do something like this. my thoughts are with his family.

Anonymous said...

The tone of your remarks are not innocent until proven guilty. I feel horrible for his family if he's guilty or not.

Mary said...

You can complain about my "tone" if you want, but I have not declared Sprinkel guilty. That's clear.

I also feel sorry for the family.

Anonymous said...

Mary, that's a joke that you used allegedly- check out your own original posting and those after that. If you really did feel for the family you wouldn't be saying the things you are to the world. I'm sure they'll be seeing your words in print- think about that a little bit.

Mary said...

It's not a joke at all. I wrote what I wrote. You prefer to dismiss the fact that I clearly say "alleged" and "allegedly." You can focus on whatever you wish, but the post speaks for itself.

I sincerely do feel sorry for the family. It must be awful for them.

Does that mean I shouldn't comment on a story in the news, especially a story as troubling as this one? The use of the Internet by child predators is a frightening development. Like it or not, Sprinkel has been accused of "three counts of computer-aided solicitation for sexual purposes, three counts of indecent behavior with juveniles and one count of pornography involving juveniles."

Remember, the charges against Sprinkel are public record.

If you're troubled by the media covering the Sprinkel story, take it up with them. Read the account from the Journal Sentinel. Are you satisfied with its tone?

You can't turn the pain the family is experiencing on me. Responsibility for that lies solely with Sprinkel.

If Sprinkel has an explanation for what investigators discovered, then he'll be vindicated. In that case, I'll be sure to note that he was found not guilty.

Anonymous said...

pedophiles deserve no rights, and they shouldn't be afforded any. what rights did this pervert give to the children he attempted to stalk online? thank god it was a cop and not a real child THIS TIME. there's a special place in hell reserved for those who hunt children. fortunately, sprinkle will feel the pain of sexual predation when he's locked up, even criminals find ways to punish the predators of youth.

Mary said...

As despicable as the behavior of pedophiles is, those in the U.S. do have the rights granted to them by the Constitution.

Sprinkel will have his day in court.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you. Who hasn't wanted to indulge themselves sexually in the smooth hairless fragile body of a 15 year old girl once in a while. There are no accounts of Sprinkel engaging in any sexual activity with someone of that age group and whatever the activity, be it online or in person, it should be totally legal as long as it's consentual. If they are truly in love they should be allowed to send each other nude pictures and jiggle their giblets over a webcam. I believe Sprinkel could have opened up a whole new world for this "girl" sexually and she would have made him feel young again. That my friends is a win win situation. I believe this case will bring into light the fact that some laws are not ripe this day and age and need to be changed.

Mary said...

Good use of sarcasm, I hope.

Anonymous said...

Mary, Mary, Mary, Mr. Mike Sprinkel is a wonderful man and I hope you (if your an educated, intelligent women,(which seems doubtful) remember that the media(which ever type) is there for a story! It is a fact that 75%of what the media reports on is false. I hope you would hold your tongue until this is all over and then know the facts to commend on. I will pray for you as I can see you need it. Don't you have anything else to do in your life than blog? So sad.

Mary said...

Where do you get your facts?

You do nothing to help your case by throwing personal insults at me. It's unfortunate that you feel you must resort to that.

What's sad isn't what I do on the Internet. What Sprinkel has been charged with doing is sad.

Anonymous said...

My Takes (from a person relatively close to the situation):
1) Theoretically we live in an innocent-until-proven-guilty society, but with things like public records and a media obsessed with spicy stories, it is just the opposite. If Sprinkel's found innocent he still is going to suffer a lot through a forever-tarnished reputation.
2) Overall Sprinkel is a good teacher, coach and person. If these charges are true, then I hope he learns from it, seeks help or whatever he needs to better himself. He'll have plenty of time for reflection.
3) I hope we all pray for him and his family. His wife and three kids are victims whether he's guilty or not.
4) We all have skeletons and we all screw up. Some skeletons are of course worse than others (like these charges). I hope that when I screw up there aren't a million judges dragging my name through the mud. You all definitely would feel the same way. Judge not lest ye be judged yourself...let he who is without sin cast the first stone (I'm not overly religious either). It's easy to pile on in a situation like this, but how does crucifying him BEFORE his trial help? If he's found guilty, then batter up. Until then, how about a little restraint?

Mary said...

I don't think writing just ONE blog entry commenting on the story when it was first reported in the news qualifies as "piling on." If Sprinkel is found not guilty or if there are other major developments, then I will write one post noting that. That seems balanced to me.

Of course, it has to be very difficult on family and friends when someone they love and care about is the subject of public discussion in a matter as serious as this.

I could understand the call for restraint if there was saturation Sprinkel coverage in the media. There isn't.

As someone not at all close to the situation, I'm not giving the story continuous attention. I doubt that people removed from it, like myself, are focusing on it.

Yes, when I receive an e-mail alert that there's a new comment on this thread, I read it and may respond. Other than that, I'm not dwelling on the story in any way.

Get some perspective.

Anonymous said...

As you say Mary, it is very hard on friends when someone they care about is under public scrutiny. Mike is a friend, and not one I will abandon in the face of this situation.
It is interesting that if you do a little research on the Kenner, LA Police Department you find that their detectives are under attack by local media for the "entrapment" of men committing online sexual offenses instead of defending their city against quote unquote "real criminals".
There is no question whatsoever that there is much more to this story than meets the eye. I can only pray that it comes to light.
Thanks to all of you that know and care about Mike that have added your comments of support.

Anonymous said...

To all the public defenders on this thread: as moral american's you must admit the disgust you have for this man's alleged actions. Yes, we live in a society that respects Habeus corpus, but any of you acquaintances who profess to being so close to this man have your head in the sand. There has been talk of this guy having relationships with students dating back to his previous job. But now, an obviously unscrupulous cop (in your words) entrapped him? I'm assuming none of you have children, because how do you justify protecting a grown man who has evidence indicating potential coersion of kids!? Just because you are supporters of the liberal demoralization of our country, please don't throw any water on my honest, moral, strong beliefs that this country should be protecting the unprotected. God bless you all!

Anonymous said...

pjack...I think you should think twice before printing your comment. I am very close to Mike. There has been NO talk of this man having relations dating back to his previous job. How dare you print information that is not true...shame on you. I do have children and I wouldn't for one second hesitate having my children in Mike's care. I think you better get your facts straight before you add anymore of your comments.

Anonymous said...

I knew "Sprinks" back when he taught at Lancaster High School, and there were more than a few girls that I knew on the high school teams that he coached that either quit the team or were just grossed out by his actions.

This news did not come as a shock to me.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that is just not true. I am a co-worker of Mike's that taught and coached with him at his previous job. There was NEVER any complaints or concerns against this man as a educator or a coach.
Again, get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

As a former player and student of Mr. Sprinkel there was never any negative aligations against him. Mr. Sprinkel only showed respect to his students and players on and off the field. It is really heartbreaking that certain individuals are adding comments that are in fact not true. My support is with Mike and his family at this time.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I wonder what "Carry More" thinks about this? (if you can't figure that one out than that is a "you" problem).

Anonymous said...

I agree with the "carrie moore" statement.....I too knew him when he was "sprinks at LHS"...He was sick and perverted them. We all knew that being on the softball team would get us an A. We also knew that boob shirts got the grade as well. I feel for his family and hope he gets the help he needs. Such a dissappointment he is.

Anonymous said...

I go to BEHS, where he used to work. He was my teacher this past year and I thought he was a pretty cool guy. I think that he just made a mistake. Being around these high school girls with thier short shorts and tights can't be very easy for any male. I think that seeing that everyday for years and years finally got to him. Good Luck Sprink.

Anonymous said...

Again I say to all of you that post comments that are in deed not true shame on you all. Innocent until proven guilty. We all must remember he has not been proven guilty of any of these charges.

Anonymous said...

Court of Law - Innocent till proven Guilty;
Court of Public Opinion – there is no such thing.

It is right for the public to be outraged at this.

Streaming video of masturbation;
online transcripts of sexual misconduct;
requests for sexual self edification;
all sent to a posed 15 year old female.
Louisiana State law is very clear on this – sting or otherwise – it is not a good thing for Sprinkel.

Online solicitation of young females is a reality; this deviant social behavior is being dealt with; Sprinkel got caught with his camera on. This sting was made possible by the FBI due to a case dating back to 1993.


“Nearly 13 years ago, two special agents working a missing child case out of our Baltimore field office discovered something startling: pedophiles were using computers to transmit sexually explicit images of minors on a primitive form of the Internet.”

“The mission of the IINI is to reduce the vulnerability of children to acts of sexual exploitation and abuse which are facilitated through the use of computers; to identify and rescue witting and unwitting child victims; to investigate and prosecute sexual predators who use the Internet and other online services to sexually exploit children for personal or financial gain; and to strengthen the capabilities of federal, state, local, and international law enforcement through training programs and investigative assistance.”

It is very unfortunate for the family involved; an extremely poor decision was made by one man; a decision that will have an eternal impact not only on himself but on those that loved him.

Regardless of his past, and what we think of him; his future is very very bleak.

Anonymous said...

Ya know everyone has a right to their opinion in this matter but the truth of the matter is, if Mike is really guilty of this "alleged" crime than he needs to pay the price. Mike was my teacher his first year out of college at Lancaster and to me I never saw any indication of this type of behavior. As a matter of fact some of the girls in school then used to try to GET HIS attention by wearing provocative clothing and trying to be overly friendly with him. I on the other hand thought he was "HOT", as did most of the girls in our school. The contact I had with Mike personally was one of agitation on my part. I would piss him off and get sent to the office on a regular basis along with another student, for being "Mouthy". Back then we called him "Spanky" and he took alot of crap from us as students with a young new teacher. I sincerely hope that he is not guilty of this considering he has a daughter around the same age of the "Alleged Girl On-Line". His wife is a beautiful lady and all I can do is pray for her and the girls. I was in law enforcement myself after going to college in Platteville and I believe in the justice system. As a matter of fact I think it needs to be tougher than it is. Prison anymore is no deterent for anyone. I seriously hope that his wife and children will be ok and also get some help through this as well. After all they are the most innocent of victims here.

Anonymous said...

To PJack,
I didn't say that there was an "unscrupulous cop", what I said was that local media had raised the issue of entrapment in relation to the Kenner Police Department, and that was completely separate from the charges against Mike Sprinkel.
By the way, I do have two children-girls ages 12 and 9, so don't think for a minute I haven't thought hard and long about this situation.
As far as I can tell I wasn't "throwing water" on any of your beliefs, so don't take shots at my morality. Also, your purported "honesty" is interesting with you taking shots by creating a history for Mike that is unsubstantiated. Don't bother blessing me in the name of God- looks like you should keep them for yourself.

Anonymous said...

People who don't know Mike Sprinkel shouldn't say things. True, there are facts and whatnot but Mr. Sprinkel is a great guy, father, teacher, and coach. And you shouldn't judge someone unless you truly know them.

Anonymous said...

In reference to "People who don't know Mike Sprinkel shouldn't say things." Well, we did not know Adolph Hitler and yet most of us have judged him for what he was.

Now granted, Sprinkel and Hitler are nowhere near alike and in no way am I comparing the two. My point is simple, what does having to know someone (or not) have to do with the fact that he has committed a crime?

Anonymous said...

I have a couple stupid questions to ask those of you that feel that Michael Sprinkel was entrapped.

Next time, instead of an officer of the law, should we use live 15 year old females as bait?

Or better yet, should we wait until the predator actually has an actual encounter with a 15 year old female? Online or (even worse) a physical encounter?

Should we just ignore the problem hoping that it will go away?

Anonymous said...

After reading all the comments on this board, I have decided to take some advice and wait until the courts have a chance to sort out the issues before I make any more decisions. Knowing this man personally, and realizing his family is in pain, I truthfully hope the alligations are false and the charges that he masterbated several times to his webcam in the hopes that a 15year old girl was watching are purely out of thin air. However, I will be keeping a close look at this blog from time to time, and I will be keeping up with the case as it progresses. If the charges are proven, then I will have regained strength in America as far as a justice system is concerned, because one more of society's outcasts will be off the streets. Unfortunatly, I will be also very distraught to know that people such as those posting in this thread with such blind trust exist. If it was for people like you, Saddam would still be in power instead of 20 million Iraqis liberated. After all, it was the "media" that claimed he was so bad, and we just didn't take the time to know the real man, right Hoofer? If this thing ends out your way, I will be the first to apologize for what I have said. If not, are you man or woman enough to do the same?

Anonymous said...

one of the best teachers at that school... PERIOD. Even now, I would have ZERO problems with him teaching my children.

think about it... he didn't rape anyone, didn't touch anyone and didn't abuse anyone, all he did was flash his junk @ a cop, whoop-dee-do. All this crap going on while victoria's secret commercials are being pushed infront of children creating false impressions of what women are supposed to look like.

Mary said...


You don't think that what Sprinkel is alleged to have done is a big deal?

It's OK for a man in his 40s to interact in a sexual manner with children?

How could you possibly have no reservations about him teaching your kids?

Anonymous said...

Has there been any updates on this situation>

Mary said...


July 22, 2008:

The Elmbrook School Board has terminated the contract for suspended Brookfield East High School teacher and coach Michael Sprinkel, who was arrested in January in a Louisiana Internet sex sting.

The district attorney’s office in Jefferson Parish, La., still is reviewing police reports and has not made a decision on whether to file charges against Sprinkel, 41, of Sussex, an office spokesman said.

Sprinkel has an Aug. 7 court date to learn the status of a charging decision.

The Kenner, La., Police Department has recommended charges of computer-aided solicitation for sexual purposes, indecent behavior with juveniles and pornography involving juveniles.

...The Elmbrook School Board terminated Sprinkel’s contract effective July 14, after meeting in closed session on an administrative recommendation to end his eight-year career at Elmbrook.

Superintendent Matt Gibson released the information Monday after waiting to give notice of the termination to Sprinkel, who chose not to fight the dismissal or attend the board meeting.

...Sprinkel’s teaching license in Wisconsin remains under review pending the outcome of the Louisiana case.

Anonymous said...

everything this article said is true I happen to know mike and him and his family act like nothing is wrong and frankly it is annoying they are all in denial. I happen to know his oldest daughter and she is brainwashed and she has no idea what is going on its ridiculous and her friends right as we speak are sleeping over at her house and her dad is there now hat is sick! Why would parents allow their kids to be going over to an alleged sex pedator? Sick in my opinion!

Anonymous said...

to english teacher,
WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Jiggle their giblets? The hair less fragile body of a 15 year old? You're disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous on 8/28, I'd like to know your name? Daughter brainwashed???? Family in DENIAL?????? You obviously don't know her or the family well at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If you really believe that it is sick that friends are there...why don't you state your name and discuss this issue with the friends & the sprinkels. Don't you want the Sprinkels and everyone else to know your name? Are you afraid of something by not telling your name? True friends would want to discuss issues with their friends to determine the real story !! Your a very sad person and I truly hope you have TRUE friends that would sit and discuss things with you before jumping to conclusions about you and your family.

Parker J. said...

I have just became aware of this blog and felt that I needed to clarify something. Someone other than myself has been using the user name PJ Jack or P-Jack. I have been asked several times if it was me who was posting comments to this site. The answer is NO! I find it funny that people who feel compelled to comment on Mr. Sprinkel don't have the guts to use their real name. That goes for people who are for him and against him.

Parker J.

Anonymous said...

i do not understand people. he thought he was talking to a 15 yr old,police have it word for word and picture for picture..his family i am sure are heartbroken,but it is him not them.people should support them.if gulity he should be charged.

Anonymous said...


I can't wait until I see you in person. I can't believe you would stoop so low to defile the name of a man you know to be honest, hardworking, and god-fearing! You should be ashamed, and you will regret your remarks. Mike was a Flying Arrow family member, a family of which you were a part. To claim he wasn't set up and framed is plain ludicrous. You owe him and his family a big apology Parker!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what the status of this case is? I've heard nothing for several months.

Parker J said...


I think you need to read a little closer. The only comment i've posted on here was the last one where the user name Parker J was used. As I stated before, whoever wrote on here and used the name P-Jack WAS NOT ME. I've never said a bad thing about Mr. Sprinkel. Ive had him for a teacher and coach and have never had a problem with him. If you have any thing else to say about me, call me or come see me.

Anonymous said...

Here is my take on what happened. I have personally known Sprinkel and his family for several years now (both in and out of the locker room). He was a good man and made a disastrous (and idiotic) decision- a decision in which the normal human would not do. Everyone needs to keep in mind that this has not only effected his friends/family, but has also taken a tole on the community and every individual whose life he has impacted (whether it was via sports, teaching, or friendship).

With this being said, Sprinkel was not the only teacher at East engaging in this sort of activity... he was, however, the only teacher caught with his hand in the cookie jar (or better put, his junk on the internet). He willingly exposed himself to a "young teenager" (KEEP IN MIND- Sprinkel KNEW this girl was not of legal age) and is now paying the consequences.

Inside the locker room and on the field, Sprinkel was a dirty man- he made many inappropriate jokes to young high school football players during practice and joked around like these high school boys were "one of the guys." He was flat out perverted! He tagged along with the coaching staff to strip clubs and when he went out- it was not as a married family man, but instead a single man.

Many can sit behind their computer and claim they know Mike, but the truth of the matter is he got what he deserved. Their are no excuses for his actions, so please quit trying to create one and/or pretend you know the "dirty" Mike Sprinkel.

(And to whoever said at least he was smart enough to not use the computer at east, you sir are an idiot! There were MANY different inappropriate pictures/content sent from teacher to teacher... Like I said before, SPRINKEL was the ONLY one caught)

Lastly, for those who think he is not guilty and maybe he deserves a break because he was/is a good man, dig a little deeper and you will find what I already know.

Anonymous said...

On January 4, 2008, a warrant was issued for Mr. Sprinkle and he was arrested by the Waukesha County Sheriff’s Office in Sussex, Wisconsin.
Mr. Sprinkle waived his rights to the Waukesha County Sherriff’s Office and gave a videotaped confession admitting to the crimes.
Mr. Sprinkle refused to waive extradition to Louisiana. Mr. Sprinkle was out on bond in Wisconsin while he fought extradition to Louisiana. Mr. Sprinkle hired an attorney in Louisiana, the attorney arranged for Mr. Sprinkle to waive extradition and fly to Louisiana. Upon his arrival to Louisiana, Mr. Sprinkle along with his attorney surrendered to Kenner Police Detective Robert McGraw.

If convicted, Mr. Sprinkle will be required to register as a sex offender and face a mandatory two year prison term.


Anonymous said...

I really don't understand people. I've known Mike and his family for years. Mike's a nice guy and so is his family. Do I know everything he does in private? No. Do I know everything anybody does? No. Is he guilty of a crime or did the authorities use deception to bring about these charges? I'm not a lawyer and I don't know the answer.

But the bigger questions is 'is what he did wrong?' The answer to me is a resounding YES! His acts are very wrong! Mike is still a nice guy but that doesn't make what he did right.

People saying that the police used improper tactics...maybe; but it's still disgusting, inappropriate and should not be tolerated. People saying they've known him forever and he would never do this...BUT HE DID DO IT! People may be arguing the legality of it but it was still done nonetheless.

Legal arguments and right or wrong arguments are completely different. For all I know he may never be found guilty but that will never make the things he did right or acceptable.

Anonymous said...

The April update is a little dated. Am I the only one who thinks this case smells a little fishy? Last spring it was all over the news, now its like it never happened. Its amazing what an expensive lawyer can keep out of the media. Where is the outrage aimed at the school district who allowed someone with seemingly open character flaws meld the mind of its district's youth? Forget who's tax dollars funded his livlihood? The American moral psyche has a time limit of several months, whereafter we commonly forget about what outrages us. Don't forget about these charges, and don't let up, the future of our children depends on it. Anyone who's willing to side with this pervert over their own children are not fit to be parents!

Anonymous said...

What I find most interesting is that all of you who ask for anonymous bloggers to identify themselves are the least likely to identify themselves. By my count the only Sprinkel supporters to ID themselves are Hoofer(doesn't sound like a real name to me, does it to you?) and Terry. Since you are all so supportive and sure of his innocence, why don't the rest of you perv supporters identify yourselves? Because you know you're blind to the facts, and the last thing you want is to let the world know you support the dispicable acts of a pedophile. Is it possible some of you don't want to have your names out in public in case the results of this case don't end up as you wish? Would be awfully embarassing to have your association plastered in cyberspace as your boy sits in prison. Seems to me the only bloggers with any conviction and guts to put their names on the line on this site are Mary, Parker/P Jack, and Nikki.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I was coached under Mike Sprinkel, and this whole thing doesn't surprise me at all. He plays mind games with you, he has a serious problem and part of it was exposed. He deserves some time for this sick crime he has committed and psychiatric help. This man needs a lot of help, and a lot of therapy, he is a sick man.

Unknown said...

Even today, he is still talked about at BEHS. We have heard no updates on what is going on in his trial, or if he has even had his trial yet. So far his replacement, Mr. Anton, is doing a fine job. Mr. Sprinkel led two different lives: one at school, where he was supposedly a kind and excellent teacher, and one at home, where he probably did the things he was arrested for many times before he got caught. There were also rumors spreading around BEHS that he had sex with a student, but this is only a rumor, it cannot be confirmed.

Anonymous said...


concerned community parent said...

This case ended with a Public Obsenity charge in 2011 and his teaching license revoked. Obviously he was not completely innocent, if you have daughters who are on his daughters teams, educate your daughter to keep them safe.

Anonymous said...

OK I'm seriously sick of people defending this guy. There is no excuse for this, the media didn't make this up (Why would they? There's plenty of proof), and who cares if you've known him for "20" years or whatever?! This guy is sick, and deserves jail time and criticism. Plenty of 18 year old guys wouldn't dare go out with a 15 year old, so a frickin 41 year old should stay far away too. He is obviously sick and a pedophile. What's even worse is that him and his wife are still married! She obviously doesn't see anything wrong with him leering at young girls throughout their marriage!!! And as for you people talking about their daughter, she isn't kind or generous at all!!! She was in my grade in high school and she was a total bitch to anyone who wasn't "popular" or who was different from her. My point: This guy and his family have issues!!