Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pope Benedict XVI and Nancy Pelosi

UPDATE, February 18, 2009: Pelosi Meets with Pope Benedict

When Pope Benedict arrived at the White House this morning, he was greeted by the President and Mrs. Bush, thousands of invited guests, and members of President Bush's cabinet.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was one of the few to personally greet the Pope. She held on to his hand for a relatively long time. She then kissed his ring.

It seemed to be a thrilling moment for the Catholic Pelosi.


The National Right to Life Committee gives Pelosi a 0% rating, indicating a pro-choice stance.

NARAL (National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws) gives Pelosi a perfect 100% score for her pro-choice voting record.


Transcript of President Bush's remarks and the Holy Father's address


aaron. said...

She needs enlightenment from the Holy Spirit regarding abortion. I pray that she can find a way to be pro-life.

Mary said...

I think it would take nothing short of a miracle for her to change her stance on abortion.

I, too, pray that Pelosi finds it in her heart to value and respect all life, in all its stages and conditions -- unborn, weak, sick, disabled.