Friday, May 23, 2008

Larry Craig "Bobblefoot"

Bobbleheads are popular giveaways at baseball games.

Interested in a "bobblefoot"?

ST. PAUL (WCCO) -- Baseball fans might not be thinking about homeruns and stolen bases this Sunday. Instead, if they attend the Saint Paul Saint's game, the team's latest bobblehead giveaway will have people talking.

The "bobblefoot," as it's called, commemorates the bizarre incident at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport involving U.S. Senator Larry Craig, R-Idaho.

He was accused of tapping his foot in a men's room as a signal he wanted sex.

..."Maybe this wasn't right, I don't know. I mean that's the thing, we're gonna find out about it, we think its OK," said Tom Whaley, Saint Paul Saints.

Whaley said the team keeps a list of memorable news events throughout the year. When it's time to create items to give away at the games, they review the list to see if they can come up with anything timely and tacky. After Michael Vick's dog fighting flack, fans got dog chew toys with Vick's name on them.

Some fans are calling to complain this time. A few threaten on websites never to attend another game. One person who hasn't called is Senator Craig himself. If he were to call, the team wouldn't be surprised.

Take the politics out of it. Would you like to take your kids to the game and have to explain to them what the bobblefoot is about?

Baseball should be family-friendly.

Giving away a plastic bathroom stall with a man's tapping foot, embellished with the grafitti "For a good time call...," is not family-friendly.

It's extremely inappropriate.

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