Monday, July 7, 2008

Army Recruitment Center Vandalized -- AGAIN

What better day for anti-military types to target an Army Recruiting Center than on the Fourth of July?

Patrick at Badger Blogger has the story and a photo.

He writes:

Once again, the Army recruitment center on Oakland Ave was vandalized. I heard about this on the radio, but haven’t seen or heard about it on any news (maybe I missed something).

I didn't see anything about this until I went to Badger Blogger. Following a link provided by Patrick, I see that TMJ4 did devote about 10 seconds to the story.

Thanks, Patrick, for informing me about this disgusting act.

Cameras on the building reveal that the vandals wore camouflage. Does Summerfest's sales and marketing department have an alibi?

That was a very cheap shot. Forgive me. I'm still ticked off about the way the Army was treated at Summerfest.


Anonymous said...

I'm the executive officer of a healthcare recruiting unit for the U.S. Army, and it constantly amazes me that our offices and vehicles are targeted by vandals.

The arguement for these vandals and violent protestors would likely be that they believe the war in Iraq and/or certain Army policies are inherently bad. And they have every right to believe that.

However, I can't believe they won't acknowledge the rights of others to choose to talk to a recruiter or, God forbid, serve in the military.

I have served for over 18 years, and signed up voluntarily. I did so for adventure, service to country, and yes, money for college and now a salary and future retirement income.

There are downsides to the Army, but overall it is a stand up organization who defends our country and does plenty of humanitarian work around the world.

It's insulting to all young people that these criminals believe young people are incapable of making decisions on their own. I'll fight for their right to say whatever they think, and they should respect the right of anyone who wishes to meet with a recruiter.

Major Doug Lomshek
Fort Belvoir, Virginia

"The views expressed in this comment are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government."

Mary said...

I'm so ashamed that Americans vandalize military recruitment centers, offices, and vehicles.

I don't understand how they can be so ungrateful.

It's absolutely disgraceful.

You're right. These vandals have little regard for the intelligence of young people. They have no respect for their freedom to choose their own career paths.

Clearly, they take for granted what you and the U.S. military do to protect our freedom. They completely dismiss the millions of people around the world who owe their lives and their freedom to American soldiers.