Thursday, July 17, 2008

Favre Corn Maze

Corn farmers Carlene and Duane Schultz's didn't count on their 2008 corn maze being a source of controversy.

Beloved Brett Favre, the beloved Packers, and Wisconsin? What could go wrong?

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The husband and wife said Favre is still welcome at the Schultz's Country Barn in Eleva, even though they've received a few grumbling comments after the quarterback said he was considering a comeback and wanted a release from the Packers.

The Schultzes have had mazes created in their cornfield for the past three years and sold tickets for people to walk through it. The couple decided this spring to use Favre's image as a "thank you" after the quarterback announced his retirement.

The family gives $1 from each ticket sold to the Deanna Favre Foundation, since Duane Schultz's sister died of breast cancer.

"Once in awhile, we have people who come in and say 'No way. Not if it's for him,'" Carlene Schultz said.

Her husband said he's not sure the grousers were fans of No. 4 in the first place "There are some people who complain about anything," he noted.

There's no reason for people to complain about a maze that was planned long before the Brett Favre/Packers feud began.

About the maze:

Open September 1st - October 31st
(Call for open dates after October 31st)

Our maze is 5.5 acres and is created using GPS technology. The corn is cut when it is 1 to 2 feet tall.

Your mission is to find 4 checkpoints and then make your way to the exit. Sounds easy doesn't it? If you find all 4 checkpoints, you get put into a drawing at the end of the season.

We will have trivia questions pertaining to the Green Bay Packers & Brett Favre throughout the maze.

Other than the trivia questions throughout the maze, people can enjoy the it and not even know they're walking around an image of Favre.


When you're in it, you see corn. It could be Favre. It could be Aaron Rodgers. It could be Bart Starr. It could be Mickey Mouse. You'd never know. You're not in a helicopter.

If Favre signs with the Vikings, perhaps the Schultzes can have a ceremonial cutting of the corn in November. Help destroy the maze.

I'm sure that would be a very popular fundraiser.

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