Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Miguel Ayala Sentenced

Hey, Miguel Ayala!

You've been convicted of robbery and murder.

What are you going to do now?

You're not going to Disney World.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

A 21-year-old Milwaukee man convicted of robbing then killing Miller Brewing Co. executive Lodewikus "Vic" Milford was sentenced today to life in prison.

Miguel Ayala, known on the street as "Wicked," was also sentenced to an additional 50 years in prison for the robbery of Milford's two companions.

Carlos Gonzalez, the 17-year-old who pleaded guilty to helping Ayala rob Milford and two female companions - and who testified against Ayala - was sentenced to 21 years in prison.

Ayala is 21 years old and his future is set.

He's going to spend the rest of his days on this earth in prison.

Read the criminal complaint in the case. It's chilling.

It gives insight into the mind of a ruthless thug, a cold-blooded murderer.

I know Ayala and Gonzalez have their supporters. They say they're not really evil incarnate.

I believe that Ayala and Gonzalez have souls and it's conceivable that they aren't all bad, but what they did was. When Ayala chose to rob Vic Milford of his life, he chose his fate.

Now he has to pay.

Justice has been done to the extent that it can be.

I hope the family and friends of Vic Milford find some comfort in the life sentence Ayala received.

It can't possibly be enough. No punishment can undo what Ayala did.

In a real sense, Milford's survivors are also Ayala's victims. Ayala sentenced them to life without their loved one.

Nothing is more precious than life, but Ayala considered life to be cheap and disposable.

Now that Ayala has thrown his own life away, maybe he'll learn the value of life and how beautiful it is.


Jimi5150 said...

Every now and then the system gets it right. This thug can now try to fit in with the rest of his ilk. I can only hope he ends up as someone's "bitch". Wish we could send him to Arizona to Sheriff Joe.

Mary said...

The system did get it right in this case.

It still doesn't seem like enough.