Thursday, September 4, 2008

Michelle Obama, Cindy McCain, and Elisabeth Hasselbeck

Here's another instance of the Obama campaign trying to control what's said and what's not, silencing free speech:

From The Corner's Kathryn Jean Lopez:

I’m at a Tribute to Cindy McCain lunch in Minneapolis. Elizabeth Hasselbeck from The View is emcing and she just announced : “Unlike the wife of another political candidate who shall remain nameless, [Cindy McCain] didn’t come [to cohost The View] with a list of topics we weren’t allowed to touch.”

Well, well, well.

I guess Barack Obama really does admire China. He really does want to make America more like it.

"Beijing looks like a pretty good option. Why aren't we doing the same thing?"

Of course in this case, Obama was talking about his belief that China's infrastructure is vastly superior to what the United States offers. His remarks shouldn't be taken out of context.

Nonetheless, his campaign's assault on free speech does bring to mind China's human rights record and censorship, as well as Obama's admiration for aspects of that oppressive regime.


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? Palin won't even do a single interview....and she's running to be VP. Michelle Obama is not running for anything. Frankly, if you feel that way about Obama, you should be terrified about McCain. He wants us to have no clue where his VP stands on any issue. He won't let a single question be asked by any reporter.

By the way, did you even see Michelle Obama on the View? Elizabeth was kissing Michelle's butt through the whole interview. Sooooo funny that when she is now at the RNC she's telling a different story about her. I suggest you watch the interview.

Mary said...

That's right. McCain will get through the next 60 days without allowing a single reporter to get near Palin. No questions. Yeah, that's the way it's going to go. Come on.

Look, the lib media have absolutely savaged her and her family. They've reported lies, started and spread by rabid radical Leftists.

I don't blame Palin for wanting some distance right now.

But that's not the issue. Don't change the subject.

This post isn't about Palin. It's about the weird demands made by Michelle Obama, setting limits on what she would and would not talk about, and the willingness of Cindy McCain to talk about anything, no preconditions.

Hasselbeck's revelation says a lot about the campaigns and the candidates' wives. Cindy McCain comes off dramatically better than Michelle Obama.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Cindi McCain would have loved to have been asked about her affair with John McCain while he was still married to his disabled wife, her stealing drugs from a charity and her lie about being asked to adopt Bridget from Mother Teresa. Yeah, Cindi's got nothing to hide. What EH did was unnecessarily catty and I hope Barbara Walters tears her a new one.

And media control? Please. The only person hiding from the media is Vlad the Palin. I'm sure her lawyers don't want her to be asked about Troopergate or if her stance on abstinence only education has changed.

Anonymous said...

I think Elisabeth Hasselbeck sounded snobish while trying to impersonate Palin. Row wrote the script for Palin. Elisabeth wrote her own script. "does this tell you she isn't the nice person she claims to be" I wonder if Barbra Walters read the script. The dig on Michelle Obama was very uncalled for.AND NO IDEA IF ELISABETHS IS TELLING THE TRUTH! The View needs to answer a couple of questions. I'm sure Barbra will take care of the viewers.
Also Hannity asked Elisabeth some questions and what she said about JOY was uncalled for. "Joy is far left" "maybe that is why people view me as far right on the show"
I think it would be great to have Cindy McCain and her family on the View next week without Elisabeth on the show. Fired. Out of there. Peace to the table and listeners ears. Wouldn't that be nice.

KDWebb82 said...

I am a registered Independent and still quite undecided. I did feel that Mrs. Hasselbeck's comments were out of line and a bit tacky. I actually saw both interviews on the View of Michelle Obama and Cindy McCain. To be quite honest, Michelle was extremely conversational and seemed warm. Cindy seemed extremely reserved. I feel that the interviews were fair to each women as wives and mothers and not Presidential candidates (because they are NOT!) They did not discuss any of their past misfortunes which they could have easily done. I respect Elisabeth's willingness to stand up for what she believes in- but she should not always be so closed minded.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if Michelle Obama had pre-conditions to her interview on the View......I don't care if Cindy McCain had an affair. I want to hear what Palin has to say. That's actually a topic that relates to this election. If she is elected VP then what will she stand for....and yes, I want to hear specific plans/ideas on all issues, social & foreign & domestic. I hate to remind everyone but we are not voting for the spouses, we are voting for the President and VP. Whether you are liberal or conservative....start being worried about the big issues. It's not a popularity contest.

Anonymous said...

Watch this interesting clip with Elizabeth talking about Michelle Obama:

Mary said...

This has nothing to do with Sarah Palin.

We're talking about the presidential candidates' spouses when they were guests on The View.

I'm so tired of Elisabeth Hasselbeck being demonized.

It's not that she can't stand Michelle Obama as a person. She simply noted that Cindy McCain did not come to the show with a list of topics that were off limits. Michelle Obama did.

Anonymous said...

Elisabeth had no right to say what she said.
People laughing at what she said about Michelle was just wrong.
I would not want these people as friends NOR would I want them in the WHITE house.

Anonymous said...

Mary, you don't seem to understand the point I am making. You say that this post has nothing to do with Palin, but you are wrong. You should apply the same standards to Palin as you apply to Michelle Obama (who by the way, isn't even running for office)....You wrote "It's about the weird demands made by Michelle Obama, setting limits on what she would and would not talk about". Well if that's truly how you feel then why are you not upset that Palin won't do interviews and is not talking about anything. I am a democrat and yet I do not judge Sarah Palin, but I do want to hear what she has to say. Yet you have judged Michelle Obama without even knowing if Hasselbeck was telling the truth and if it is true, then what the pre-conditions were. Are you not doing the same thing to Michelle as you are claiming that the "rabid Leftists" are doing to Palin?

Anonymous said...

The Obamas need to just go back to Chicago and continue their meetings to discuss all of the radical things they are going to accomplish some day.

Michelle wants to control what questions the gals on the view can ask and Barry wants to control what WGN puts on the air. These so-called freedom loving people are a joke and they must be defeated.

Reading Michelle's university writings and knowing that she willingly had her kids in that hate and lie-filled "church," is all anybody has to about what she thinks and believes.

BTW - who is Row?

Mary said...

I understand that the Dems' talking point du jour is that Sarah isn't doing interviews.

This morning on Meet the Press, Joe Biden said: "...eventually she's going to have to sit in front of you like I'm doing and have done. Eventually she's going to have to answer questions and not be sequestered. Eventually she's going to have to answer questions about her record."

Blah, blah, blah. All the Leftists are saying the same thing.

Anonymous, 11:49 AM, September 07, 2008 writes: "You say that this post has nothing to do with Palin, but you are wrong."

Interesting that I, the author of the post, don't know the point of what I'm writing.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what the "Left" as you put it are or are not saying. I'm just asking the same questions as any normal American would. Why are you so partisan that you can't see how legitimate that is?

And by the way, have you noticed that you can't put a single post up without saying the "leftists" or the "Radical Left"? Last time I checked, I was a regular, average American, just like you. I address you as a fellow American with different views from mine, not as some part of a huge right-wing conspiracy. It's like Elizabeth Hasselbeck, I don't agree with her on many, many issues but I would never say she's a "rabid right-winger". When you group people and then only see them as the enemy, you miss the chance to actually talk and come to an understanding, maybe not an agreement, but at least an understanding.

Mary said...

To all "anonymous" posters: It would be helpful if you signed your comment in some fashion. You do realize that when you post as "anonymous" it's very difficult for readers to know which "anonymous" is writing a follow-up comment.

Now to the accusations made by "anonymous, 6:15 PM, September 07, 2008--

I'd don't know how you're addressing me because you aren't identifying yourself. Are you "anonymous, 11:49 AM, September 07, 2008"?

Whatever. We're talking politics here. How would you like me to refer to the different political factions? Please offer suggestions.

I make a distinction betweeen Democrats and radical Leftists for purposes of clarity.

The fact that my post is not about Sarah Palin isn't a matter of partisanship. I know what I wrote. I know what I was thinking.

When Michelle Obama and Cindy McCain appeared on The View, Palin wasn't on the ticket.

Unknown said...

The bottom line is the truth is an absolute defense. All she said is Michelle had a list of untouchable topics, and Cindy did not. You people get crazy over speaking the very truth you are asking for in governing this time around. If you come with a list then the interview is not speaking to us who are watching and hoping for some reality. And by now you all know Palin is being interviewed by Gibson. If we want to ask for the truth how come there are two differnt videos or Michelle saying "for the first time I am proud" and the second one saying "for the first time I am really proud" which is the one shown on The View. I have heard it both ways - they all play games. Elizabeth is outnumbered as it is on the show and at least gives some balance. Since when is the opinion of three comedians what any of us should be paying attention to? Personally I think the whole show has gone down hill steadily-even Barbara makes some very strange comments these days.

Unknown said...

I am watching The View and it is a refreshing show today because it is obvious they have toned down their opinions and have also decided there are other things to talk about.

Mary said...

It's a very straightfoward matter.

Michelle Obama -- List of "untouchable" topics

Cindy McCain -- No list

I, too, am surprised by some of the things I hear Barbara Walters say.

Sometimes, it's hard to think of her as a pioneer for women in journalism.

Carole, I wonder how long that new civility you noticed will last.

John and Cindy McCain are scheduled to appear together on The View this Friday.

That should be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Hasselback Needs to go back to Ohio. How did she ever get on the View's??She is such a school kid without thinking before she opens her trashing mouth making those commets about Michelle Obama. She acts an talks on a grade school level. What a waste for a Maybe Rosie was not so bad after all. When E.H. OPENS HER MOUSEY WINEY VOICE I WANT TO VOMIT!! MAYBE AFTER THIS> BARBARA WILL GET RID OF HER FOR GOOD. SHE REALLY MESSED UP THIS TIME!

Mary said...

Elisabeth didn't mess up at all.

Telling the truth isn't messing up.

By the way, your juvenile attacks reflect extremely poorly on you, not Elisabeth.

Unknown said...

I think anonymous might be Rosie. For some reason you have an axe to grind and it really is out of place. If you don't like her write the show, I write them all the time regarding some of the ignorant insipid remarks that come out of the comedienne's mouths. Mary I really believe they have been losing viewers as has the Oprah Show with coming out for Obama. 18 million Clinton voters, all the Republicans not to mention Democrats who are voting McCain, that's a lot of viewers to risk losing. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they have tidied up their acts. Has anyone ever googled Macs Mind there is a very scary video on Obama's defense plan - very scary. And does anyone remember when Oprah was a backer of Hillary? I sure do.

Mary said...

I think the Obama supporters are really panicking. They're flailing and lashing out.

They can't handle the truth.

Why else would Elisabeth be seen as such a threat?

Anonymous said...

Very Poor taste an (A VERY BAD )comment that is all that comes from Elizabeth mouth. She is in the wrong place. No,I am not Rosie!! Nor do I want to be. Remember this is FREEDOM of speach. Even if they did take, "God We TRUST" AN Prayer out of the schools! An When Did That Happen? Michele Obama didnot deserve that childish commit! Running down the way a person dress's will not win McCain Votes. Let's grow up. That had nothing to do with running our Great Country.

Anonymous said...

THINK. Of course Cindy McCain would be comfortable not having a 'list' of questions when she is surrounded by her own. Let me get this right...Republicans are bragging that Cindy McCain isn't worried about being interviewed by an extreme,right-wing republican who is sure not to ask her any embarrassing or tough questions. Hmm...let me think about that for a minute because that isn't easy to figure out. Also, C. McCain not having a 'list' of doesn't mean that E.H didn't prepare what she was going to ask in advance! DUH!

Mary said...

Try taking a deep cleansing breath...

Anonymous said...

I think Elizabeth is doing a great job trying to give the Republican perspective since she has to fight to get a word in over the other far left(wannabe comedians) women...She should have been more outspoken when that emotional wreck Rosie was on the show..obviously when she did put Rosie in her place Rosie couldn't handle it...On Ellen Degeneres yesterday Obama said she couldn't handle getting her kids a dog and a ping-pong table cause the table would be to much resposibility along with the dog..if she can't handle that how can she handle public resposibility of being the 1st Lady...Palin has handled the resposibility of a large family and a government job....Palin will be doing many interviews in the near future...Democrats stop being so scared of change!!! Isn't that what you're asking for????

Unknown said...

Do we have a second anonymous person on board? And why do people choose anonymity? Hi I am Carole, live north of Tampa, self employed, independent voter, and I am concerned about the world not just the US in this election. I like Elizabeth (now) wasn't fond of her a couple years back especially when Rosie would go at her but she did toughen up and I agree she learned how to lean on Rosie. I came on this blog when I saw a remark on the GMA site blasting her and demanding Barbara fire her. For what? I have heard many more inflammatory remarks made on that show that did not result in someone being fired. I watched Michelle on Ellen, I took her comment the way I think she meant it, as a joke and it was more about a dog then the ping pong table. She did not impress me other than when she said she was done having children because I have been waiting for them to announce a pregnancy - to help push them over the top - you know paint the picture of the young growing family, let's face it those "awwww" moments work in political races too.

Anonymous said...

It is unprofessional to publicly criticize a former guest. If Hasselbeck has any class she would have confronted Michelle Obama about it during the interview.

Anonymous said...

If there was a list -- and E is telling the truth -- what was the list? Come on with it, already. No one is "afraid of the truth" -- but this sort of petulant sniping is beneath E -- at least I thought it was. She gave glowing remarks about M. Obama post-interview to the MSM and now, she's sniping at her -- that's fine -- but she should expect to be called on her inconsistency and her vagueness. What was on the so-called wish list?

Ramona said...

I think Elizabeth should be reprimanded. I saw the interview on The View and she was all in Michelle O. face. Then, she wants to get with her political click and talk about her. I agree, with all the arguments held on the View, why not confront her while she was on the show. What does she think she has to hide? With ALL of the researchers, righties, etc. don't she think something would have been found by now AFTER 18 months of campaigning. I wonder what Elizabeth is hiding. Oh, I know. She's S. Hannity's mini-me.

Mary said...

It is unprofessional to publicly criticize a former guest.

If that's your standard, then you must think that Joy Behar is extremely unprofessional. She's a very vocal critic of Republicans.

Furthermore, I think Elisabeth was talking up Cindy McCain's openness and class. She appreciated the fact that no topics were off limits with Cindy McCain.

Obama supporters need to get a grip. That FACT is Michelle Obama came with a list of guidelines for the panel to follow, things they couldn't say. Cindy McCain did not.

Instead of sniping at Elisabeth, perhaps more attention in this discussion should be paid to that fact.

If you think Elisabeth should be reprimanded, then they all need to be reprimanded.

Have you heard of the Bill of Rights?

Anonymous said...

making these types of comments just does a disservice to this country. Obama has said MANY times that family needs to be left out of this race--even when he received GREAT fodder with Palin's 17yo daughter getting knocked up. Even now, I bet Obama will not attack McCain or Palin personally showing he is more concerned about the actual issues of this country instead of cheap shots. God save us if McCain becomes our next president.....

Anonymous said...

Isn't Palin the one the that would allow her staff in Alaska to talk to media unless she cleared it first. Talk about sensoring what people say.

Anonymous said...

I really can't believe anything Elisabeth has to say, since she is so partisan. Maybe Michelle Obama did have a few stipulations, like not talking about personal things regarding her kids. We don't know. All we know is that she "allegedly" had a list, which was extremely unprofessional of Elisabeth to bring up things that happen on her JOB, behind the scenes.

Other than the fact that Elisabeth is narrow-minded and unwilling to listen to others viewpoints, why are we even bothering writing blogs and replies to this insignificant issue? Isn't the most important thing that we should be concentrating on are the proposed policies of the Presidential/Vice-Presidential tickets? Shouldn't we be concerned about really understanding where all four of these people stand on the Economy, on Foreign Policy, on Healthcare, on the Environment,on Reproductive Freedom? Shouldn't we be more concerned about how each one of these 4 people would fill the Leadership Role of President of this country, and what their qualifications are?

With the current conditions of this country not looking too good (failing housing market, failing mortgage industry, many lives lost in the Iraq war, many Americans with little or no healthcare)let's focus on the issues and for once make an informed and intelligent choice come this November.

Anonymous said...

If Elizabeth is so concerned with family values why not bring up the fact that Cindy helped break up the marriage of John McCain to his first wife. Obviously Mr. McCain was more at fault for this but it does take two!!

Mary said...

I really can't believe anything Elisabeth has to say, since she is so partisan. Maybe Michelle Obama did have a few stipulations, like not talking about personal things regarding her kids.

Do you think it's fair for me to say this?

"I can't believe anything Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, and Sherri Shepherd have to say because they are so partisan."

You may not have noticed, but they are in the tank for Obama and constantly champion the liberal agenda.

You're guessing that Michelle Obama didn't want to talk about personal things like her children.

You mean that it's understandable that public figures would want to protect their children?

That's interesting.

Mary said...

If Elizabeth is so concerned with family values why not bring up the fact that Cindy helped break up the marriage of John McCain to his first wife.

Wow, you Obama supporters need to get a grip. Really.

Is that the only way you think you can win the election, by destroying your opponent personally?

Not cool.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Hasselbeck should be fired, immediately.

Regardless of her political affiliations, she breached professional protocol and demonstrated a total lack of integrity.

Quite frankly I don't care if she loves Bush, this is business and she is unprofessional.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth is (1) dumb; (2) self-serving; (3) hypocritical. I doubt Michelle Obama's alleged "demands" (according to Miss Elizabeth) were anywhere near those Cindy Lou would have made on the spot if one of the girls on the View had asked her, "How did you feel taking John McCain from his sick wife...a wife who stood by him for five years while he was in the Hanoi prison?" Both Elizabeth and Cindy Lou would have asked for a "time out" and left the set in tears, horrified that the ladies on The View called both of them on their mean-spirited, clawing, self-deception. The only thing that would have topped this would have been for Whoopi to ask Cindy Lou: "Girl, weren't you afraid to meet John McCain in Washington for your trysts? That's where he and his wife lived. Didn't you think his wife was going to catch you cheating with HER husband?"

Mary said...

"anonymous,12:29 AM, September 10, 2008"--

You've debased yourself with your comments.

Unknown said...

WOW things sure got heated up here since I last looked. First of all why would anyone get fired for telling the truth? Why is telling the truth unprofessional? None of us know how the entire panel was told to "behave" that day but you can bet they were told to behave. I would guess they were not allowed to talk about Ayers, Wright and how they were able to buy the big house in Chicago for starters with help from the felon. I would have like to have heard her respond to questioning about attending a church for years that gives rousing racist sermons against white people. How do you go to a church like that on and on over and over every Sunday and then come out and say you are for all the people? I think maybe some people here should read some of the archives in the Chicago Tribune - because you are forgetting some important questions that have gone unanswered.

And why are you only mad at E when CNN and MSNBC reporters as well as others make "attacks" too? Why is it just the young blonde cutie that you are ticked off at? And furthermore calling her narrow minded (I call her opinionated) is no different than your opinions here, some of you seem to be projectig your own narrow-mindedness right here on this blog.

The View is a show dedicated to allowing the women to be opinionated. That is the road map of the show.

Then you blast Cindy and John for meeting the way they did, are any of you living with a Viet Nam war veteran? If not, you can count yourselves lucky-have you visited a Veteran's Hospital to see how so many of these men live their lives? None of you have one iota of an idea what McCain was going through psychologically back then. I do, I worked in a Vet Hospital, and many of my friends were in that abominable war.

Unless you walk the walk get off the talk, because no one here has a life that they can say is so perfect that they can be put under the microscope like any of the candidates have to go through and that is all 4 of them.

But keep this in mind, Obama admitted he used cocaine and marijuana - every one of them has something they are not proud of.

And what about his gaff this past weekend where he had the Freudian slip and said he was of the Muslim faith on TV? Was it a mistake? Was it not? I don't know but he sure said it. And George Stephanopoulas covered for him and reminded him he meant to say Christian faith.

Firing E for her comment is very radical since we do have a free speech amendment - you all have the right to not like what she said but to demand she be fired, gosh I hope none of you ever say something where you work that could have people saying the same thing about you.

The only people she got a rise out of are Obama supporters, and Obama has excited Republican's at times too - it is fair play in an election.

Oh and did you all know that Hillary was here in Tampa and she did not make one negative comment about Sarah? Not one. Hillary is not dumb and don't try to tell me she supports Obama!

Whew - ok I am taking my deep cleansing breath now Mary. I like your way of trying to make other's think, but it is hard to make ticked off people think - they want E's blood.

Unknown said...

I have been in sales much of my life, and we were not allowed to trash the competition. In fact studies were done that show trashing the competition back fires on you. What we did have to do was give fair balance. In every presentation we gave while talking our products up, we had to give a negative too. Well shame on both candidates for ever saying "You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig." McCain said it about Hillary in October on the campaign trail last year, and now Barack has borrowed the message - something he accuses McCain of doing recently LOL!

I just feel this was a totally unacceptable remark for either party to make but I am glad Obama stooped that low and showed his ignorance. It was ignorant when McCain said it, and it is doubly ignorant of Obama not to mention insulting. You all better be up in arms over that one as women. Very tacky!

I liked their fair balance messages much better - you know one when you hear one, like when they congratulate each other-that's a fair balance statement.

This statement puts the talker back in the slop, put your big boy pants on Barack and act like a president would.

Mary said...

Great advice, Carole.

Obama needs to act like a big boy. The problem is he's been spoiled.

With the media serving like overprotective parents, and his cult-like followers treating him like a savior, Obama hasn't grown up. He hasn't been tested.

It's really not that surprising that he and his campaign are imploding now that they're facing a challenge and the real possibility of defeat in November.

They can't deal with the real world, so Michelle Obama comes in with a list of untouchable topics.

That sort of thing flies on The View but not in reality.

Unknown said...

Mary I hope you can open this it is an article titled Obama's Woes Have Nothing to do with Lipstick

It talks about how his wanting to things his way are costing him like not having the town hall meetings where he could go head to head with McCain, and a lot else. Good read by Howard Fineman. I realize I am in the minority about the lipstick remark, I had never heard it before and still think colloguial or not it is trash talk. Elizabeth was cool with it today but Joy sure has an axe to grind these days and she really looked like a bull dog today. I am still laughing at how anyone could think E would be fired for saying what she did-but I was happy with NBC taking Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann off reporting and they were told to knock it off and they can no longer air their liberal views. Now what they said went way beyond one true statement E made.

You know what I used to vote almost always on the Democratic ticket but this time I can't and we are from Illinois!

People need to remember the GOP always comes up with something right at the last minute. Part of me thinks Osama Bin Laden will be captured right before the election - wouldn't that be something?

Anonymous said...

Personally, I'm not at all disturbed or surprised by EH or her unprofessional and unsubstantiated claims. Her antics on and off the air are typical of all pyschotic ring wing losers.

BTW, Joy Behar set the record straight on Larry King. She stated that she didnt know what EH was alluding to and that there hadnt been any conversation with MO about any topics being off limits.

Unknown said...

Makes sense - they don't have to worry about Joy asking good leading questions - those are rare moments. Would you tell a Democrat what topics to avoid asking Michelle - no. You would tell a Republican who would be asking the good questions though - and the list would not have been given out by MO - her people would have prepped the show days earlier. That's what they are hired to do - set the rules.

Unknown said...

I ran across some interesting stats this morning and I also tried to research if there are any stats about how many people 50+ switch parties from D to R (or back) and I could not but I did ask my R friends why they feel as strongly as they do, and it has to do with potential changes to the Supreme Court if a D is elected for the most part. I found that to be an interesting reason.
That being said 41% of American adults are over 50, the highest percentage in history. 80% of Congress is over 50. Half the American's who voted in the 06 elections were 50+. People over 55 have 77% of all the financial assets in the US. By 2011 the American 50+ population will surpass the 100 million mark. It seems the media focuses on the young voters and where they stand and they don't report the facts about us Baby Boomers and where our concerns lie. I bet the R party is very aware of these stats.

Mary said...

If it's true that the very liberal Democrat Joy Behar wasn't briefed on a list of untouchable topics and Elisabeth was told what she couldn't discuss with Michelle Obama, that's even worse!

Muzzling Elisabeth? Targeting her?

That should be the outrage here.

Unknown said...

Newsweek investigated McKinney's accusations in her email about Palin and came up with the facts - check the article. What I have to laugh at is this woman in Wasilla sends out an email without doing research and people believe her?

Gosh their are crazies out there with nothing better to do than start sh**!

Unknown said...

Who was it who posted here that E was just so sweet to Michelle - I would use the word gracious. Now what would we say Joy was today? 2-faced, speaking out of the other side of her mouth? I get a big giggle out of how everyone gets so indignant over how those women treat a presidential candidate or their wives. Go Cindy today, she walks on and they all shut down except Elizabeth.

Mary said...

Even lib media outlets are reporting that McCain was "grilled" and not treated gently by the women on The View yesterday.

I couldn't believe some of their idiotic questions. They showed no understanding of the Constitution and basic civics.

Unknown said...

Hi Mary - Barbara really sounded bad - I could not believe her remark when Whoopi showed her ignorance regarding the constitution and going back to slavery. What are these women smoking? I would think that after he and Cindy left they just shook their heads BUT WAIT - maybe they acted that way on purpose asking stupid questions than real ones about issues. I had not thought of that till now. And why were they asking him how he felt the day he returned from Nam unless they want people to remember there is a war now that many are not returning from? Could it all have been a spin? Is it possible they were trying reverse psychology? What do you think?

Mary said...

No. It wasn't reverse psychology.

Mary said...


I invite you to tell us what you think. Right now, what you're doing is leaving posts like the above all over my blog.

They are nothing more than spam and will be deleted.

Copy and paste from your site. Leave a link to your site. But your "This is what I think:" stuff won't fly here.

Anonymous said...

Does any body has a scoop that there was talk among producers of replacing Elizabeth Hasselback with Sarah Palin if McCain loses the Election? Is true that Elizabeth is on the line because the View is afraid to lose another Big name,Whoopi just the same way they lost Rosie because Elizabeth has been irritating an incoherent and deliberately trying to undermine these celebrities?

Jacq said...

Hey, sorry I'm late in this thread as I just discovered your blog. Hope I'm not too harsh in my comments, but hey, what the hell. Last time I checked we still had the first amendment right to free speech, unless that worthless lame duck president W took that away too. Yea, I'm a leftie liberal. Always have been, always will be. Never voted for Bush either time, so those of you who did, don't bitch about what he did to our country. YOU put him there. :lol:

Elisabeth Hasselbeck... NEEDS...TO...GO...AWAY She's like Kelly Ripa. I can't stand her face. Her voice annoys the piss out of me and everything she says is like..BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. I tune them both out as soon as the camera is on them.

Oh yea...GO' BAMA. So glad McCain chose Palin. He obviously thought the voters who lost Hillary to Obama were stupid enough to lean more to the right and support his old conversative ass. SORRY. We don't need another FOUR YEARS of the same old bullshit.

Jacq said...
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Jacq said...
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