Monday, October 6, 2008

King of the Hill: Going Green and Carbon Offsets

I'm a King of the Hill fan.

So far, the new season has taken a decidedly serious turn. While still funny, the topics haven't been.

King of the Hill seems to be trading in the fun for sending a message. I'm worried that it's in danger of becoming like those last dreadful, preachy years of M*A*S*H.

Last week, Bill was diagnosed with adult-onset diabetes. It was an odd episode -- Bill getting depressed, settling into life in a wheelchair though he was capable of walking, and then discovering life without legs was good. There wasn't enough humor and wit to compensate for the downer of the subject matter.

Now this week, the episode, "Earthy Girls are Easy," was about Strickland Propane going green.

When Bobby planted a pecan tree in the yard for his Earth Science class, he inspired Hank to encourage Mr. Strickland to adopt environmentally-friendly policies at work. Although Hank was sincere about taking steps to help the environment, Mr. Strickland and Dale jumped on the carbon offset bandwagon and exploited it for their own gain.

For a time, Bobby was very committed to helping better the planet.

Peggy said, "Oh, Bobby, it's so nice to see you thinking you're making a difference."

The episode mocked the notion of buying carbon offsets. It mocked those energy guzzlers trying to ease their consciences. It mocked Earth benefit concerts.

Eventually, Bobby became disillusioned and Hank did, too.

Nonetheless, they decided to nurture the pecan tree that Bobby planted in the yard.

I liked the episode because it exposed the scam and hypocrisy of purchasing carbon offsets, mentioning carbon offset promoter Leonardo DiCaprio by name. I liked that it emphasized the importance of individuals treating the earth with care, walking the walk.

That said, I'm hoping that next week's episode delivers entertainment, an escape, and not a message.

On Sunday evening, I don't need a sermon.

1 comment:

Green Topaz said...

That was a pretty good episode. I got a chuckle out of Dale explaining carbon offsets to Hank. You can get free carbon offsets here: